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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. Falaflame is mine. np I was just looking at the crossed out list & noticed it there.
  2. I don't suppose Falaflame's up for grabs or is that Harudoku's actual weapon here.
  3. Final Fantasy Legend is a somewhat unkonwn Final Fantasy series for Gameboy but it is incredibly fun I still have all 3 of my copies I got for Christmas last year (along with a SNES and a unused Chrono Trigger don't even now how my parents found that)
  4. I've beaten one and three. I never made it past Odin in two. :| Well you definitely missed a good Final Boss Battle against Aresenal (he's so hard), I'm glad to know that there are at least some people that know of the Legend series :) even though it was just called that for Final Fantasy's popularity in North America :(
  5. Yeah I'm suprised Nintendo moved the Crystal Chronicles series to DS I thought it just would've been GC & Wii games but it is a good game, at least their still developing FFCC games for Wii
  6. The stat sheets are pretty awesome though, I'm just happy to be in the top 13 (13's my luck number suprisingly)
  7. well I just hope that there is a possibility of moving up in the empire.
  8. Blue: Rarely active Red: Traitor Darker Red: Was never part of our empire Strikthrough: Banned So if people are rarely active do they eventually lose their positions or are those set.
  9. Maybe it was the whole Kimimaro using Bone weapons thing if not that then it's definitely messed up (no offense).

  10. Okay thanks :) 1.soul1112 2.AstraLunaSol-cross knight leader 3.Courfeyrac/Grantaire-Mage general<Who the fuck is this? 6.Amelia 9.(Dark)137 Phylosopher<Who? 9.Blaised 11.Blackknight666 12.The Black Knight 13.Masamune weilder<Welcome back 14.G.D.L<Who? 16.Tropius<lol pokemon 17. Rhythm<Wrong Empire 18. Celice of Chalphy<The same I'm glad too I am not the last person joined anymore :) (not that it matter much)
  11. Quite a few people seem to be supporting my Final Fantasy thread but that's about it.
  12. I got bored of this hack after I finished chapter 9 it was really hard especially if you get rng screwed which I did repeatedly. If anyone has really good holy blood pairings please let me know.
  13. I don't suppose anyone here has beaten Final Fantasy Legend I, II or III?
  14. Yeah I'm glad it's going well I'm suprised no one did it yet since there's so many Final Fantasy Fans on this website
  15. I am doing good actually it was bed rest so I wasn't allowed to use my labtop (major migraines & other stuff) but otherwise everything's fine thanks for Asking :)
  16. personally I think quite a bit of the Dissidia villians are lame with the exception of Jecht, Kuja, Gabranth, Kefka, Garland, CoD. Fixed. What do you mean, "What do you mean"? nm just ignore my post.
  17. personally I think quite a bit of the Dissidia villians are lame with the exception of Jecht, Kuja, Gabranth, Kefka, Garland. Fixed. What do you mean?
  18. personally I think quite a bit of the Dissidia villians are lame with the exception of Jecht, Kuja, Sephiroth, Golbez & The emperor if your against a slow character. (but that's just my opinion)
  19. Sweet maybe someday we could have a fight online through Xlink see who's better your Cecil or my onion knight :), especially easy since AD-hoc for PS3 was released on the PSN network a few days ago so now I can finally play Dissidia online (hope ya have a PS3).
  20. yeah but if you don't get there quick enough or miss just a tiny bit then your wide open but a Veteran Cecil player could definitely take out most people with just that combo & a counter-attack ability.
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