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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. The game is out in America, and we've had a taste of the English dub from the Treehouse demos and whatnot. So I'm interested...which dub of Fates do you guys like better? You can certainly state your opinion (I believe)...but try not to start a flame war. Surely, even a subjective topic can be discussed camly...?
  2. No one really had an answer on whether true hit is used in this game back when the Japanese version was released, for some reason. Guess the dataminers didn't bother looking? Anyway, I'm inclined to believe true hit is gone, but that's just me.
  3. I haven't actually seen people say they hate Silas, so I'm more inclined to think that they're just making fun of him by calling him "self-proclaimed best friend". It's almost a rule: the more a character gets made fun of, the more popular he is.
  4. Damn, I didn't know that... But Warp is so broken, not sure if I want to break the game on my knee like that.
  5. New evidence lol: https://youtu.be/NtW-fAeBoxo?t=1m7s https://youtu.be/fTGrPW2Iasw?t=14s I'm confident in this.
  6. I am highly convinced that there is an idiot who doesn't read any of the character notes in the FE support writing team. In Kamui's supports with Anna, Anna tricks Kamui into buying the same flower again using a sales pitch and pretending to be a different Anna. Anna comes clean in the A-support, then Kamui proposes to her in the S-support by giving her the flowers he bought from her. The first thing that comes to her mind is a new way to make money off those flowers. She even admits that she loves money more than you. Grey and Eponine, two rogues who dislike their fathers for their own reasons, happen to share a support. This blatantly obvious trait they have in common is completely ignored, and the entire convo set is just about Eponine stalking a merchant who talks to many other men. The S-rank convo has Eponine mistake Grey to be a yaoi shipper. From C to A, the support convos between Elfie and Kamui are all about Elfie eating while talking about her life as Elise's retainer. S-rank, she's still eating. Heck, we can even look back to some of the supports in Awakening, like Cherche and Robin's. None of these supports make much sense, nor do they really flesh out the characters involved, much less show their developing relationship. In Anna's case, if you don't already know her general personality, you would think she has zero redeeming qualities. Any fan of FE could have written better support convos than the ones I mentioned, as long as they ACTUALLY READ THE CHARACTER NOTES.
  7. As we all know, souls are reincarnated every 12,000 years because anime said so. "If we met under different circumstances, I might have joined your militia... And fought together with you." And then you load up Awakening and there you go You just reincarnated yourself "If we met in the distant future, and I'm in love with another person I can't be together with... Come for me, okay?" And if you married her, you probably also married her Same for the other two. Conclusion: ALL THIS TIME THESE TWELVE THOUSAND YEARS I KNOW AISHITERUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  8. Witch Ophelia with Orochi as the mother is soooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooood
  9. Back in my Hoshido file, I captured a Wyvern Knight early on from a skirmish. His name was Fals. He was just a lowly thief that I intended to bring along and sacrifice if need be. I brought him along on Chapter 10 (a nightmare with all those Ninjas, even on Hard), and he helped out a bit I guess. Mostly for tanking shurikens. Things were going well (in my 15th attempt or something), when reinforcements spawned. There were two Ninjas and a Bowman...and Sakura was nearby. There was no way I could get anyone else there in one turn, so my only option was to put Fals right in front of them to save the princess. At least he wouldn't die for nothing. But...he didn't die. He tanked the shurikens and dodged the arrow (around 75% hit rate). I was then able to get other troops to help mop up. On that day, Fals earned everyone's respect, the rights to carry better equipment and Vulneraries, and the title of Wyvern Bro. He continued to be useful for quite a while. In the final battle of Code Emblem: Kamui of the Rebellion season 1, our hero Kamui lost, was captured, and later had his memories altered by Garon so he would fight for Nohr. Everyone else retreated, but Fals suffered grave wounds and got separated from everyone. His Wyvern did not survive. He was later picked up and taken in by a bunch of bandits. Fals, thinking it was all over, decided to live the life of a thief once more, becoming a Berserker and learning Locktouch. One day, the bandits went to plunder a town; the same one that Foleo was visiting. They captured Foleo and held him hostage. While Leon and the others fought the bandits to save Foleo, Kamui recognized Fals, and ordered Zero to capture him. Fals, seeing that Kamui was still alive, decided to swear his loyalty to him a second time. While he didn't have his Wyvern, now that he could open doors and boxes, he was still useful at times. After Garon and Soulless Takumi were defeated and the war ended, Fals retired and lived out the rest of his life in peace. Moral of the story: We all need a Fals in our lives.
  10. Does anyone know if double RNG is still in the game? For the past two weeks, I've been trying to get through Chapter 20 Nohr.... and every fucking time, a hit rate that's over 80% will miss during a key moment. Like, I initiate an attack but the hit misses, the counter hit is probably gonna kill Owain, so I have Elise use the Freeze staff, and that 83% misses too, so I have Aqua dance Owain and attack again, the 80% misses again, and I'm screwed.
  11. Woah, I've never seen that before. I guess the Yatogami is kinda like the Core Drill. I forgot one: When you get rekt by Dragon!Garon, your soul gets sent to limbo, and you go back to old places, meeting dead people...and they make you pick if you want to go on or not. Marx: This time, it really is goodbye. Kamui: No, it's not goodbye. We're together, right? Marx: Right!
  12. I haven't actually heard about the Code Geass jokes, but now that I think about it, the story elements from all three routes can be meshed together into a Code Geass-like plot... Garon: I've been....WAITING FOR THAT! ...Probably not.
  13. I don't really know how the Ballistician class actually works, so I have no idea.... I hope we can though.
  14. Takumi is kinda like Rossiu I guess. He's pretty cautious, perhaps the most cautious among all the royal house members. Also, thanks for the praise guys... I guess.
  15. I don't think there actually is an equivalent... Garon is close enough I suppose. Damnit...I didn't pair Marx with Luna... If you make Luna a Bow Knight (which the game seems to see as "canon", since that's her class on the Hoshido path) then she can snipe with bows.
  16. The big brother that isn't your real brother, but believes in you (and is voiced by Kamina >w>) The Giga Drills The DLC And the main heroine who was originally a princess on the enemy's side, is the (canon...?) love interest of the main character, and dies after saving the world. Coincidence? I think not...
  17. I've been thinking of pairing her with Ryouma, but not sure if I want to do Ryouma x Crimson instead.
  18. Put em here meng. I'll try and see if I can translate that.
  19. MFW IT'S BEEN TOO LONG I'll go jump off some cliff or something in shame bye
  20. Kagerou is fucking cool man. I love her to bits. She's really calm and always reliable, but she isn't like overly serious or anything; she's human. She does sometimes go deadpan on you though, like during the Amie sessions. She's definitely one of my top 5 favourite Hoshido characters. Oh and jiggle physics. Her Strength makes Rinka cry herself to sleep, but honestly I would have liked her to be a bit faster...
  21. I just got Suzukaze and Rinka's S Support, and have Kamui and Suzukaze's A Support ready.
  22. Second Seals in Awakening were called Parallel Proofs too, so I'm using that name so people know what I'm talking about.
  23. Hm... I don't want them to be too strong as well... I just forged Hinoka's Guard Naginata and gave her a Strength Drop, which makes her attack power a bit more reasonable. Even before that though, I found her to be extremely useful. She tanks every single Magic attack you throw at her, mostly without even taking damage.
  24. I don't really feel like doing eugenics in this game. With Second Seals being scarce and expensive, it's kinda difficult to actually make super soldiers imo.
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