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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. In Canada we have Thanksgiving (break) in mid-October.
  2. No problem the more friends the merrier.

  3. My Cuan & Ethlin maxed out so nicely that they survived the Trabant onslaught (with the help of Fury & Libro staffs :)) You know that if they reach Phinora they you can't progress right? No my computer crashed (overheated) & i had to get every one of my files on it over again (including all my Genealogy saves):(
  4. My Cuan & Ethlin maxed out so nicely that they survived the Trabant onslaught (with the help of Fury & Libro staffs :))
  5. Inflation is so broken it's just funny. I'm on ch. 6 on it & my Skasaher doesn't ever get hit cause of Lamia's sword & everyone gets almost perfect level ups do to all the holy blood:). I haven't had a good chance to play it. It's sooooo fun though. How were the Cross Knights? hey, guess what, macellan is a level 1 general at chapter 15! What are his stats? The cross Knight's were ridiculously easy cause everyone gets such amazing stats (my sigurd maxed everything except Def & Res)
  6. hey, guess what, macellan is a level 1 general at chapter 15! What are his stats?
  7. Inflation is so broken it's just funny. I'm on ch. 6 on it & my Skasaher doesn't ever get hit cause of Lamia's sword & everyone gets almost perfect level ups do to all the holy blood:).
  8. Hey ALS how ya doing on the Binary hack so far?
  9. No i'm here just waiting for a good subject to come up.
  10. Actually I've only had teachers that have a good sense of humor, it was just fun for them.

  11. I don't think that you will care, but Macellan is very easy to train, I got him in chapter 12, soloed 12x whith him and he was level 11 with 80 exp! It's good too hear that your playthrough is going good,:) lord oujay. yes, macellan is awesome, I am currently on level 13 and he is level 12 Sounds like it is going better than expected.
  12. I don't think that you will care, but Macellan is very easy to train, I got him in chapter 12, soloed 12x whith him and he was level 11 with 80 exp! It's good too hear that your playthrough is going good,:) lord oujay.
  13. The only time it ever made my life hard was Kindergarten (spelling your own name) XD

  14. yeah I just wish it had more than 10 uses
  15. I kept savestate abusing but it just didn't help, Tiltyu is a unit I'm proud of though (On Genealogy of Tordo) she's awesome
  16. Little tip for Neir, lex has horrible Spd & Skl growths (my level 30 has 10 Spd, 13 Skl)
  17. What hacks are you playing? I've just been playing the FE4 genealogy hacks (they got boring, can't read japenese) so I started playing the original FE4 on my PSP that makes it more fun cause I play them everywhere now:) FE5 Binary, FE4 Inflation, Binary, Fala, Neir, Tordo. Those are literally all the hacks that I am focusing on right now (really freaky coincidence),I find Tordo the best (out of the genealogy hacks), what about you.
  18. What hacks are you playing? I've just been playing the FE4 genealogy hacks (they got boring, can't read japenese) so I started playing the original FE4 on my PSP that makes it more fun cause I play them everywhere now:)
  19. I've played it before & trust me you will never regret buying it.
  20. It's nice how there's a variety of topics here:)
  21. Yeah my mom went a little too far when she gave me both my grandparents last names xD

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