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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. Yeah i see what you mean pahn. I just don't want people to drone on about FF7 Fair enough I see what you mean Pahn & I am going to scold people that are only here too talk about FF7 (if that even helps)
  2. Yeah i see what you mean pahn. I just don't want people to drone on about FF7 if it's just one small comment than it's fine with me :)
  3. Throw some catnip in a corner (lace it with sleeping pills) that'll get rid of him
  4. that does sound worse than a 7 year old. At least you can make a 7 year old go away by saying you saw Santa or the Tooth fairy etc...
  5. When someone is licking and purring at you, you know something is wrong. >_> You don't know that half of something licking purring at you :) I have 9 cats & a annoying 7 year old that follows me & acts like a cat
  6. hey everyone what's up. (I finally got my Wii repaired how sweet is that :) )
  7. Thanks now as soon as I get the all the level 4 limits I'll have my perfect team.
  8. Thanks so much BK666 :) now I can have my fav FF7 team ever Cloud, Vincent & Cid :)
  9. I don't suppose anyone could help me with Vincent. I'm trying to do a FF7 runthrough without any guides but I can't remember the last digit of safe box combo, & i can't figure out the last clue. So if anyone can help that would be much appreciated :)
  10. yeah Masamune has been around since game 1 or 2 (not sure which introduced it) but FF7 definitely made it a more known weapon, & your right Sephiroth is pretty sweet definitely one of the best FF characters ever.
  11. I don't know if that's creepy or normal here?
  12. Did I miss much or is it still about people's lovers?
  13. No Wonder it took me more than 1 day to get an angel ring from the thieves. Thanks for posting Vincent :)
  14. I would feel sorry for anyone who wasted Elixers during that fight :(
  15. your pretty lucky the first time I saw this fight I didn't know he wasn't supposed to die cause my guy was overpowered so I reset my system when I saw the super powerful meteor & then I found out I am supposed to lose.
  16. Final Fantasy Tactics did have a lot of great sprites but the summoner was definitely one of the best :)
  17. Yep i'm still alive & I'm gonna start chatting here a lot more.
  18. I never complained about my weapons, and I did fight. I also have much more post than anyone here, me, along with Imouto-chan and you, BK. Look at the posts. >_> AstraLunaSol 2095 Boner 1531 Pahn 1003 Amelia 878 Oujay 740 BlackKnight666 726 Juuza Amakusa 628 Ether 535 AmeIia 399 Masamune_Wielder 387 Top 10. That's when you have to get creative. :3 lololololololololol ALS you just post like crazy here
  19. my Favorite FF would have to be FFVIII, I thought the junctioning system was a big step forward from the Materia system :)
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