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Posts posted by Taka-kun

  1. While they have their hits and misses, Atlus and IS do some good work on the games they make and from all the gameplay I've seen of this game, I feel like it'll be a good time. That and I'm almost always willing to give new games a try and I have a little faith in this game's quality( especially considering this is the first game I've ever pre-ordered and payed $60 for...so yeah...)

    Also, I would be surprised if they actually made a sequel, but as long as the game is good, I'm (for the most part) all for it! :Joshua:

    (Oh, and whether it's a "improved" version or sequel, I just kinda hope they have a Wii U and NX version for the sake of those who still own a Wii U and not a NX yet. It would be more accessible and I kinda prefer that because, for example, as great as a game Persona 4 Golden is...it being on another console[a handheld] doesn't exactly make it easy to get.

    Then again, if the rumors are true, who knows when the game is coming out)

    I think you will be in for a fun ride and your mindset will be rewarded. The most common "criticism" I have heard about this game is that it's not SMT ro FE and/or is a Persona ripoff. Granted, Nintendo has some fault for marketing in as a crossover in the beginning, but they rectified this and now it's a standalone game. And if actual players and gaming sites think it's good, it's safe to say the game at least merits a playthrough. One definitive negative game is Mighty No. 9, which has been lambasted by any and all and now I am pretty sure I won't buy that game at all.

    On another note, is there anybody here who is planning on doing a small (and serious) review of the game ? It's maybe pointless since most are positive towards it anyway but it's good to know the impressions from a fellow (and serious) FE gamer.

  2. I still read reviews, to get what seems to be the general opinion/consensus on the games whether I'm interested in said games or not, just to stayed informed or in case I missed something interesting. I perfectly understand why most people still check reviews but since I keep myself usually very informed on titles that can potentially interest me, I usually end up having all the informations I need before deciding on a purchase (just like with #FE, I still haven't played the game yet I think I'm fairly knowledgeable about the game).

    One thing you mentionned about "trusted" reviewers is especially important I think, I wouldn't recommend anyone to trust any review or the metacritic score of any game to make a decision. Finding one reviewer that align with your tastes is probably more informative than 10 different reviews from "random" people.

    And I didn't say that there wasn't any good game in the past, but just like you said there are more games releasing now, and I feel that the quality of the games released has been getting higher for the most part (to be fair, I think that most games that people consider "bad" are probably still "okay" instead of outright "bad", but I haven't tried many games that are considered bad so...). Marketing has a big impact on which games are put in the spotlight, so has a big effect on sales but not so much on reviews. Sales don't tend to affect me in any way (I mean, if games I like sell well, good. If not, it's not like it makes them any less fun or enjoyable).

    Yeah, having that one reviewer really makes it easier, since everyone has different tastes anyways. It does help when there are people genuinely interested in drawing (or alternatively, warn) in me, like you and other polite folks in this thread. It's easier to listen to someone who is not dogmatic and has good intentions.

    Sales is a very misleading number, since it doesn't tell about the quality of the game itself, just its appeal to the consumer group, which has varying sizes. Most of Nintendo's franchises are pretty niche yet they are still one of the biggest gaming companies. I myself try to find niche games because I find most of them try to stand out on their own instead of throwing common tropes and/or building on a popular concept. And I find genuine surprises, like Shovel Knight and Undertale. It's also part of the reason why I bought TMS (Swedish holiday today so I won't receive my copy until next week) because albeit not what I expected, Atlus and Nintendo are at least trying to make something different and actually does a pretty good job of it.

  3. I prefer written format, but as long as your points are well made, I don't think I'll have any problem with whatever you can come up with. I'm actually pretty interested if you can manage to make a good negative review, I have also a few things that I think they could have done better myself, that's why I wish for a sequel that could expand on that.

    Personally, I don't rely much on reviews, since I mostly trust myself to decide which games are worth my time/money and which aren't. But yeah, review scores these past few years seem to be getting higher than previously, but we also tend to get more high quality games I think.

    I rely on few "trusted" (from my standpoint) reviewers, like GameXplain, because they are good a summarizing their points and give both positive and negative thoughts without too much praises/rants and more elaborations. I place more value in words describing the game rather than scores. Someone saying "this is one stupid concept", I just dismiss as butthurt fans. Someone who makes a presentation of how the atmosphere does not match well with its perceived setting and character is more likely to have my ear.

    As a 90s kid (yay for the 90s!) I am pretty sure there were many great games back in the olde days. It's just that we have such a wider selection these days and it gets overwhelming to decide which games to buy. It all comes down to marketing, which is very unfair but also a powerful tool.

  4. hovering 8/10 isn't what I'd call mediocrity.


    Wouldn't you assume that a game with middling reviews (4-6 out of 10) would be more mediocre?

    I always instantly think of this interpretation when I see 8/10: https://i.imgur.com/kj3gFME.jpg

    Scores have been inflated in recent times. 8/10 doesn't mean much anymore but anything lower makes the game "not worth having" (with less than 5/10 just being plain awful). It doesn't make the game inherently bad but I have played so many "7 or 8 out of 10" and just felt meh.

  5. Yes, the foreboding question is now really up to the sales number. I think I'm with Ostrich in the fact that I'll be betting on what he said so might as well see if the West can prove me wrong and it sells pretty decently. At least better than what it did in Japan.

    The question is whether Western fans are more receptive. Forget about FE and SMT fans that wanted something completely different, what would the average WiiU owner think when they see the cover? Those who like JRPG and/or anime, I can definitely see picking it up. But otherwise, the game lacks the punch of other strong WiiU games. So it will probably remain a niche for now.

    Of course, if the niche fans are as many as the ones for Xenoblade Chronicles X, a sequel (direct or spiritual) could very well be considered for the NX.

  6. For what I can infer, it's similar to the Persona games battle system. I have played Persona 3 and 4 so I am familiar with it but I didn't find it noticeable different from regular rpg gameplay. I had hoped it would do something different but maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up.

  7. I think nocturnal YL already answered this well, but I'll add my own take :

    The battle system is much closer to usual Atlus RPGs like SMT or Persona (turn based, aiming at enemies' weaknesses, covering your own). FE elements are more subtle, mainly some FE inspired skills (Horseslayer, Flux, Nosferatu...), the weapon triangle and things like flyers being weak to bow and wind/force spells. It doesn't seem much (and to be fair, I agree to some extent), but most of the players I've seen didn't pay attention to their opponents' affinity (flying mirages, or using swords, or axes) while just paying attention to the look of the enemies could have helped them quite a lot figuring the weaknesses of the enemies when they've encountered them the first time.

    For the grinding part, you can always grind but like in most RPGs, the more overleveled you are compared to your enemies, the less effective grinding will become (for EXP). I'm not sure how tedious it is (or not), but I think the grinding will mostly be to acquire some specific components to craft new weapons.

    But is there anything encouraging tactical gameplay rather than just spamming the same attack over and over?

  8. After much exposure to information and videos, as well as positive reception from this (usually very criticizing) forum, I decided to buy TMS#FE (despite abundance of games already but you can never have too many).

    One last thing I am not entirely clear is the battle system in this game. As far as I can tell, it's very reminiscent to the Persona games but supposedly it takes cues from the FE series? And there is apparently encouragement for not grinding through the game but I am not sure what is implemented to do so.

  9. I felt absolutely nothing about her death. The game hasn't set up any emotional connection between her and the rest of the cast, like mentioning their time together in the Northern Fortress, nor do we as players get any insight on why she should commit suicide other than "I have failed you, lord Corrin!" which is an alien feeling for most of us. And the affected characters shrugs it off so easily as well, despite their supposed grief. I don't want them to wallow in despair but at least there should be an emotional impact rather than "marching and kill Garon because that solves everything".

    The deaths in Fates in general are absolutely unmoving, because we as an audience never feel any sadness of the character dying due to lack of good setup. The only time I felt somewhat moved was entering Lilith's shrine as usual only to discover that she is not there.

  10. I missed that, I don't think there is anything especially wrong with how the dress is in the japanese version, but so I thought for most of the previous things they changed, it seems like the localizers disagree with me. The way they changed it looks a bit off in my opinion, I'm curious to see how her special skill (or was it an ad lib ?) looks in battle now, since she wears that dress during the skill. Anyway, I don't think it's anything worth an outrage or dwelling on, even if I wished they mostly left the game as is, since I don't think there is anything in the game that warrants that amount of changes.

