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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. It's okay when i was re-installing I came across a free Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade so now my computers awesome & I saved $300, yay

  2. You Magic would deal heavy damage. Your bonuses would prevent you from being doubled too. Though I'm too lazy to do the calculations...... I'll just assume I would tie some people & lose to any general.
  3. I wonder who I could beat here (assuming most people here could beat me)
  4. That's awesome I love how my guy turned out looking.
  5. Ambush+Wrath=NO Got it. Dragon Master caps. I'm tuning down all the forges bonuses to 5 per sorry. :/ Masamune that means yours too. Okay. It's good. Okay thanks for letting me know
  6. Hey ALS is my skill list fine or does it need a revision.
  7. Well then the most fair mixture of the skills I listed is fine.
  8. I would like Wrath, Continue (or whichever lets me attack consecutively), Prayer & if i'm allowed one more Charisma. Aren't you allowed 5? If I am then advantage would be nice.
  9. I would like Wrath, Continue (or whichever lets me attack consecutively), Prayer & if i'm allowed one more Charisma.
  10. Yeah I'm missing out on gr. 9 right now. I thought most people here went to school
  11. I know I've been home sick for 5 weeks now so I just kinda leave this webpage open if anyone's on.
  12. It seems like I've been the only one there for a while.
  13. Yeah it's not really completely confidential but that's not an issue since not that many people are here (usually)
  14. Yeah that's true, Honestly I have only been chatting online since 3 weeks ago otherwise I really am new to this (I don't understand half the acronyms all of you say)
  15. Why would he be monitoring anonymously? Who else could it be then? No i was asking why would he be monitoring, I wasn't challenging your suggestion of who it was.
  16. How do you celebrate Thanksgiving besides good food & family. Thanksgiving decorations and TV specials? Yeah that's true
  17. You have a personal tome that is as powerful as our Holy weapons. That's pretty good already. ;) Yeah that's true my Excaliblaze is pretty sweet.
  18. How do you celebrate Thanksgiving besides good food & family.
  19. Wow that's wierd mine just kinda demo'ed everything ( I had him kill a lot of generic enemies & promote early though)
  20. So that means your getting your over-powered Levin now, have fun.
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