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Everything posted by Leitmotif

  1. Thank you for the translations!
  2. Can someone tell me if the song is the same one that play's on Marx's map in Hoshido because I've been trying to find that particular song ever since Hama's stream got there...
  3. So, Marx and Felicia (http://pastebin.com/Uqw9QDan) was translated and, god thank you for that mental image, Felicia.
  4. ;_; I didn't mean to make it sound aggressive, sorry Xerias, I was just trying to add a bit as to why only Leon seems to speak of it, while Camilla and Marx don't.
  5. I think that, more than nostalgic bias, the current supports are of varying 'quality' because there's so many characters that they needed to split the supports between different writers. If my memory serves right, previous games had limited supports where as Awakening and IF/Fates have practically "everyone can support everyone" excluding 3 or 4 characters that only have Kamui and child supports.
  6. I always pick the more mature looking avatar because of my age, unless they are too well-endowed, so to speak. Screw my small chest. I'm very conflicted on who I'll marry, though I'm looking forward to marrying Aqua on the 3rd path and do feel some preference for Crimson at some point. Nohr however.... Oh Nohr how difficult you've made my choice. I love Marx as a character, but I promised myself I wouldn't marry him to the MU for the familial relatioship I'm weak, so, so weak though, I just might sob
  7. Excuse the double post but I just found the link. I believe the formatted, untranslated supports are here https://mega.co.nz/#!YxERyCKY!kXpdpHY8bhmzmlPG8KASgo0W-eJADRwUbrEuHUQ-WSc
  8. Oh, I'm aware, the main issue for me is that I recently moved to a newly built block and our address doesn't show up on places yet, so packages have been getting lost a lot. That and Mexico can be pretty awful with shipping.
  9. The links to Hoshido children I have are (including supports with parents) Shara and Grey http://pastebin.com/Yc8Hp3QS Soleil and Kisaragi http://pastebin.com/P1EAEqM0 Takumi and Kisaragi http://pastebin.com/A8qKC7Kn Midoriko and Suzukaze http://pastebin.com/n7eT7AFh Shinonome and Matoi that was already linked Tsubaki and Matoi http://pastebin.com/aN4hGDqC
  10. Enjoy it for those of us that can't, Jeremy If I'm not mistaken, you can use weapons from the opposite game by buying them at someone else's My Castle. As for the dual wielding, I wouldn't really know what to tell you as I've seen the units too but no one exactly explained.
  11. This I can agree with, as far as I remember all the build-up is never explicitly brought up and changing Nohr did fall basically on the line of "Kill Garon, let Marx be a better king". While my personal opinion is that the characters themselves are complex and the pacing of the route sort of makes sense, I do agree that it would've been nice to see more chances at how you're trying to change things or those chances being something more than "I'll do what father wants, but in my own way".
  12. My friend was kind enough to go around and tell me what was generally happening on each chapter, and I agree with you on that point. All the little "irrelevant side-quests" actually show the way Kamui is trying to change/do things differently. I felt they were the 'necessary evil' moments, since you don't agree with having to act in those situations, but you must because it's ultimately something that is affecting your country's well-being,
  13. Same here? I don't know maybe I'm just a bit hurt because the story felt "proper" for me, based entirely on the characters' perspectives and it seemed to work out after seeing the Hoshido route. I jsut feel people are over-looking the fact that you can't just wake up one day and go "I'm starting a revolution to overthrow the King/my father".
  14. I want to add my thoughts here because I felt a bit uncomfortable on the Nohr route thread. I do agree that the general storyline is convulted and not exactly what people expected (revolutionize a country from within), but I think the characters are what actually makes the Nohr path "complex"? I don't know if it's just me, but I personally found the idea of starting a revolution early on in the game to be really unrealistic. How are you going to defy Garon's entire nation with a handful of soldiers? Your siblings, too, have to think about their subordinates' situations and are not in position to help much either. The entire 'take over Hoshido with minial loses' strikes me as very Kamui-like, the perspective of a sheltered, naive young adult unfamiliar with how the world and war works. Plus, they had to keep the run-ins with the Hoshidans so the invasion was a given, imo.
  15. A bit of both, though the S-supports for Elise and Sakura are the ones she's most reluctant to work on; it always seems that characters propose to them and they go along with it without understanding the actual implications of being married.
  16. This might be unrelated to the topic, do forgive me, but I've seen that my friend's pastebin was shared on this topic aswell and I'd like to speak on her account a little. She did not add this on her [Please Read] text, but she feels uncomfortable translating S-Supports between the siblings, so she has not done so in the past translations unless someone else requested it of her. As a person that requested her help with translations and then shared them with people on the forums, I just want you all to consider her feelings. Last thing I want is for my friend to be uncomfortable working on translation she's in no way obliged to make.
  17. I'm not sure if you already saw them, seeing as the pastebin has been shared around a couple times, but Ryouma/Hinoka http://pastebin.com/6WsfeEHq Ryouma/Sakura http://pastebin.com/vAZ9GSic
  18. In this case surrogate would indeed mean sleeping with another woman to have a child. Honestly not to far-fetched if we think about how Garon had children with 3 concubines.
  19. I agree, hell I don't even think that entirely new characters had to be made, except obviously for Kanna. Eponine doesn't resemble Zero all that much in my opinion and they can just give her the default "brown-grey" hair color rather than the avatar's as they do with all the other kids.
  20. Well, seems that if you marry Zero and M!Kamui or Shara and F!Kamui you don't get Kanna or Eponine...
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