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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Hereby were posted trailers people had posted already
  2. Dang, I tried to do too much at once (also sorry about the weird things in that other post, it's too long the site blocks any editing) and now I'm slacking !:D Good thing I had some free time today... Okay so... Blue tome from the other video seems to be Elwind, weird... And Ivy is definitely quite strong... also, she has 3 range with Elfire, which is shown in her inventory as 1-2 range. Maybe her skill, maybe her class. Edit: Correction from kienquocsi, Elthunder is 1-3 range, hence the displayed range. Beyond that she has a Physic staff, hence the green range. Also I notice a Hortensia video as well. Though by the time I'm done writing... tell you what, I'll edit. Same class as Ivy, which I can't quite translate. She's a magic/staff flier just like her, except on a pegasus instead. Same movement of 5. Same 3 range with a 1-2 range tome. Not too much to say. Edit: Correction from kienquocsi, Elthunder is 1-3 range and they both have it.
  3. - Still not sure what that sword in Alear's engage cinematic is. It's not the Mercurius judging from the icon. - Immediately a new map. Seems very... Sacaean. Also level 19 Louis, that's not early. - Two new lances, plus a Spear. - Not sure who that Axe cavalier is. He doesn't seem to be riding a horse. People brought up a wolf rider, this might also be one. - Next, boat map. A lot here. - "Rosard", one of the girls behind Hortensia in the recent trailer confirmed a Dragon Knight (probably a wyvern in localization as usual). Can use two weapon types without being engaged. - She also has two skills, which I believe is a first surprisingly. And 6 move, implying that she's promoted as fliers normally only have 5, from what we've seen. - She's using a silver axe, and I'm not sure what that monstrosity in her inventory could even be. - As others brought up, Chloé looks different Even her mount. Might be a griffon. Also she has Byleth with her. - Etie also looks a bit different. She has Lyn with her. - I believe Ivy's here as well. She can use... staves, surprisingly. - There seems to be someone on that top right cannon. And they can use body arts. - Jumping ahead from stuff we've already seen, that axe user Diamant and Byleth murder is using a Steel axe... they are not messing around with these icons. Diamant is using a Silver Sword. - Deployment screen. Not seeing too much apart from Alear once again having B swords as a Lv4. - You get one less Str and Spd from equipping Marth's Ring with a LV3 Bond vs a Lv6 bond(from the reveal trailer) - A bit later, we see that level 4 bond gives +2 Spd. Something else than a stat might be granted at Lv 5 then. - Moving on, what looks somewhat new is only the top right of the usual windmill map I believe. - Divine Speed also gives Self healing from the additional hits, but only to dragon classes. Alear approves. - Guess we're skipping Leif and Roy when it comes to ring spotlights. That's unfortunate for me, but meh. - 13 Move with a bond 10 Sigurd Engage(so, +6), with canto... because why not? - He doesn't seem to give much of any other stats. He's the + Move guy. - His Signature Skill that we've already seen, Overdrive, seems fair and balanced as well - Celica's engage allows you to act(or only attack?) twice with half your attack. Obviously very good. - The warp we've seen already. Seems to have a 14 range limit here(same as last time with a bond level of 10 vs 5 this time), and you can only warp in a spot you can attack from. - The engage has additional tomes in the back, just like Vander's in the other video. I wonder if there's anything to that... - One new tome in the warp part. Name is not shown, though interestingly, it's blue, an unusual color for magic in FE. Maybe it's just lightning, though. - Oh, and new map ! Then again, what isn't. - Something's up with Framme(?) down there. Maybe it's her Chain guard ? You know, the thing from her twitter video? - We be killing monks, also. And warp Ragnarok still deals 1 damage to Céline, which is... the weirdest thing. - New scenery for the short dialogue scenes of the new emblems. Interestingly, Corrin's looks A LOT like the plains where Hoshido and Nohr fight in her dreams, and right after the decision. - Byleth seems to be in the desert. - Corrin uses the unawakened Yato. - Chloé is indeed on a griffon. Her class is Griffon knight. Not sure what that blue weapon (which is normally tied to Corrin) is supposed to be. - Corrin doesn't seem to boost stats much. Only HP and Res at Bond level 6. - The desert princess and some bow knight is here, also that weirdly-haired fist user from the other video is here too. - Vander can indeed use lances in his base class. - Framme doesn't