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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. I'm late Well since I'm around at this time of year for once... Merry Christmas y'all 🙂
  2. That was my understanding, though my quick math definitely wasn't up to the task. With how little use it sees in FE6 on average, there is actually a real chance a missed triangle has yet to happen by accident, then. Across every single playthrough of this game. Crazy. And yeah I just didn't assume triangles rolled rns at all, since they disregard numbers completely.
  3. I've heard of that. Interesting that triangle attacks still burn at least one rn when by design there's nothing random about them. Has anyone ever had one miss? You'd need two 100s in a row, right? Edit: just to be clear, I mean having a miss on record. In any case, I guess you're right. I can't really think of anything else, and manually burning rns did change the result. Tell you what, I'll just put the video in the op, it's funny to look at if nothing else. I just didn't want to blow this out of proportion just in case the explanation was common knowledge.
  4. That'd be why Tomas was included in the Smaaaaaaash reveal. Makes sense.
  5. Anyone knows what that's about? I have video footage too if needed. Edit: Added the video. Sorry that I meander a little, this is part of me recording every boss being triangled to death, and I wanted to keep track of the numbers. I hit the record button completely unaware that this would/could happen. (Just to not bloat the thread with images, this alone shows it because with the crit animation taking place normally, the main unit strikes later. Here it didn't happen and I dealt only 20 damage)
  6. Right, the ore is a good point, though fortunately it's not strictly necessary as a regular Steel has 9 mt and Corrin should be closer to 20 Str than 11, plus other aspects can be higher, like weapon rank(+1 damage per rank over D for swords), or the pairup. And you're misunderstanding, I'm not assuming anything except like, Oboro or Rinkah being over level 13, and Corrin, idk, over 15 depending on boon? Obviously this thing implies preparation, it's a challenge. I've addressed the crit, Garon has 20, it's tight but you can negate it. He has 56 Atk but WTD from Rat spirit lowers that to 53. With +5 HP and +2 Def from tonics, plus Sakura's passive, plus Corrin's passive(because that also applies as an attack stance partner), and 15 AS or more(again, tonics can boost that if needed), you need 43 natural defenses to survive a round against him. That's not crazy at all, Oboro and Rinkah are just good candidates because they can tank with WTA from range which helps a lot with the positioning. There are definitely other ways.
  7. Just in case I wasn't clear, I've done this. It's definitely not impossible. Corrin can easily reach 29+ physical damage at that point. There's Hinoka's passive and the attack stance partner can be paired up, plus tonics, plus a steel forge, plus WTA plus at least C rank sword. That's 2 + let's say 2 from the pairup(archer or something) + 2 + 11 + 1 + 1 = 19. Having a 11 Str Corrin by that point is pretty easy, and I'm being conservative with the numbers here. And yes, the tank will deal 0 damage, that's expected, their role is to trigger the dual strike and survive. And I was looking at Lunatic stats I'm pretty sure. To be honest, just using pairup is much more straightforward and boring, but that's kind of Fates in a nutshell.
  8. I know, but Sakura's personal skill also has two range, so if you attack from range yourself... technically both Basara Oboro and Oni Chieftain Rinkah can use rat spirit for crit mitigation(and WTA). But, that's still some crit unaccounted for and you'd have to evacuate both the tank and the attack stance partner, which doesn't add up. A Corrin backpack + a bronze forge might have been what it was then? At B support every -Luck Corrin gives +3 Def. Garon has 29 Def and 26 Res though, so idk about that... Either way, surviving is absolutely possible. Then it's only a matter of dealing at least one damage. Edit: Forgot that Attack stance can grant Crt avo as well, notably Corrin's at C rank with most boon/flaw combinations. So Rat spirit + 10/2 Lck plus the aforementioned 5 Crt avo cancels out Garon's crit completely. You shove/swap Corrin at 3 range, attack with the tank at 2 triggering Corrin's dual strike, move Corrin out of the way since their turn wasn't spent, rescue the tank with Silas, dance Silas with Azura from out of range, move Silas out of the way, and voilà. ... Corrin's damage will be divided by 4 though, so, you know.
  9. Yeah, as Imuabicus said, you don't get beast effective weaponry yet. Ryoma, Scarlet, the beast killer, all are in ch 14. From my experience, Garon is about dealing chip damage until death, which isn't particularly interesting. With Sakura around and HP+def tonics, a few early-promoted units can barely tank him on a regular playthrough; from there you can exploit attack stance to apply damage, fall back, heal, etc. There are more ways around Xander but he's definitely a big challenge still on luna. Usually these are side goals, which you're not preparing for the entire time. Even if you were, idk, the preparation becomes the challenge? There's not really anything wrong with that either.
  10. I'd say Xander definitely fits the bill as well, especially when you have the option to end the chapter immediately, skipping both. Garon is statistically much worse but you can take your time, while Xander is still very dangerous and rushes you. FE5 has a few more candidates overall(Reinhardt with Saias still around, Olwen and Fred with their invincibility flag, Galzus in the petrification chapter), but they're usually pretty specific. FE7 has Kishuna... except you do have to kill him and he's a pretty good showcase of why you shouldn't tie rewards to challenges like these. FE10 has like a dozen of them, particularly when you fight the Dawn brigade(the BK and Nailah in particular), but also Ike in that one DB defense chapter.
  11. I'm not sure I agree with even that much tbh. You're still punishing the player for doing nothing wrong, which at its core is a pretty bad idea. And this still encourages overly defensive strategies, at least on its own. This encompasses my stance pretty well however. I can agree that same turn reinforcements/tripwire reinforcements have redeeming qualities. But they're still not worth it in the slightest. I don't think them coexisting with the turnwheel is a satisfying solution at all either, though that seems fairly universal. I really liked the no-exp reinforcements Conquest throws at the player at points, btw. I feel like that fixed a lot of the balancing problems reinforcements tend to pose.
  12. I don't know if I'd want it, actually, and I love fighting games. Like others here, I've basically been burned one too many times when it comes to FE representation in spinoffs or whatnot. There is also the concern of T-rpgs and fighters being two niche genres to begin with, with little overlap in terms of appeal. In other words it likely wouldn't sell well. If we were to assume money wasn't a concern, everything was perfect, everyone was pleased and general Smash fans gave us their blessing... I guess why not? Right? Why not.
  13. Riiight, the whole conquering of the world was her plan as well. Also I should really have rewatched the other cgi before saying that. Frankly I think you did great. That was just a lot to absorb at once is all.
  14. Have we actually been in Askr for that long? Or did the relic exist before or something? Thanks for the writeup in any case, I think it was just detailed enough. Although... it doesn't feel like Eitri was primarily antagonistic or anything? If it's exclusively the crown that transformed Fafnir(that yes, she cursed it but didn't put it on his head), that is. Yes, "killing" people through summoning sucks, but that doesn't feel like the focus here. Also it took place way before this part of the story. A'ight, that does answer my question too. Thanks!
  15. I did watch it back then. What I mean is that this felt... different to me. Last time, several characters, considerably less dialogue, music, things happening. Shorter length too. Then a tease of Book V. This on the other hand, felt like the conclusion of a 80 hours long RPG. Made me wonder if they went for something weird, or if book V took the plot in another direction and this is completely appropriate. My question was genuine, I won't really know if you guys don't want to tell me. Well, maybe I will eventually.
  16. Who is this child with extremely, extremely long hair and why did they just release a high budget video of her talking alone for three minutes? You know, I get why it happened, and that it makes complete sense financially, but I lament that this very, very talented animation studio is stuck on Heroes like that. As much as I see the parallels... they just messed up a re-release of GTA3, highlighting that yes, everything ages, not just Shenmue. I declare that it is now time to cut it some slack even though it's likely dead anyway Snarkiness aside, was the plot of book V actually good? From my understanding book IV was only okay, and I don't remember it getting anything like this.
  17. Post timeskip for me. I like how striking it is, that she exudes an aura of danger like very few female FE characters ever have. Not sure which I like more between the regular and emperor one, though. The color unity of the first one is great, but I like how battle ready the emperor design looks. High heels aside.
  18. Yeah, that's fair. Didn't have PoR in mind. I think we can thank the nerf to 1-2 range for that. Either way, it definitely is less good than in Awakening, but it still enables some truly silly stuff. Ryoma in particular likely wouldn't be half as reliable without dual guard. Part of why I lament this is that the choice between Pairup and Attack stance could genuinely have made Fates' general gameplay even better than it already is, if it was less one-sided. But I agree that it could definitely have been worse too.
