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Posts posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. Aless: Because... we are one in the same. I am you. You are me. We do not exist without the other, in fact, only you can see me.

    Come on guys, L'Arachel and I go into the backroom for two hours and we come back to find this madness going on?

    What the hell is wrong with all of you?

  2. Gah, it's over for me. Well, I didn't expect Eclipse and Kaoz to turn on me like that.

    I was so close to controlling the game too...

    If I just could've made it to night five we would've controlled the game....

    Well played, and good luck.

  3. Are you kidding me?

    Linkin Park might have better vocals, but their guitar, bass, everything behind the vocals are inferior to Limp Bizkit.

    Wes Borland could eat them all alive.

  4. It's very sensationalist, and quite frankly I disagree with the overall 'capitalism is bad' vibe that I get from it. I understand that fixing problems on a global level takes the support of governments. However, it's clear that she is taking shots at corporations, and if I'm not mistaken calls for government to 'put them in line'. I do not believe it is the government's right to do that, and as such I am turned off by what she says very quickly. She does make a valid point in where our happiness was higher when we had less stuff (the '50s compared to nowadays), but she doesn't build upon it very well, which disappointed me.

  5. My wishlist:

    -Everyone who ever showed up in prior games





    -Richter Belmont



    -Megaman X



    -Dynamo (Megaman X5)

    -A Mii

    -The Heavy

    -The Spy

    -The Scout

    -The Demoman

    -Gordon Freeman



    -Captain Price

    -Soap MacTavish


    -Duke Nukem

    -The Battletoads

    -Rad Spencer (From Bionic Commando)





    -Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia)

    -Tom Nook

    I'll probably think of more, but for now these are the dudes who I'd like to see, regardless of how unlikely many of these characters getting in would be.

  6. Lol, some of the Gamefaqs mods are awful. That's no secret.

    Post does not match any of the descriptions given in the TOU for trolling:

    -"Messages that annoy and/or offend other users by going against the clear nature of a board": This board is for discussion of SRW OG2, and it is relatively frequent that on this board users discuss matters of gameplay, plot, relation to the metaseries, characters, and bust sizes, to give some idea as to the nature of the board. The post in question is a rendering of a character from SRW OG2, a deceased horse named Trombe which is later "reincarnated" as one of the forms of a giant robot used by the horse's owner. If you don't believe me I can supply a wealth of sources, but anyone who has played through the game would know this, so don't think you need to ask me.

    -"Provoking other users to respond with flames": Is my little pony offensive? Is it rude? Is this post at all critical of the game, gamefaqs users, or SRW fans or of anyone at all?

    -"provoking fans of a particular system or game, especially on boards or topics dedicated to that system or game": What is provocative about my little pony, especially regarding Super Robot Wars? Has my little pony committed crimes, insulted anyone of character goodd or ill, or challenged the social norms of society? Is my little pony anti robot, anti japanese, anti video game, anti internet, anti gamefaqs?

    -"making misleading topic titles": Topic title describes what is contained accurately in my view, unless you mean to question whether I am an artist. I think most would agree that question is extremely complex and not likely to be answered anytime soon.

    -"asking obviously useless questions": no questions asked in the topic.

    -"Posting false information as a fact": I'm pretty sure all the information supplied is accurate. Happy to hear how it isn't so I can dispute this.

    -"and using another user’s quote in your signature without permission." It is a quote generated by gamefaqs when I exceeded my posting limit, some years ago, so I don't think this qualifies.

    I do see the clause which says something like "not limited to," allowing for additional definitions to be supplied. I think it is fair for me to ask what those are, if they are being applied in this instance, otherwise I can't be sure as to whether I was breaking the rules.

  7. (I'll get in trouble for this. I swear.)

    If they're real then I choose these parings:

    (Picking my poison... Great.)

    seph1212 and his fiance.

    MK404 and Linoan.

    crashman_alpha and Tinny

    Fala and Mana.

    (I'm so dead.)

    You forgot me and L'Arachel... I feel so bad now. Are we really that... hard to notice?

  8. 01: Shinon vs Arthur

    02: Fir vs Cormag

    03: Cecilia vs Titania

    04: Largo vs Karin

    05: Lester vs Isadora

    06: Lex vs Katua

    07: Marth vs Sain

    08: Percival vs Meg

    09: Sara vs Anna

    10: Leanne vs Haar

    11: Echidna vs Aless

    12: Geese vs Nephenee

    13: Pent vs Oguma

    14: Clarine vs Gerik

    15: Gonzales vs Marcia

    16: Volke vs L'Arachel If you don't vote for her I will find where you live and murder you with our trusty assistant Dozla!

    17: Othin vs Mia

    18: Sothe vs Sirius

    19: Trabant vs Miledy

    20: Dieck vs Ayra

    21: Levin vs Brunya

    22: Raven vs Rath

    23: Levail vs Lakche

    24: Rutger vs Boyd

    25: Priscilla vs Ethlin

    26: Nanna vs Calill

    27: Valter vs Parn

    28: Kyza vs Lloyd

    29: Lifis vs Ilyana

    30: Tiltyu vs Aimee

    31: Ishtar vs Sigurd

    32: Alvis vs Volug


    Hey L'Arachel darling, what do you think of my muscles that I got from training to become a Baron? *takes shirt off*

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