    IMHO, the change is probably because Nintendo tries to minimize the people they offend. Matters relating to female skin exposure is much more sensitive in the West than in Japan (just look at the case with DOAX3). Better safe than sorry. But I do wonder what they will do with her MV. Will they have to redo it?

  11. Getting it in part because I love nearly everything Fire Emblem and also in part because Atlus has NEVER failed me with a game. They produce consistently good games.

    That said I'm sure being on a Nintendo system they're going to tone things down which is unfortunate because I liked the somewhat more mature themes in other Atlus games like Catherine. That said I've been lacking in JRPG goodness and I do like my cute stuff concerning Japanese games, manga, and anime so I'm pretty excited for it. Just glad I have the special edition pre-ordered and I hope the localization hammer didn't hit the game too hard. I hate how in the United States somehow loads of violence is ok but somehow anything slightly suggestive is a problem. The game isn't even that bad imo but like the fire emblem games they keep censoring things that I'm not ok with. (granted exceptions for characters who are CLEARLY not 18, otherwise you can simply age them up and have it work. My favorite thing is when they keep it all the same but instead of it being a high school theme they are in college).

    For me, it had always looked as if Atlus wanted to do something different than the typical mature theme of the SMT series and hence decided on the more genki idol concept. I just think people are too used to darker RPGs in general and not light-hearted ones.

    As far as I can tell, the localization didn't hit the game that bad. I mean, they removed some costumes and aged the characters. That's about it?

  12. Wait... Black Onslaught has understandable vocals and isn't just a bunch of screamo monster noises?

    And it was mentioned last E3 that it was "hard to find English voice actors that can also sing".

    Yes, so it's understandable they kept the Japanese dub. IIRC, it's quite common for Japanese VAs to sing as well for character theme songs or openings/endings. Not so much here in the West.

  13. If you really think about it, there is nothing wrong with asking people out for tea and some small talk. I believe this might be more on the way he asks the ladies. He is probably to showy about it. Instead of just going up normally, you would probably see him do an accent and be like "hey girl~". His intention is obvious and that is probably the reason why girls don't want to go out with him.

    It always bugged me as well why Laslow is so unpopular. He is a genuinely nice and caring guy with pretty looks so it probably is the way he handles himself. But then again, Soleil has no problem at all even with the same technique double standards anyone?

    Maybe he should just follow the advice of an acquaintance of his and just be silent and smile.

  14. I don't know why Flora and Scarlet weren't potential mothers for at least some of the kids. It would solve the whole problem of Male Corrin missing out on a kid if he marries a Gen 1 unit.

    I feel the same. I am actually of the belief that they did so

    so that they can kill off the characters for cheap tragic moments without the player losing out too much. None of the none-Corrinsexual characters die in the path they are recruited except for Kaze, and even then it can be prevented.

  15. Up until ch 20 of Birthright, I've gotta say that there are so many facepalm moment in the story.

    The general plot is so bland, with Corrin & Co. traveling across the world for the boneheaded idea of "hey, let's just kill Garon, he will never expect it" and out of Ryoma's mouth out of everybody, the one who is supposed to be an ace in war. Moreover, the whole premise of war seems completely lost since there is no major engagement, no telling of the Hoshido-Nohr war in favor of Nohr running around like chickens trying to catch Corrin & Co. and Iago just setting random traps for the lulz. Nothing is told or shown about what the Nohrian royal family is doing until they meet Corrin, it's like they just chill around (except for Xander) until Corrin comes for them. Awakening at least had a story about setting up an alliance and make a pre-emptive strike against a large empire, and some minor strategies about disrupting communication channels, rallying the people with a symbol and placing themselves in a favorable geographic position.

    What bothers me the most is how every other chapter, Ryoma spouts out "You are natural-born leader" to Corrin and I always go "Gee, thanks for telling me cause I never noticed!". Sweet jesus, now I know why the SF forums went ballistic almost a year ago.

    The gameplay is fun though. I like this change with Attack and Guard stance and the MyCastle battles are tons of fun, with how I and others design the defenses for maximum annoyance challenge. The characters are quite good too, though I am not entirely sold. Saizo/Mozu must be the most adorable thing I have read so far.

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