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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. [spoiler=Heal Hector, Hurt Fred]Marth 50 Ogma 11 Barst 11 Darros 4 Julian 10 Merric 50 Wolf 35 Sedgar 12 Caesar 13 Jeorge 10 Etzel 11 Sirius 50 Ellerean 50 Holyn 10 Levin 35 Skasaher 11 Arthur 27 Shanan 50 Othin 50 Halvan 50 Asvel 50 Fred 1 Glade 4 Homeros 22 Galzus 3 Dieck 8 Rutger 46 Klein 10 Karel 50 Hector 30 Raven 50 Pent 24 Harken 10 Geitz 10 Seth 50 Ross 20 Colm 10 Joshua 50 Ephraim 49 Gerik 11 Saleh 8 Cormag 14 Ike 50 Shinon 50 Gatrie 7 Volke 50 Janaff 48 Largo 16 Edward 50 Nolan 50 Black Knight 3 Michalis 50
  2. Just up late, sorting through some music. I'm done now. Night Oujay's and Proto~
  3. Go talk to Iced about it Had some water. I'm all good. Hmm... I dunno. I'll think about this a bit. XD I plan to
  4. I have no idea what you tried t osay either.
  5. Hey Fur! When do you go on holidays? What's up JB? Pretty good. I've been hit by a random dizzy spell though... Been thinking about it. :/ I'd have to get someone else to do a mug though. I could model her after Zarna
  6. [spoiler=Heal Hector, KO Horace]Marth 50 Ogma 11 Barst 11 Darros 12 Julian 10 Merric 50 Wolf 34 Sedgar 12 Caesar 13 Jeorge 10 Horace 0 Beck 8 Etzel 11 Sirius 50 Ellerean 50 Holyn 10 Levin 29 Celice 8 Skasaher 11 Arthur 27 Shanan 50 Othin 50 Halvan 50 Asvel 50 Fred 7 Glade 6 Homeros 23 Galzus 5 Dieck 8 Rutger 44 Klein 10 Karel 50 Hector 29 Raven 50 Pent 24 Harken 10 Geitz 10 Seth 50 Ross 20 Colm 10 Joshua 50 Ephraim 46 Gerik 11 Saleh 8 Cormag 14 Ike 50 Shinon 50 Gatrie 7 Volke 47 Janaff 45 Largo 16 Edward 50 Nolan 50 Black Knight 3 Michalis 50
  7. [spoiler=Heal Jasmine, Hurt Lyra] Brock-48 Lyra-16 May-69 Ethan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-57 Nurse Joy-38 Giovanni-12 Silver-30 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-69 Whitney-49 Morty-30 Chuck-33 Jasmine-84 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-65 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-67 Steven-49 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-68 Roark-30 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-44 Wake-20 Candice-54 Shirona-30 Marley-29
  8. Day off today. Parent-teacher interviews. And since Mum can cbf going, I'll just be at home all day.
  9. CHARIZARD GO Night Amelia! It's a good line.
  10. What? It's okay. Your grammar is better than Iced's. We don't bother correcting his 'cause otherwise we'd be doing it all day.
  11. That's too bad. 'Cause I like you.
  12. Yup. Then about 4/5 weeks in term 4 and I'm done for the year. I should start doing that.
  13. Wind Waker title screen That part in Wind Waker when the pirates come to rescue Aryll I spent years looking for this one.
  14. