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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. Okay it was just an idea me & my friends were going to try but the GBA games are a lot easier to hack so I will go with that from here on out. Thanks Pukachi that helped me a lot.
  2. It might not match your tastes depending on who you are, but I do hope you give it a shot. I've been looking it up online & there seems to be a lot of variety in the game so it's just my game,(thank god too I ran out of things to do while i'm home sick)
  3. DS/Wii. Please, not another adept. i was just wondering my DS got stolen so i'll be able to play this after Christmas. I hope you will enjoy it. :') Hearing you all talk about it makes it sound like a lot of fun so I am looking forward to it.
  4. DS/Wii. Please, not another adept. i was just wondering my DS got stolen so i'll be able to play this after Christmas.
  5. Congrats. Manfloy got lucky. Levin only had 18 mag at Lv 30. ._. THAT is RNG screwage. You must have the worst luck for leveling up:blink: No I mean in the scene where Manfloy kills Levin. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=3gYiW49fCjs Okay Never mind then that was my bad.
  6. Congrats. Manfloy got lucky. Levin only had 18 mag at Lv 30. ._. THAT is RNG screwage. You must have the worst luck for leveling up:blink: They're talking about the cutscene sequences when you leave the game running without playing. There is a scene where Levin loses to Manfroy. I wouldn't know then I don't watch cutscenes in any Fire Emblem game except FE9-FE10
  7. Congrats. Manfloy got lucky. Levin only had 18 mag at Lv 30. ._. THAT is RNG screwage. That must really suck does he at least have high skill & speed
  8. Levin IS in FE5 though :) I mean as a playable Holesty user. Why didn't Levin die at the Battle of Barahara. He's fucking Holsety, tough to kill man. Manfloy got lucky with the RNG and killed Levin, he was then resurrected by Holsety. Oh that makes sense Thanks for clearing that up:)
  9. Levin IS in FE5 though :) I mean as a playable Holesty user. Why didn't Levin die at the Battle of Barahara.
  10. What Elite mode? After you click new game and your about to select a save slot press right-left-right-left-right-left-right-right & then on the main menu theres a new option for new game where all you characters have the elite skill & I think there's some other bonuses in Elite mode too. That's in FE5 only.... he's talking about FE4 okay I didn't know but thanks for letting me know. You were thinking of Sety then. Yes that's it I got Levin & Sety mixed up, (haven't played FE5 in a while forgot it's all 2nd gen)
  11. What Elite mode? After you click new game and your about to select a save slot press right-left-right-left-right-left-right-right & then on the main menu theres a new option for new game where all you characters have the elite skill & I think there's some other bonuses in Elite mode too. That's in FE5 only.... he's talking about FE4 okay I didn't know but thanks for letting me know.
  12. What Elite mode? After you click new game and your about to select a save slot press right-left-right-left-right-left-right-right & then on the main menu theres a new option for new game where all your characters have the elite skill & I think there's some other bonuses in Elite mode too.
  13. I like to give it to people who get + skill with a legendary weapon, like the other 2 manuals you get later. Sun was given to Levin for me, but looking at it again it would've been better on Sigurd. Tank Sigurd ehh? That will Help Celice later on...... Let's just say Sigurd doesn't get the hax avoid Levin gets, though Holsety weighs you down a bit in this. 10 Wt Holsety T_T They balanced it. What's Levin strength right now? 3 =( How is it your Levin came with only 3 strength. I have mainly played Elite mode so if there are stat differences then i'm sorry for the intrusion.
  14. what do you mean by solar (manual) Have you played FE5? yeah i've beaten FE5 but i never translated it I just kinda memorized what i needed to from the menu. It gives the Skill Solar Sword (Sol) You get it at Ch.4. Okay in that case I would just give it too your favorite unit, ( I always give special stuff like that too my main lord & my one Favorite character). Unless someone else really needs it.
  15. what do you mean by solar (manual) Have you played FE5? yeah i've beaten FE5 but i never translated it I just kinda memorized what i needed to from the menu, i barely beat the game thank god the final boss is horrible.
  16. Yeah you can't go wrong with those pairings. I wish they made a Fire Emblem game where they take 3rd gen FE4 Characters so you could characters with 4 holy blodds that aren't hacked. Btw, I really do mean an orgy. Well that's a twist I didn't expect still those are great MALE-FEMALE pairings:lol:
  17. Yeah you can't go wrong with those pairings. I wish they made a Fire Emblem game where they take 3rd gen FE4 Characters so you could characters with 4 holy blodds that aren't hacked.
  18. Lex/Ayra is one of the most common and best pairings. Hoish/Ayra is good too for the critical skill. Those are 2 really good pairings.
  19. You don't need to. The game already gives you Aless and Shannan. Your right Aless & Shannan are over the top awesome with their legendary swords. Thank you all for your inputs.
  20. Thank you for your warm and informative greeting Ike-Mike, I will be sure too follow the guidelines of the website. Final Fantasy 8 is my favorite. The entire PS1 series is amazing though:)
  21. Hey i'm trying to develop the ultimate 2nd gen character & don't know who I should pair for that. Any input would be helpful
  22. They are a undesirable class for both a physical & ranged teams unless you have amazing growths which I haven't seen yet I haven't played FE8, but I find Hunters far more desirable than Archers in FE3 & DS, and Rath's problems are himself (he has great bases, but huge availability issues).I found Mideel and Lester to be decent in FE4, certainly better than most Archers I've seen in most games. They're overshadowed by the fact that FE4 is the only game where Archers (Bow Fighters) are actually very powerful by nature. I'm on Ch. 9 of FE5 and just got Selphina, so I'll check her out. IIRC the mounted bow unit in FE9 is saved by Elite, and can get Axes on promotion. So mounted bow units are desirable at least half the time. Okay, Sherlock, thanks for telling me what I already know. In FE4 they are pretty good especially Lester with a good parent, I just usually end up only using my amazing units like Hero's, Lords, Masterknight's & Sages (those aren't the only good classes though there are quite a few classes just as good & some better)
  23. A while ago. We're just coming 'round to it again. Next, the RPing starts up again. I think. This is exactly the same as the other website I used to chat on it just ends up being a big circle of subjects. I just go with it & try not to offend anyone.
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