have staves this time around. Probably didn't bring any. - Some enemy bow user has a weird purple sign, which probably indicates that he has a bow, since you're using a flier. - Oh also multi tiles monsters are back, also they're likely using dragon breath, which has a purple icon - Corrin's power, called Dragon vein, allows the creation of a 2 tiles healing mist. References. - New character why not, "Ember". A paladin. Also new map... I think. - Corrin's Dragon vein seems variable. Before is was water on a fiery map, here it's fire one snowy, dark map. Could be because of the user. Anyway, it debuffs in a checkboard area. - Difficult to say how, as the seen debuff seems to be from the black mist. - Another weapon from Corrin that I also do not recognize, at Bond lv 10. - Big dragon kamehameha as a signature engage attack, aoe damage and debuffs. Also, new map I think. Could be the previous fire map again. - Then comes Byleth, and indeed we're in the desert. - We're fortunate enough to get a focus on Godemarie(the second of Hortensia's retainer) who is a Hero. She has 5 move implying promotion, and can use both swords and lances. She has a Steel Blade equipped. Her Atk is remarkable. She's a "Backup". - Same for Yunica, who's a thief(and probably the purplehead we see in the trailer), and doesn't have any item whatsoever. She finally brings confirmation that Thieves indeed have 5 move, and the "Stealth" secondary attribute, just like archers. - Back to Byleth, his engage form is surprising. The purple motif is something you'd expect of Shez. He's engaged to Alcryst, who's a Tiruaru... I'm assuming Tireur, aka Shooter in french? Anyways, seems promoted as well, uses a Silver bow and half his inventory I've never seen. I do see him having Claude's trusty Failnaught, courtesy of Byleth. He's still a Stealth type. - Byleth seems like a support Emblem. His skill displayed here grants +5 Speed in two spaces around him. Broken rallies are back. And they do not affect the user. - Byleth seems to mostly buff Accuracy and Avoid. - His signature skill, yeah, is a four ways dance. Man. - Another thing is that we see a new proximity skill icon, which is later confirmed to come from Byleth. - Also Alear's proximity skill... doesn't seem to affect combat stats. Guess that boost Cramme got by moving close to them in his twitter clip was from his own proximity skill. - And finally Lyn, who brings back the green battle part, because there wasn't enough stuff to decipher already - This time around those are clones, and a "Chain Attack" text appears as they hit the enemy. - Ivy, who's barely recognizable here, is in a class called Tiamo. Interestingly while everything point to it being a dragon flier, it only has 5 move, implying she isn't promoted... or the class itself has less move. It can use magic and staves, and lightning tomes do seem to be yellow. - Alear has Lucina equipped. - Whatever this staff thing is - I think we have a new axe person. We can't see them well though. Also new map, who cares. - Back to Lyn, she can hit 5 times from 10 range with her skill, why not. Doesn't seem too strong at least. Her lowly target has a Tomahawk equipped. Also her current given bow is a Killer bow, which is a bit of weird choice. - Moving on already, we see that the map models don't look great. I guess we'll live. - Moving on again, I'm not entirely sure I can identify all of the engaged people in that still at 04:25. I guess there's Louis, Citrinne, ???, "Ember", and Merin(see later). - Man, how does Vincent do this stuff...? Moving on, stats screen for Framme. I'll keep it basic. B staves as level 8. Very bad Str. Mediocre in most things. Yeah. - Then Citrinne, who's a straight up mage. Much better stats line, although Build and Spd could be better. Confirmation that that yellow tome from earlier is a Thunder tome. Not sure what her skill does from the name. Also the Fire tome has 5 Mt and 95 Accuracy, if you must know. - Level 10 Bond Marth gives 2 Str, 3 Skl, 2 Spd, and Level 10 Bond Celica gives 2 Str, 3 Mag, and 3 Res. - There's a Halloween character in there engaging with I think Byleth. Potentially one of Ivy's retainers. - Apparently Giffon riders can also use staves : - New status effect different from Break, "Smash" (we be Xenoblade now, wait until their fanbase sees this). Alear inflicts it with Aymr, which is definitely fair enough. Pushes your target one space away. - Byleth also has a bond Level 20, a second skill, is promoted, has the sword of the creator and a weird Dragon Claw(given by Byleth it seems) - There's too much there, predictably. Alfred and Céline both seem promoted, and we see that Framme's passive does boost Alear. It's difficult to say in what way considering we have a level 20 Byleth involved. Since Cramme's gave Hit however, maybe Avo? - Not sure what that bow using person behind Alear is. - Reveal of the long haired punchy person, Seadas. She's actually our dancer, what are the odds, and she punches. - Veeery short screen of Mistira(dancer princess, who's not a dancer I guess). She's a Vigilante., 4 Move class, can use lances. Seems quite slow but with a ton of Def. Interesting. - Back to our noew resident dancer, she has 5 Move from the get-go. Her secondary attribute is Qi Gong, like Framme. - Showcase of another Dragon Vein, this time Ice. Creates pillars that block the path. - Also, new axe using horseman. I think he's that guy we saw shortly in the desert. Actually accounting for the bow archer, the dancer, him and his redhead pal, I guess we have our four desert retainers. Maybe. New character, Merin! A Wolf knight, uses Knives and swords. Unfortunately engaged with Lyn so we don't see that much more. - Has 6 Move, also yet another new sword in their inventory. Considering they can use a silver sword but not that, it's probably very advanced. They're currently using a Silver Knife, and have an unknown knife in their inventory. - We get to see Lyn's skills, and the icons are the same as Desperation(with a plus?) and Speedtaker, from Marth's Class in Fates. - Speaking of skills, Merin's first one is proximity based. - Merin proceeds to use Lyn's power to summon 4 clones around her(Also uses the Murgleis, much better), which seems to be how chain attacks can happen, aaaand... ... confirms that attack stance is back and I called it, moving on - New redhaired axe user I don't think we've see yet ... I think Anna's finally showed up. - Lot's of potentially promoted people but it's difficult to make out when most everyone has acted already. ... I... ... I think that's it. Imma sleep or something.
  4. Marth's Emblem spotlight notes : - Marth's additional Avoid that was mentioned earlier seems to only apply when you're attacking (we have counterexamples, but whatever I suppose) - Confirmation that Javelins, and thus probably hand axes, can counter at 1 range - Vander is an Axe Fighter in this footage. Some form of reclassing confirmed. Maybe that explains his different outfit, maybe not! - Rapier is basically what you'd expect. - Confirmation that you gain the same amount as SP and Exp if you have an emblem equipped. - The weapons floating in Vander's back are not seen elsewhere to my knowledge. Maybe a result of Vander being (normally) promoted... hard to say. - 45 Avoid with 11 AS is supect. Marth's engage likely provides some kind of boost. - Framme has a new Body art in her inventory. Seems to be defensive considering the name. She also has a Mend and Restore staff. - The skill Divine Speed allows you to attack one additional time. I'm not entirely sure why in some of this footage the third attack is halved, and in some other it's both the second and third. - Same here, she has 52 Avo when her AS should only provide 28. - As seen early with Sigurd, Engage forms get ougis of sorts. Marth's attacks on target 7 times at 30% Dmg. So 210% overall, which is not crazy on its own. - Members of the dragon tribe get 2 more attacks, for a total of 9 and 270% damage. - Glimpse of Rosard (probably not the correct name), though I think she's more present in the other video we got. - Demonstration of what Emblem Marth brings to the table. Vander has high avoid, Framme attacks 2x3 times with body arts, and as said above, Alear attacks 9 times with the signature art. - Last enemy seems to be an artificial creation of sorts. We've seen this in the past, though I've lost the image at the moment. Anyway, he's equipped with a Spear. Also - No Armor knight gets broken in this footage despite being attacked with WTD, confirming that there's something special with them. - Seen above, the blonde cavalier from the reveal trailer is there. Likely Diamant's retainer or something of the sort. Also Micaiah is unlocked already. - Many, many things in that quick Alear portion. - New map - Alear is in a different draconic class, probably promoted considering his stats as a level 3 - Also his Avoid of 74 seems a bit excessive, then again he gets 48 from his AS alone, so that's about 20 more than it should be, same as Vander and Framme. - He has one sword we haven't seen yet, plus what is probably an Elixir. Also has 5 Move. - Byleth and Corrin are here, although obviously that's a bit less hype considering the other video we just got - It's difficult to say if anyone else is promoted. At first glance I don't think so. Not on our side anyway. - Many enemies however seem to be tier 2. Also there's an enemy staff user, first one we got I believe. Interestingly it cannot attack despite being in range, implying he either doesn't have a weapon, or cannot use fists like Framme. - Probably much more. I'll move on to the other one for now.
