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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Leif would have a ton of choices even as a swordlock, as Thracia has a lot of swords. Though many of them are Prf but it doesn't seem like that's a problem here Same cannot be said of FE6, FE7, or FE8
  2. Okay, looking at it on a bigger screen, I'm 99% convinced this is indeed the final chapter of Sacred Stone. We now have three chapters that aren't the ones tied to the character's ultimate weapon directly (River of Thracia, 3-13 and now this). Might not be a thing. This is kinda vexing, because I don't really know either and I consider myself a pretty big fan of both Roy and FE6(Lol at Vincent saying basically the exact same thing). The reddish blades are just weird and not something we see often. I even checked Al's awakened sword from the manga, but... doesn't seem to be it. They could have taken liberties when recreating certain minor GBA swords or something, not sure. It's also quite weird how... similar they look, to each other, and to the Binding Blade. Really curious what's going on here. This is not exclusively about this part, but you were on fire for this one ! Anyway Alear does have his Personal skill to consider. It might improve the effects of his supports by a percentage, or who knows what else. ... Or Pandoro's skill has 3 range (or more). In that case you have two enemies and a multiple of 5. A bit disappointed that supports only work from 1 range though. Also, I guess Warp Ragnarok is 10 range plus your movement, plus 5 if you're a flier? We've consistently seen it at 14, 15 and now 16. I'll try seeing if I can find a bit more later. Considering the very low speed and the presence of a closeby enemy with an offensive staff... Imma bet the Freeze staff is back.
  3. The most I can say at the moment is that it looks like the final map of Sacred stones. The first part of it that is. Thanks for your work both of you:)
  4. I've had a passing intent of trying something like this, but quickly gave up because of the workload of reviewing all the footage from every version of every trailer, and compiling it all. Thank you so much.
  5. I'll just point out one slight correction before saying what I must. Warp Ragnarok allows you to move to any tile you can attack from (1-2 range) within 14 tiles. It can not warp you to allies outside of coincidentally, from what we've seen. ... and thanks a lot for compiling all that ! There's need for resources like this considering the crazy influx of information we've been hit with.
  6. That's the easiest "touché" I could give you, guilty as charged ! ... but when it comes to that... the ??? in place of Marth's name alone has no practical reason to exist in the game. That whole setup reminds me too much of how Awakening's prologue is, with pre-built Lv 20 Chrom and Robin that are nothing like your own units. Though I won't try to justify the Bld and Weapon Rank, because you're right, that's be largely meaningless.
  7. I'm going to take the wrong side here and point out that Goldmary has a javelin in one shot, and a Spear and an Elixir in the other. The elixir could be a drop though, since we see that enemies have loot. In fact both could be and she'd simply have convoyed the javelin to make room. I will say though... that that isn't Ephraim's hair color. And Timerra somehow went from full bar to empty. And Sigurd's engage has its counter back at 4. There's probably an explanation for these too however. And there's a ridiculous amount that does match as you pointed out, more than we've had in basically any other scene. ... it also happens another time, with Timerra having a filled out "Ephraim" instead when Alfred has Sigurd. So chances are none of those are the exact same scene, but regardless... That's a lot. Too big a coincidence. ... ... Er... how did I completely miss that image? That's an unpromoted(capped) Alear with A swords implying weapon ranks do grow still, and this feels very prologue-y considering Marth isn't identified. Did we all miss that, or just me...? Also, you're all completely correct, it's Micaiah, in 3-13. Didn't expect us to fight the emblems themselves in those maps.
  8. Now for the nitty gritty. - We see Sigurd with a Level 7 bond here, and he does not have the Brave Lance yet. We've also seen a level 9 one in the recent overview trailer, and he did. - This remix is killing me, it's so good. Sorry. - We still aren't explained what Sigurd's second skill does. It sure pops up a lot. - Chloé having 100% accuracy with a Javelin vs an enemy on a forest is... weird ? She only has 117 total Hit. - We already know Sigurd give +1 Mov, Bld, Skl and Def at Bond 1. Since no characters with him equipped seem to have boosted AS, but they do have boosted Avo, this means he also eventually boosts Lck, or Avoid directly. - Chloé sees three squares around her in FoW, as do most units probably. - Also something seems to happen as she waits on a forest. I'm not entirely sure what. - The Knight Killer only has 2 less Mt than a Silver Sword. That should roughly leave it at 11 Mt, so it's pretty strong for an effective weapon. - We're back to rivers of Thracia, and everyone is stacked. Goldmary is a Hero with a Lv 20 Sigurd bond, and he has the Tyrfing. Again she has a second skill and a fourth empty skill slot. - Finally a glimpse of Eirika. - Alfred is promoted, and the class is named... Avenir? That's a french word for Future, or Fate(if this is even correct). It's promoted Cavalry, and thus has 14 Move with Sigurd. - Next we see a new map, a snowy fort. Merrin overdrives a bunch of cavalry and kills them all. - At first glance I'm not sure if this here is an important character or just a generic. I don't understand japanese very well, but I think it was simply about how Armored and Healing units can take advantage of Sigurd's movement boost. It certainly doesn't feel like Overdrive has a limit at the moment. And I agree that it's scary... although frankly, almost everything we've seen about Sigurd thus far is completely busted. My guess as to why this is Sigurd and not Celica is that they're revealing Emblems by series order, but you actually get Sigurd before in game, since Lumière gives you his ring while Celica's seems to come with Céline. She even mentions her name in her intro.
