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Everything posted by SageOfAnys

  1. Most of Team Shanna seemed to have stocked up on flags hoping to capitalize on late multipliers (like me). However, once it became clear we would be getting absolutely NO multipliers, a lot of us hit panic mode and just spammed everything at the end. I'm guessing most of Team Takumi spent their flags on early mulipliers because they're rarer for the larger team, meaning they didn't have enough ammunition to counter
  2. I joined Shanna in the beginning as a feather mercenary because I really stopped caring about VG after the last one, so I can't really say I'm incredibly happy about her victory. Just incredibly shocked. HOW I guess not spending those flags on the earlier multipliers was a boon :/
  3. The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. The silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom." Priestess/Hierophant, with Priestess winning out only by 2(!) points Priestess actually fits me quite well, and the Hierophant would too if it weren't for the associations with the divine and past.
  4. Wow, that happened? It's kind of dumb too because the close match of the game was with Elise and Priscilla. Lachesis didn't really pose too much of a threat IIRC. Unless this is proof IS tilted Elise v. Priscilla too *Puts on tin foil hat*
  5. Exchange badges with sacred coins (or a combination of both) and it would feel like a fine consolidation for the game mechanics weirdness. There will still be salt, but hopefully in diminished amounts.
  6. That just emphasizes the current situation: going to the underdog team because lolfeathers. The current issue is that siding with the juggernaut/more popular team has no benefits: Ranking is harder both team-wise and cumulative due to the lack of multipliers and more people on the team. And there runs the risk of not even earning the 500 victory feathers. First round of this gauntlet, I had a good chance of walking away with only 500 feathers because of the multiplier swinging in Fae's favor. If anything, there needs to be more rewards for popular teams that get screwed over by the multiplier, as those are the people that lose out most.
  7. First multiplier-bashing, now conspiracy theories? What will VG bring to the table next? No but seriously, does anyone on Team Corrin know what happened with the last multiplier? Or was it really dev meddling? Both teams underperformed, but Corrin significantly more...
  8. Good game Team Corrin, hope you enjoy your feathers! Hopefully next gauntlet is less... volatile. It's never going to improve, is it.
  9. Ironically, Ninian scored UNDER the prediction. So did FCorrin. Did FCorrin underperform last multiplier or something? Also turns out I only made 7,800 feathers this gauntlet... still better than the healer gauntlet. >.>
  10. Rank 61,551 for cummulative (1,400), 7,871 for Team Ninian (2,700), and 500 VICTORY FEATHERS HUZZAH
  11. Rank 61,551 for cummulative (1,400), 7,871 for Team Ninian (2,700), and 500 VICTORY FEATHERS HUZZAH
  12. Only if people on Ninian rally REALLY, REALLY hard. We managed to make over 1.2 billion w/o a multiplier last round, but the predictions show us losing even if we make over 1.6 billion.
  13. Okay... I know I said earlier I wouldn't care that much if an upset happens... BUT I HAVE ONE EXCEPTION TO THAT STATEMENT NOW. And that's if this turns into S!Frederick v. S!Gaius again. I cannot tolerate knowing that a few extra votes would've made Nini win. ;_;
  14. Got my last battle in! Final score is 902,140 and I'm left with 0 flags! Could've contributed more earlier, but I ended up missing half of the 11AM bonus due to work and was forced to spend most of my flags on non-multiplier hours. Quick shout out to @JSND Alter Dragon Boner's Brave Roy. I don't think I got anyone else on here for my gauntlet allies though, unfortunately. Was waiting for someone to post this. VG ruins friendships and sleep schedules, I tell you!
  15. While some people only wanted closer matches, I believe the general consensus was that people wanted people with "roughly" equivalent popularity. For example (and for hyperbole), pit Sain and Kieran against each other, not Lyn and Glade.
  16. I actually no longer care that much if an upset happens? I guess I somehow got jaded... that was fast. The only reason I would be upset now is that Corrin won the 2 gauntlets she was in.... and that Leo continue to loses all the ones he's in.
  17. Why not more gacha, but with FEATHERS. Costs 100 orbs to play.
  18. Corrin wins by ~900,000,000 points. Entirely possible considering Corrin managed to steal back over half of Ninian's lead with only the 7.4x multiplier (but then again, Ninian's predicted hourly gain on the score tracker is too low). Really at this point, it all depends on Ninian's flag output. If a lot of team Ninian spends their last flags on this hour, Ninian might stand a chance. Edit: Nvm, tracker changed. Corrin still wins with by a much smaller margin (~40,000,000) Ninian's victory still hinges upon how many people will spend their flags. People better be willing to spend Light's Blessings on this, dammit. We can't afford to lose any points anymore.
  19. "This is it, our final battle!" Team Ninian, rally your flags! Team Corrin taken over half of our previous lead, we must fight for our Lady Ninian! Onwaaaaards!
  20. Just spent 200 for this 30 minutes, have exactly 400 left for the final hour. They'll get a boost from a Ninian lead too. We came this far, we can't afford to lose now!
  21. Ending off the round with 396,770. Now I can FINALLY leave the app without worrying about an upset. Watch me still not rank somehow.
  22. Well it doesn't for me. So why are you saying it's a problem. It's a problem for you. But not for me. So stop trying to force your mindset on others. It's frankly annoying and I'm already frustrated by your negativity on this thread. Seriously.
  23. I don't think the way I play is "problem" It's just the way I play. And I like having lots of different 5*. How is there a problem with that?
  24. I actually have a list of 20+ Heroes I want to 5* eventually. If I were in their shoes, I'd be spamming flags like no tomorrow.
  25. Honestly, I don't even know why you thought Ninian wouldn't get the multiplier. A lot of people in MCorrin are there for feathers (unfortunately. Poor MCorrin, gets way too much hate) and of course they're going to exploit one of the largest multipliers possible.
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