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Everything posted by Ria

  1. I tend to wait on getting them. Usually I start getting them between chapters 18-21. By then you can offspring seal(which they come with so you don't have to waste a master seal) them into higher levels. So yeah, you don't have to grind with them or waste a master seal. There are some exceptions: I try to get Shiro and Ignatius as soon as I get their fathers. Their paralogues tend to be the most difficult when you're farther in the game from what I've experienced. I also try to get Elise!Ophelia(and Orochi/Sakura/Nyx!Rhajat) as soon as possible as well since it's nice to have a witch around.
  2. Awakening was my first game. So here goes. ~Promoting at level 10. Never used second seals. ~Not using stat boosting items(in fact I still kind of do this. I tend to hoard all my items and never end up using them) ~Constantly confusing Frederick and Stahl with each other(which led to some unfortunate cases of Stahl getting murdered). Same could be said for Cherche/Corderlia. In both cases they looked way too similar too each other. ~Speaking of Fred, giving all the kills to him wasn't a great idea either. ~Pairing up Sumia and Lon'qu thinking they would be cute together. Found out they couldn't support. And yes. I did spend a while trying to grind their imaginary supports. And yes I am salty they can't even support at all. ~Didn't understand what Dancer class was so I tried to use Olivia as a fighting unit. And while she's okay once she reclasses.....she can't do much as a dancer haha. ~Putting poor Sumia in the path of bows, since for some reason it didn't occur to me that pegasus knights were weak to archers(not sure why I thought this) And yeah. That's all I can think of ^-^. I was very much a noobie haha.
  3. Class: Cleric/Sage/Bishop (basically whatever heals/does magic). I'm pretty weak physically and can't take a lot of hits. Also I love the idea of being able to heal people, anything to prevent death you know? Also magic based classes are my favorite so that's a huge a plus. Affinity: In Blazing Sword it was wind so I'll go with that. Crit Quotes: "I wish I didn't have to do this" "I'm giving it all I've got" "I can be strong too" Death Quote: I guess....it's all...over....live on...my friends
  4. Ha. All this praise for it is really making me glad I did go ahead and buy it. The wait for it to arrive in the mail is going to be a killer And thanks for the welcome! I'm already enjoying the forum~ Thanks! I heard Genealogy and PoR had great stories as well, haven't heard much in the way of Thracia's story but I will take your word for it. I might give that one a try playing...after I'm done with the Tellius games since I want to play those a bit more. Also thanks for the tip on Thracia's difficulty, I'll keep that in mind whenever I start with it ^-^. When it comes to any series I start, I tend to like playing all/as much games I can in it. I feel like I'm missing something by completely ignoring games you know? It'd be nice to see that as well, since I think the older games need a bit of love too haha. Yu Yu Hakusho is the bomb. Like. I don't know everything about that anime was pure quality haha. Hunter x Hunter is pretty great too. At first it comes across as childish(a reason why I almost didn't start the series) but it's really worth it in my eyes, the 2011 version of the anime especially.
  5. I don't mind that much if you focus on gameplay in your videos. I can always look up story elsewhere haha. But yeah. I'll probably check it out once I get caught with the series Thanks a bunch. Hope you have a nice one too ^-^. Favorite RPG. That's a tough one. No really. All of them are great. If I had to pick I'd probably say Xenoblade or the Tales Series. For anime. Another tough question haha. 1. Hunter x Hunter 2. Yu Yu Hakusho 3. Haikyuu 4. Shokugeki no Soma 5. Konosuba
  6. I tend to like FE games for their story, which is why I think Path of Radiance might end up being my favorite since I hear nothing but good in that department. I paid $130 but the seller was the only one who seemed trustable haha it's totally worth it in my book. Also lucky. I knew Fire Emblem was a thing due to Smash Bros but I never really got the chance to actually play the games until Awakening. Also I'll check out your channel when I find the time too ^-^. I'm kind of interested in FE3(even though FE12 is a remake) and I kind of want to check out the differences between the two.
  7. Yo! I live in the USA, specifically Florida and I've lived here my whole life.
  8. Joined last year. Though never made a post until now. Better late than never I suppose haha. So yeah. The name on here is Ria, short of my actual name Maria. I'm 23 years old and I'm a huge gamer and anime fan. I have too many favorites of both to actually list them, though I will say that RPGs tend to be my favorite when it comes to video games. I'm fairly new to Fire Emblem with Awakening being the first game I actually played. I'm trying to catch up with the series though, having played the three GBA games and Shadow Dragon. I'm currently playing New Mystery of the Emblem. I also caved and bought Path of Radiance on Ebay an hour or so ago. I tried Genealogy but I don't think it's for me. I might just Youtube that and Thracia for the story. Also played all three routes in Fates. In terms of favorite, it's a three way tie between Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, and Awakening. Path of Radiance might end up changing that since I heard it's amazing. But yeah. That's about all I can think of saying. Nice to meet all of you!
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