  5. Boy oh boy. Well, time to get to work.
  6. His hair is really weird. It seems to have a variable number of red streaks depending on the angle. Wonder if there's anything to that, or it's just good ol' rule of cool.
  7. Missed that ! Yeah guess that really is an armor knight thing. Not a bad idea.
  8. Yeah, they're going all-in now, aren't they. Definitely a good time to leave if you don't want spoilers. Beyond the usual stats shenanigans (both seem very solid statistically, though they're also at a pretty high level compared to what we've gotten thus far), these are interesting because of context. The Snowy map basically has to take place in Elusia. And since the team hasn't changed much, this is likely part of, or directly following the Brodia Arc, which we all but know follows the Firene arc. Explains and confirms why the Desert royals aren't around in key story scenes, we indeed go there later. In general I think we can guess most of the progression at this point, lategame aside. There even seem to be one ring per country, outside from Elusia. ... scratch that last part, though. Someone in Brodia or Firene probably has Leif, if he's the next Emblem to be introduced. Maybe Alcryst, actually, that would fit to some extent. It's long been implied that Diamant has Roy, and then Lyn is in Elusia, which as seen above seems to be where we're going next. The only weird one is Lucina showing up there too... but maybe we simply don't obtain her then. Then our resident dancer candidate used Ike, so you just have to fit Eirika sometime around that part, and it pretty much works out. Also the second part of the class naming (which here are "Backup" and "Spy" again respectively) might simply be due to the Lord class being so inconsistent. Diamant has an Iron Blade in his inventory, also. That's a thing.
  9. The FE variation is in this one too. And maybe I'm bothered with the other theme because it's been used in most twitter gameplay segments we've had(it's the earlygame map theme, clearly). It's not bad, just very... familiar, at this point.
  10. By the way, we kinda have a music problem on our hands. This trailer introduced almost no new themes and didn't really re-use great/fitting ones to begin with. I think this might contribute to the general lack of enthusiasm. Hopefully the music's good in the end.
  11. You sure it's not Loumiere, Satsuma ? Kidding, kidding, I'm kidding. I may or may not be going crazy seeing Boucheron everywhere though 😛 Thanks a lot for what you do once again, by the way. If anything, this proves how far your translations reach. The villainous force seems rather constrained this time around. 4 big bads plus their leader, plus the Dragon. I know there's Elusia's royalty to consider as well (especially since we constantly fight soldiers from that nation), but yeah, that's a limited amounts of figureheads regardless. Actually I wonder if that sorcerer guy is the king. We're seeing all those princes and princesses, but there's definitely not a lot of focus on those nations' actual leaders.
  12. Could be a Superman kinda deal, aka they believe that's what they are and act and react accordingly. Idk I'm just spitballing. Mostly there's just... a lot to Alear currently. They already have two alternate forms (fused with Marth with shades of blue on their red strands, and then what we just got at the end). They have a personal weapon (edit : with two forms to boot). They can summon emblems. They have a strong partnership with Emblem Marth. A dragon form on top of all that... Let's say I've had my doubts, and this trailer didn't help.
  13. We see the mother's ears decently well during the pinky promise. They seem normal. Edit : Image was too big. Although everyone, I know Alear has dragon weakness and all, but... this may be misdirection. Thus far there's very, very little that's... dragon-y about them, and we've now seen quite a lot.
  14. Man, there IS a lot here. Feels like we just saw the entire cast. No Etie or Bucheron, though, so maybe not. Don't even know where to start. I'll just let Vincent do his thing.
