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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Petting Aqua will probably be quite weird...she looks so dignified, then you start the rubbing... >w>
  2. Yeah, I think there will be multiple endings. Maybe to get the best ending, there are certain actions you have to refrain from doing etc., and will probably invovlve keeping the siblings on the opposite side alive, imo. Hopefully there will be some depth to this...
  3. My guess is that the third route will have the Nosferatu as the focus. Whether you fight them or join them, no idea.
  4. Eh, I was surprised about her design when I first saw her, but I never really fawned over Camilla. Those Jigglypuffs are...unreal.
  5. Herro. I've lurked around before, but since if is coming out soon, I thought I'd join this place. I've only really started playing Fire Emblem last year, and have played FE7 and Awakening, so I'm still a noob lol. I'm really looking forward to if meng. I'll be getting that thing on launch day hopefully.
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