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Posts posted by Hatsuoki

  1. I'm not sure I should talk because this is my favorite FE game lol. What some people see as flaws, I don't, and it seems not everyone here does too. The only complaint I ever had with it is the fact that the decision isn't made in game but in the store and that the 3rd route is the golden route. Even so, I love the music, the characters, the story, the setting, weapon balances, no infinite reclassing for stats. and my castle. Also I can relate more to Kamui than I did to Robin? Many people seem to say things like "how can I relate to a dragon prince/princess" while comparing them to Robin. But to me, that isn't how I relate (obviously). I mean I don't relate to a person with who is missing their memory and is a vessel for another dragon either. It's the way the character speaks or react to things while I would probably have done none of what Robin did or said. There. I said it, I like using Kamui more than Robin as a player character. I'm not saying Robin isn't good nor am I saying that there should have been a My Unit at all, but Kamui is there and I like him/her.

  2. He's the "calm, sensible, chivalrous" eldest brother; it makes some sense. The glaring factor is, of course, the botched deliveries.

    I somehow felt that the way he delivered it sounded...manipulative? There's nothing manipulative about the line, it's just the way he said it. I should throw it out there though, that I liked his voice, despite sounding very high compared to his Japanese voice.

  3. Well this is everyday for me...

    I drop almost everything I hold but because you're asking for a story, I one time dropped a whole case of sauce packets on the floor. Not all of them broke but for inventory reasons, I had to count all of the broken ones and clean the unbroken ones. The total count was 56 btw. OTL

    That's worse than tripping on flat ground which I do pretty often. I swear it's because of the grooves in the tiles!

    Oh no wait, the worst is being sent on an errand at work. I was to drive to another store that was about 45 minutes away to get cups and deliver onions. I've...never been there on my own before and never learned how to use my GPS on my phone. I was gone for 6 hours. SIX HOURS. I spent the whole day calling the store, asking for directions, and just panicking. My boss felt so bad for me that he wasn't even mad anymore by the time I got back.

    Edit: Oh and I forgot to say, because I'm prone to anxiety, I spent most of that day thinking to myself that if I get in an accident and die, I died over FUCKING CUPS.

    Not even nice cups.

    Paper cups

  4. Doesn't stop all the "Aqua-neesan" comments from Takumi. Their C-A support (shallow as it is) is basically Aqua wishing they could be closer as siblings and Takumi getting over his wariness of Aqua.

    And then the S rank hits and "I've always loved you as a woman."

    You know he would have to say that right? Also by the sounds of their support, that "sibling relationship" never conneted at all if Aqua felt like they should be closer as siblings.

  5. I think something like Friendship Oath would be what I'd have. Probably not for just one person though. Probably something like if I'd have an A support with someone they'd get the bonus. Which is pretty boring now that I think about it, since it sounds like basically just an enhanced support bonus. Ooh if those affinity things were still around I think applying it to people with the same affinity would be would be more interesting.

  6. Ooh I'm pretty late to the game this time. Damn finals and final projects. OTL

    Mine may or may not be kind of boring. I feel like I end up talking about this topic one way or another wherever I go. I'm really passionate about wafuku!

    Wa = Japanese and fuku = clothing! Really common misconceptions about kimono is that only geiko and maiko wear them. It's completely untrue because there are kimono that range from the formality of a t-shirt and jeans all the way up to a wedding dress. In order of formality they go like this: tsumugi -> komon -> iromuji -> houmongi/tsukesage -> irotomesode -> kurotomesode -> furisode.

    -From komon (which have a repeating pattern all over with the size of the motifs depending on the era) and down, they are like everyday wear.

    -Iromuji are only one color and no pattern and are very versatile and can be dressed up or down. They are also the most acceptable for tea ceremonies!

    -Houmongi and tsukesage have patterns on the hem and sleeves and are like visiting wear or for something like a party.

    -Iro and kurotomesode are for attending weddings! They only have a pattern that sweeps across the hem and are for married women.

    -And lastly furisode are the most formal kimono for unmarried or young girls. This kimono is the one that many people think of when they think of kimono. It has the long swinging sleeves that are meant to let men know that they are available.

    There are also some kimono that are in between these in formality but these are the main ones!

    Each kind of kimono have a different weight (like for the temp? I don't know how to say it), different colors and motifs that are only worn during specific months. I think this is what I love most about kimono, it's that it has such great respect to nature and the transience of seasons and celebrate it in it's own way. I feel like I've talked too much about it already but I've barely scraped the surface and I could go on all day! I haven't even touched the obi, accessories, shoes, collars, hair and hair accessories, the seasonality could be a whole topic on it's own, and coordination! OTL

  7. Well it would be the same problem that Otome games have with their heroine. The avatars have to be bland and if they can have any interaction with other characters, those characters have to be somewhat bland as well to suit the taste of as many people as possible. I think IS's biggest problem isn't even the Avatar because there are ways to do it right but the rushed marriage in S ranking someone (PLUS avatar being done wrong). They could do a support building up the two characters for marriage and having it happen in the epilogue. WaitIwentofftopicsortof

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