  15. What what what what ... it's gonna be a long night.
  16. I can only calculate because they give us the AS and the avoid stats every time. The initial formulas for Avoid, Accuracy, Crit and Crit avoid have all been all but confirmed by now. (Avoid - ASx2)×2 is Lck(can be one more since it's rounded down). Then you substract that half Lck from Hit, and since Skl×2 will always be even, and historically weapon hit rates have always ended in 0 or 5, the result tells you which one it is. And with a rough idea of weapon hit, you get Skl. Can't tell attack power for sure though, to my knowledge. Although with all we got this far, we can guesswork them pretty well. The thing about the 30 crit avoid is that Framme's initial weapon gave I think 25 too? So it's just kinda weird. Pointless late edit, but Framme's weapon also has 30, not 25. Completely missed that from the japanese trailer, that's kinda funny considering how many times I've rewatched it. I do skip the talky bits though:p
  17. So ! Giant fabulous man. - Interesting looking skill. Nothing about him suggests a crybaby to me. I'm really curious what it does. - Low accuracy, high attack,...decent speed actually! 6-7 Lck, which means... Iron axes should have like... 80 Hit and him 9 Skill, that's what makes the most sense numerically. That's bit high but, if they're at 70, that means he has 14 Skill. Not impossible I guess? Edit: Nah, wouldn't match his crit rate of 4 vs a 0 Lck enemy. He has 9 Skl. I think we had witnessed that before, but I honestly don't... ... oh, it's in the reveal trailer. The very first enemy Alear attacks is a lance guy. But yeah, seems like it really rewards being offensive, and not the opposite. Wonder how Vantage would interact with it. The kanji is the same as... I'll just post pictures. ... Yeah, this guy's relevant today. He's the only other enemy (I think) we got stats for thus far, too. It's another "Backup" type, then. Still a weird name. I'm just assuming healing, a-la Azura or Dorothea, at this point. I've not seen anything else I could identify either. What else... - I guess they just confirmed we could tilt the camera again. Maybe we knew already. Meh. Edit: Yeah no we've seen that a bunch of times. People even pointed it out. My bad. - Enemy has 0 Lck again. Seems accurate in spite of that, but yeah, Slim Sword. ... wait. Céline had 42 Crit avoid with the Slim Sword, and lost 30 when equipping her Iron Sword. If that enemy has that 30 Crit avo bonus, how did this 4% crit rate happen? Or was that stat not crit avoid ? I think it was, though... ... yeah idk. Anyway I'm not... really seeing anything else. He has a Hand axe, but with an Iron axe also in play, we can't confirm if it's 1-2 range or not. Same thing with Chloé and Alfred in their clips.
  18. Bûcheron is the french word for lumberjack. Considering Firene is pretty clearly la France, yeah. At work right now, will look in detail later.
  19. It's weekly, there's... 7 unrevealed ones until Engage drops. ... with that being said, they seem to be doing more post-release coverage these days for some reason ? From what I'm seeing ?
  20. Well my day is ruined. Famitsu cover for the 12/1 edition is out, no trace of Engage. It's Pokémon focused, which makes sense.
  21. Your turn's coming, remarkably generic looking and unnamed axe guy I'm pretty sure almost no one cares about. I'm ready to be impressed, it's not a high bar.
  22. Vander is the only one with 6 move, Alfred and Chloe have 5. The former's a Paladin, so it makes sense. I like the fact that cavalry and especially fliers are now only one move ahead. Honestly there's reason to lower fliers even more, but at some point you're no longer making a FE game I suppose. Beyond that, I'm fine with smaller maps, but I don't like low movement. Just limits one's options. I'll deal with it, though. Also we've seen enemy thieves with 5 move. Or at least that's what they should have by deduction.
  23. Is there something in particular that makes you think that's what it is ? Also, the cover of the 24th of November issue of Famitsu has been revealed, still no Engage in sight. Next is the first issue of December.
  24. There is a chance that Alear can water walk while other infantry cannot, since that's often a lord thing. Why not call such a movement type "lord" then? Idk. Spitballing. It doesn't seem like there's a huge variety of terrain (to justify so many types) thus far either... The collection of classes I'm not too sure about, unless they've seriously simplified reclassing this time around. Or maybe you meant branching promotions ? Either way, not impossible, but why would they need to put such a weirtd emphasis on that, and why would enemies have it too... ?
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