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The Wandering Mercenary

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Everything posted by The Wandering Mercenary

  1. It is not so much that I can not search it up myself, but more that I would probably mess it up XD. I'm not so good at technology sometimes but I manage somehow...But thanks anyway. And I see what you mean by complex! Using ASM probably is not going to be my method of doing things, but I'll look up tutorials just because anyway. Sounds about right. Has anyone attempted this successfully? I ask because I myself have with java and I have made a few programs myself, but it would seem complex making AI and having graphics (since I use command prompt, I haven't done any Java graphics yet, but I know it can be done). I've also googled it before. There is this one site that looked promising: http://code.google.com/p/firemblem/ but I'll need more Java knowledge and practice before I believe I'll be able to apply it correctly without anxiety. And thanks for the input. I may not be the brightest out there but we all strive for some sort of achievement, do we not?
  2. Hmm, I shall check that out sometime today or tomorrow. Not sure completely how to make a patch work, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Pardon my lack of knowledge but what exactly is ASM and how would I go about "using" it or "fixing" it to do what I would like it to do? But let me guess, that is something for expert hackers and not for an amateur like me... No worries, I understood what you wrote just fine! And I would be very interested to hear what ideas you have. They might help me understand hacking FE better. I honestly agree with you, but it frustrates me that our hacks are limited to the technology at hand. I never thought about hacking FE until recently, after the FE paper and pencil game I made took too long to actually play (what with calculating all the hits and crits, nothing hard, but something that can be time consuming, not to mention setting up the map with units and if you blew on the paper units would be flying everywhere...), but with the paper and pencil style game I could implement any crazy type of gismo I wanted to, which was nice. I suppose I'll have to make a new FE storyline and all but that shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the input deranger, Jubby!
  3. Hi there everyone. I'm pretty new to hacking but I have a few questions about hacking FE7. Is it possible to make all units have a strength stat and a magic stat like in FE9 and FE10? I have a character that will use knives and when she promotes she will be able to use magic. Which also brings me to ask, is it possible to add knives as a weapon in the game as well? Another thing I was wondering about was branched promotions in FE7. They are already programmed in FE8, but could it be done in FE7? And what about third tier promotions like in FE10? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. Honestly it doesn´t matter who you level up (as long as you don´t try leveling up everyone, obviously). Hard mode is not that difficult, and if you train Ike to level 20 or use one of the Laguz nobles, defeating Ashnard should not be so hard. Just make sure you have a long range healer to heal, such as Mist, Elincia, or one of the sages. Besides, isn´t the point of Fire Emblem (besides winning) to have fun?
  5. You are right. Canas does max his magic at 29. I brought Canas along and he has maxed his Magic and Skill, and he has a Luna, so his potential for Crt is pretty decent. He also has a B support with Bartre, whom I brought along (not sure if that gives Crt or not).
  6. Hmmm...interesting. And how would one go about doing that?
  7. I don´t know if this has already been mentioned, but is it possible to defeat the Fire Dragon in the final chapter with an Assassin´s Strike? I´ve been trying for a while with Legault´s Killing Edge (24% crt) but with no luck. Anyone know the answer to this?
  8. Sorry for the really long delay. I had lost my memory card, but now I have found it. Here is my progress on the first two chapters: Prologue Turns: 5 Nothing much. Just the regular. Total Turns: 5 Ike 2.67 19 6 2 7 8 7 5 0 Chapter 1 Turns: 3 Ike equips Fighter Band, Titania the Paladin Band. Oscar and Boyd stay in the corner. Ike rushes through the forces while Titania snags the Seraph Robe. Titania kills the boss, and Ike seizes the area while trading for the SR just in case he needs it for the next chapter. Total Turns: 8 Ike 3.53 20 7 2 8 9 8 5 1 Titania 1.40 More to come later.
  9. I'll just keep Largo anyways... By the way, is there a certain format we should use when keeping track of our progress?
  10. ...What gave you the idea for it then?

  11. Oh, how confusing...but I figured out the "secret" message. I'll take Rolf then.
  12. I am slightly confused. Kleine said Krad was going to have to autodraft Rolf since there was no Fin, but on the list on the first page it says he has Geoffrey on his team. I was hoping to draft Rolf, but I am not sure if he is still available at this point... The lists say he is but in the discussion previously he wasn't...?
  13. I'm not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean. Could you please explain?

  14. I apologize for the wait. I unexpectedly had no access to a computer until now. I'm so sorry :( I'll pick Brom
  15. I too have some questions. Is there a turn penalty for restarting the chapter if a character falls? If I have an undrafted unit be attacked by the enemy but have no weapons equipped, does it still count as a turn penalty, since they really aren't doing anything but possibly blocking? You might have said that when you said they couldn't hold chokepoints, but I don't really know what that is. Let's take ch. 2 for example. Boyd and Oscar are taken, so if I put them in a corner and have them just sit there, there is no turn penalty, right? And I'll take Zihark...
  16. I agree with Balcerzak on this, that there should be X amount of BEXP per character per chapter. It would limit how much we could use but also allow us to use some BEXP in the process. Oh, and I pick Soren
  17. When will Tourney 2 begin the drafting?
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