  9. So we just got a bunch of stuff again ! Mostly Sigurd related. To sum it up : - Sigurd's passive skill is Canter. It allows units to use their remaining movement after acting. - He grants usage of the Knight Killer, and also the Brave Lance. - Sigurd's Engage form passively gives +5 movement to the user, and +7 to Cavalry types. - His Emblem art, Overdrive, will go through every enemy in a line, damaging them all and emerging on the other side. - They then show examples of how such mobility can be useful for armor knights or healers. - The next two tweets just go over his Engage movement boost and Overdrive again. - The fourth one highlights cavalry units(nothing we don't all know), and the image confirms that forests still slow them down. - The last one confirms that any unit can use any ring. - It also strongly implies that ring equipping only happens in the battle preps, as we thought.
  10. Well... thinking about it backwards, if you don't double nor break, you just get 1.5x the damage. As such ironically, this flashy multi hits attack is potentially better on slowpoke characters
  11. So the teal tiles on the bridge are defense floors. They give the exact same bonuses as forts (it's nice because you can compare with kienquocsi's shot a few posts above). Anna has surprisingly low luck(4) and is using a Short axe, though interestingly it's not 1-2 range, and considering her... height, yet her not being weighed down by it, I guess they're an equivalent to slim swords this time around? Accuracy... probably 90, with ~10 Skl. It also gives 20 Crit avoid it seems. She has good HP and likely Str. The rest is okay to bad; she's level 7 after all. Edit : Honestly kienquocsi's right, even ~10 Str for a lv 7 Axe fighter is pretty poor. ... oh and she's an Axe fighter / Backup. Edit: For a quick comparison with Boucheron, since they're the same level/class, she has -1 HP Presumably -2 Str (20 - 16, minus the Mt difference between an Iron and a Slim sword, so, 2. Of course the difference isn't guaranteed to be the same) Presumably +1 Skl (I'm getting pretty confident about my accuracy numbers but, they're not 100%) Presumably -1 to 2 Spd (Boucheron is weighed down to 8 AS and we don't know by how much. I'm assuming not a lot since he's huge and it's just an Iron axe) -2 to 3 Lck -3 Def +3 Res ... honestly... unless she has incredible magic, or somehow Bld, or something... she seems surprisingly mediocre.
  12. Seems so ! And there is a skill activation sound plus a visual effect in that one clip, too. Didn't realize they had cut just enough of the top for it not to appear. It's even worse considering these are usually rounded down, and 30% almost always leaves decimals... That being said, clearly since we don't seem to have anything discouraging us from using it, if it does the job... especially on Alear...
  13. That's a family name. Those can be pretty much anything. It's not something you'd (casually) call an individual is what I'm saying. Céline, Alfred, Chloé and Louis on the other hand, you would. I personally know people named those. Cept Alfred. That's Batman's butler. Edit: Just to post something actually useful, here's a short video that's pretty easy to miss. It mainly has some unseen CGI here and there. No sound though.
  14. It is not, afaik. It's a french brand(of jewelry, etc). There's this theory that Firene characters are named after french fashion brands, and while Etie's case is a bit of a stretch, it definitely fits otherwise. Most of them also happen to be french names.
  15. This does match with everything we know, the only weird thing is that Break defenses does not show up at the start of the battle... and also that the number being displayed before the attack has even hit is weird; what if it misses, is the followup skipped? Perhaps just the chance to trigger a break is enough. That would also mean Engaged Marth can attack four times if they double and have WTA. Kinda defeats the point of his Engage Attack to an extent assuming there's nothing else to it. Edit : Also 8 times with brave weapons, which is still not beating Awakening, but if chain attacks do work the way I think they do... The Dual Katana did seem familliar(but I couldn't place it). The Wakizashi I'd never have even looked up though.
  16. Ahah, they actually did go with Boucheron, apologies Satsuma ! ... I know what it's referencing, but this feels like a constant attack by typo ! It'd be like... idk... if they called a character "Biird". Still a chance they change it in the french version I suppose... Ah well.
  17. People (Actually I should credit properly, Royk brought most of these up on GameFAQs) are starting to bring up that the reused maps we're spotting are suspiciously tied to regalia weapons that the emblems have been seen using. - The Thracia river is one map before you get the sword of Blagi(slight stretch), which is likely to be Leif's ultimate weapon - The Sacaean map is the one where you obtain the Murgleis in FE6, which Lyn uses. - The Shrine of seals is where the Binding blade is housed. - The Greil's Mercenaries fort would be a decently logical location for Urvan, which Ike is shown using on the Mural - Fates chapter 6 happens right after Corrin obtains the Yato. So these could be paralogues tied to the emblems. Maybe. I do wonder who Leif and Eirika(also Micaiah I suppose) could be tied to, for sure. It'd kinda suck for them to be less important than all of the rest, but we do only have one main character plus 8 royals thus far, and 12 emblems...
  18. Gotcha. Seems like something the enemy will take advantage of more than us. Sky's kind of the limit at this point, hoping for some Thracia goodness from Leif for sure. Roy and Eirika I'm mostly wondering what weapons they could bring, most emblems easily have several choices, but they... kinda don't, since Marth uses the rapier already. Maybe the Durandal for Roy and the Audhulma for Eirika? Speaking of time travel, we still haven't seen a trace of the turnwheel / DP(to my knowledge). This was a very well received feature (outside of some of us challenge seekers), I strongly doubt that it's out.
  19. They just throw glimpses of things everywhere. Forging, chain guard, armor knight break resistance, smash, chain attack(and there's a count to it? Why? What does it do?), offensive staves, reclassing, etc... It sure is a lot to keep track of.
  20. I don't know, we've seen armor knights not being broken several times by now. I think the common theory is that it's just one of their traits this time around. Engaging is one thing, but it would be pretty weird if Vander had to change class just to equip Marth's ring, since he's already an axe fighter before he engages here. I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to, can you be more precise? You're right... looking at the minimap she's probably that bigger enemy to the northeast; she's 9 spaces away at the farthest, so with 6 move plus Overdrive moving you four spaces ahead, I guess that works... The implications are very interesting, though. My focus was on the gameplay, but you're totally right, the new themes are awesome. Glad I was wrong to worry. Yeah, I may have worded it wrong, but that was an affirmation. I don't know about it being Alfred, I guess they could be wearing a different outfit...? Though looking at that cavalier in other footage, their horse doesn't look like that. Unless they're promoted or something, you're right, it isn't them.
  21. Pics of (presumably) Anna's map 3D model. She was partially hidden in those so I took another one. But since I didn't delete them before posting, they were still in the list and added automatically at the end. I meant Alear, my bad... although the Lv 20 bond remains interesting, along with the 4 turns duration. Previously we were led to believe it stopped at bond lv 10 I'm pretty sure. Yes, it is Vajra-Mushti. And yes, we did see a glimpse of Leif. Can't lie, I wouldn't have expected Eirika to show up last, you have my sympathies on that one. Also thanks for the kind words, although I really should have checked what other people brought to the table before posting. That does seem to check out. Good stuff!
  22. Wrong thread ... Don't know if that's been reported yet, but the official site has an additional country beneath all the others : Gradoron. The country where the Fell dragon lives, in a nutshell. Sorry if I missed someone bringing this up already. Edit : The symbol is the one in the Four Hounds' background also.
  23. Don't know if that's been reported yet, but the official site has an additional country beneath all the others : Gradoron. The country where the Fell dragon lives, in a nutshell. Sorry if I missed someone bringing this up already.
  24. I kinda assumed that's all we were getting today(^_^') A lot of this is outdated already. There's a bunch that isn't, though. I think it's from Gaiden too, it's just... I mean this ability could totally have had a much harsher side effect. It's very likely Alfred, they have very similar models and were hidden by Corrin's textbox. Jumped the gun, wish I could edit. Same, yeah it's a dancing dude. Also that bow knight is not a retainer. Stuff like that. Thank you:)
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