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Everything posted by DefyingFates

  1. This will likely ruffle a lot of feathers, but I think it'd be nice to get a "World of Steel" banner where Heroes dress up in modern clothes, even if it's just a one-off seasonal a la bath towels and picnicking. Just so we can finally get more of Kozaki's "Modern AU Lucina" if nothing else.
  2. Thank you very much! I'll just keep the +Spd one then. Thanks again!
  3. Thank you! I actually did mean Fallen, I just forgot what his Prf skill was. My bad! I assume the same logic applies and +Spd is still better though?
  4. I'm not really sure which option suits her better, but you said the Charge makes her better for offensive builds, right? Also, which is the better boon for F!Dimitri, Atk or Spd? I thought it was Spd at first but now I'm not sure which goes better with Atrocity. Thanks as always, everyone!
  5. Thanks as always Ice! Was my idea for a No Quarter kit worth building too?
  6. I'd like to get your opinion on a F!Alear build I found in Arena yesterday: It's the GLR, Buffer + Pledge combo in particular that stands out to me. Do you think the +1 charge from Pledge is enough for GLR to be worthwhile? I'm hoping she's on the Engage HoF myself, but I was thinking of something more offensive based on Ice's recommendations a while back (e.g. No Quarter + Potent 4/ any Dodge 4 + Incite Atk/Spd). Thanks in advance! P.S. I don't have Emblem Marth.
  7. Thanks! I have New-Sun on her at the moment, I'll try and get Dragon's Stone if it shows up later. I... may have gotten Atk/Spd Pledge instead when I had the chance, forgetting Moonlight Stone has cooldown charge built in 😐
  8. Is Dragon's Stone the best generic dragonstone in FEH right now? I'd like to pick it up for HF!Corrin in HoF if so. Thank you in advance all!
  9. So Potent doubles as a way to future-proof units against Spd creep too, in other words? That gives it some extra value I think, even if putting it on a current speedster won't mean anything for a few years (or even just one year, if past trends continue). Thanks again!
  10. @Ice Dragon So is the tl;dr: for Potent 4 that it's good for units with mid-Spd to keep up with the current meta, but the extra 40% hit isn't worth missing out on Tempo or Dodge skills for units with high Spd? Thanks in advance!
  11. Quick question: @Ice Dragon said Scion Nanna's Spd was decent, but is it good enough to give her the Spd refine for Arcane Charmer or should I stick with Atk? Thanks all! (P.S. Arcane Staves have 8 different refine options: Wrathful/Dazzling + Atk/Spd/Def/Res! https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1avui2g/headsup_arcane_charmer_has_a_total_of_eight/)
  12. Gotcha. And thanks again! If Rosado starts breaking my pities I'll know what to do with the spares!
  13. Probably a consequence of the Book VI ending being those two at a tea party. It is nice to see non-Alfonse Askrans do something though. As for the ship... I hope they don't do anything blatant with that while Veronica still looks like a 10 year old. Lif + Thrasir only worked because they seemed to be a few hundred years older and what's a 6~8 age gap then? It either means she's going to die or she's being kept back for the midpoint trailer. 😄
  14. I take this to mean he's best as a mixed or enemy phase unit? Since A/D Clash is easier to get I'll opt for that for the time being. Hopefully we get Alarm Atk/Def and/ or those B skill suggestions in the new Divine Code section. Alarm Atk/Spd seems more valuable and thus less likely to be added and the B skills are pretty old so... here's hoping!
  15. I'm happy you got them at least! To be honest my luck has been weird too considering I free-pulled two W!Claudes from the recent Anniversary banner, which is crazy! But when it comes to units I actually want, then... nothing. In any case, I hope both our odds change for the better going forward!
  16. Thanks! Having said that, given the game has gotten stingier with Orbs over time I assume the real value is around ~250 a month, so I'm still in trouble. I know luck doesn't exist but I really hope I get some in those upcoming banners... In lighter news (I hope), I think Mauvier is the slow cavalier you advised I look out for before using R!Lif for fodder, right? I believe his best A and C skills are some combination of [Atk/Def Clash or Atk/Def Prime 4] and [Incite or Alarm Atk/Def] respectively, but I'm not sure if he's someone who wants Gambit or some other B skill, even something simple like A/D Near Trace. Does anyone have any suggestions, please?