  19. Idk, I'm bad at ranking things. I love me some Grandia (any of the four), though as someone else said, these games rarely reach their full potential. Still highly recommend them if you care about the combat... most of them. Avoid Extreme. Baten Kaitos Origins is pretty fun and dynamic to me, although once you figure out how effective discarding cards is, it can become a bit repetitive. I'd still say it's among the best out there. The first Bravely Default has amazing boss battles on the top difficulty, long as you don't abuse Stillness once you get that. Plus you can disable random battles. Tales of multiplayer can be a pretty wild experience, on the few of them that don't have a completely disfunctionnal camera. To my knowledge it's not something you'll find anywhere else. Makes it all the more unfortunate that they dropped it, though I can see why they would. Xenoblade combat is very, very fun to optimize. But it is remarkably repetitive even within this genre, and can be kinda slow. Golden Sun's is another with great potential. Summons break bosses however, and it's definitely one of those "mash A" JRPGs during random battles. Incidentally, it's a spiritual successor to my favorite game of all time(which I won't bring up here because its combat as a whole doesn't stand out that much). Many have brought up Mario RPG, and I sure enjoy Mario & Luigi a great deal. Wouldn't call the combat the best out there because things are kept a bit too simple for my taste, but everything around it brings me so much joy. Megaman Battle Network(1,2 and 3) I played way too long ago, and can't even remember the best and worst parts of its battle system. But conceptually it was pretty great. I've only played SMT IV, and while I loved a ton about it, the combat wasn't really a highlight for me. Getting double actions for using the right attribute seemed too forceful, a bit like the criticisms you sometimes hear about the weapon triangle in FE, but magnified. Additionally, while the game rewarded good team building over in the moment decision making and there's nothing wrong with that... the team building itself also felt kind of arbitrary, as you move from demon to demon so fast that I never really felt in control of what I was working towards from one hour to the next. Need to give the series another shake at some point, the writing sure was top notch.
  20. Fates' would be pretty close to balanced in my book if it didn't include dual guard. Complete invincibility every two or three fights, while difficult to plan around(which... isn't really a good thing either), is just way too strong.
  21. Don't have too much to add to what's been said already(in fact I went through a bit too quickly, sorry if I repeat anything), though I'm tempted to say Skill/Dex is at its absolute worst in this game. It's limited by the formula for accuracy(and even more so for magic), which there are multiple practical ways to stack more of to boot. A character having next to no dex at max level, while not an actual thing, would barely be a problem on a lot of builds. A minor one but ice magic is usually reserved for high level anima/wind spell or siege. In this one while we have both namesakes at once, they're pretty terrible, and usually seem like filler for characters who clearly aren't meant to be mages but needed a spell list like everyone else. The concept of low hit, low mt, low uses, high crit spells is difficult to make good use of. Maybe I haven't tried hard enough. Arguably wind magic is also close to the worst it's ever been, but it's typically quite good, so that's not saying as much. "Pairup" is definitely at its worst, but only because it was broken before. It's still very useful here. ... finally there are the Hero and Lord classes, which aren't unusable nor necessarily at their worst ever(lord especially not), but bring so little to the table that they may as well not have been there.
  22. Absolutely, and I've said as much. Then again, let's be real, this is generally not a major factor in how we as a community evaluate... Fire Emblem things. It doesn't make you miss out on more valuable resources, and it doesn't waste many turns. That's usually the bar, isn't it? Just to put things back on the context track, this was to prove that Rinkah isn't reasonably doomed to be at E-rank in Ch 7. That's it. If the question has now switched to "is there a way that'd be fun to me to accomplish that?", then idk maybe not? Doing it will not magically repair your 3DS's R button, either.
  23. I do restart every time myself, but it's not unavoidable tedium, and easier to re-do once you've figured it out once. So overall it's not that bad.
  24. Corrin I believe is considered promoted and cannot get much of any exp in ch5 on luna(aka 1exp on everything 'cept by killing the boss, which by all means they should), and Kaze, Sakura and Azura get nothing less by going with the "Rinkah" method; Kaze gets more wexp, in fact, because he attacks a lot more. Corrin can build Dragonstone wexp to be fair, but they start at D and the highest rank dragonstone, is rank... C. And it comes much later. Many puzzles are only complex until they're solved, especially with the internet and all. We're also talking about a part of the game you can skip, reapplying the same results again and again the moment you've done it once. Ch4 is a bit of a different story because someone has to visit the village and that person, who cannot be Kaze because you need the +1 mov pairup as often as possible, won't get to participate all that much in the first half, and if we're being honest, shouldn't be Corrin. So there's that. Rinkah starts one space ahead though, I don't remember if that mattered or not.
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