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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. long story short, curiosity killed the cat and kpop brought it backi was bored and watched many music videos and the music was p good and i found vernon cute
  2. I didn't see Trisi's post since i was replying to yers and the last post i saw was Chen saying "break a third leg" which would hurt wouldn't it
  3. i write in lowercase but i have an inner grammar teacher i don't think i please the grammar teacher very well
  4. i missed this when i went to go eat when am i not yelling in my posts tbh also on topic: ow
  5. in fe13 i use Sumia a lot, since i love her and for some reason cordy doesn't turn out spectacular when i get her (i still use her too though - pegasus knights for the win) in fe8 i use lute a lot too - even though her personality can be aggravating sometimes, her design is cute and she's turning out okay. i use her over artur um i use rhajat in fe14 irregardless of her mother, too. i don't know why, she just seems to be powerful when i get her and i'll take a powerful unit any day haha.
  6. of course the first thing i see is a pepe dammit
  7. I LIKE KPOP NOW but i don't know much abt it

    1. Serpent of Sheol

      Serpent of Sheol


    2. Kinumi



    3. Shadowess
  8. i come in here and the first thing i see is 'FEMALE SHEEZY'
  9. i'd say "bad thread, op" but i'm not even sure if i have to considering everyone's reaction
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