  17. Oh, that's good to hear, thank you! And this is good to know too, thanks! New question, am I correct in assuming we get ~300 Orbs per month? As I said in the banner thread, the Elusians were very cruel to me and I only have ~350 left. I'm assuming the AHR banner will be around this time next month and I'm trying to figure out how likely I am to get Peony merges if we get an all Green banner considering each spark will take at most 200 Orbs assuming you only get 1 or no Greens per batch of 5 stones. Then there's Rearmed Alcryst the month after and maybe someone I want from the Engage HoF banner at the same time... groans In any case, thanks in advance, all!
  18. Fair enough, thanks! Also, it seems my luck on banners is still atrocious. It took 73 pulls to get both sisters (including the first spark for Hortensia). Considering I also wanted a few Peonies and Alcrysts for cloning skills too... yeah, it's not looking good for me.
  19. I get the annoyance, but if it's any consolation Speaking of Mauvier, I'll tag this because his GHB isn't until tomorrow: Just a heads-up: Arcane Charmer doesn't have Follow-Up denial. That's a typo he fixed when he made his "who uses Arcane Charmer best" video.
  20. We still haven't fallen into the trap of "only story for Part 1 and 5" yet which has me both surprised and happy. I liked the implication that Anna has done black ops missions before (unless I'm reading too deep into Part 4) but it won't mean much if she goes back to not mattering after this. Ratatoskr's sisters still doubt her and while I thought Hraesvelgr was sent for Veronica's mom she got stabbed by someone I assume was drugged by Nidhoggr (which lines up with the poisoning we see in the trailer). Either that or Hraesvelgr can shapeshift. Despite the added story though, we didn't get any bizarre "cutscene -> random quote from Hero" situations. I wonder if IS' writing team is listening to feedback after all?
  21. Oh? Interesting. I wonder if they'll do something funny with the FBs in other languages too? Every 5* healer since Duo Elise/ Sakura last year has had one along with a 4* variant of Dazzling/ Wrathful Staff. I had a feeling we were missing something obvious, thanks! That makes getting Hortensia's skills even easier! Though if you want both parts of her healing assist you have to give up at least one of her Weapon, Special, A or B Skills...
  22. Thanks! I still have a Winter Eirika I could give it to as well, since she isn't ever doubling anything on her own. Anyway, hopefully now we finally have an Arcane staff it won't take too long for us to get a second. I hope your Mia serves you well! That's a shame, things would have been so much simpler if that were the case. Thank you very much!
  23. Would slapping Ivy and Hortensia's kits on a Scion Nanna be a good idea? i.e. or would she be happier with a Spd-oriented staff? Also, if I inherit an X skill to a Rearmed Hero (or Arcane weapon to an Attuned Hero) can I then inherit it onto other characters through them? I know if you put one of those skills on a regular unit it's locked to them forever but I don't know if those Hero types are exempt from that rule. As always, thank you all in advance!
  24. There go my Orb saving plans. I'd really like to get both sisters. After so much waiting I'm honestly surprised we actually got an Arcane Staff, but as everyone expected if we were to get one it would be with Hortensia. I'll prioritise her over her sister. Thankfully this banner lasts until March 7th, so I can wait for the Voting Gauntlet to end before deciding how much more I want to commit. In other words, if Peony loses I'll come back and try to get more copies of both sisters. Agreed on both counts! We even get Mauvier as a GHB (though I can't think of any female contestants left for the role from Engage outside maybe Marni, who isn't nearly as popular). Give it another 4/5 years... sigh My other major gripe is Kagetsu having Atk/Spd Ideal 3 instead of Atk/Spd Finish 3. Ideals have been around for years (Null Follow-Up too) why not give us something useful with our demotes?! P.S. Making an Elusia banner right after CYL tells me IS is doing what they did for 3H: wait until just after whoever they expected to win CYL did so before adding them to the normal pool to get them more votes. It didn't work this time, but unless Yunaka is in the very next Engage banner I bet she'll get the same treatment in Feb 2025.
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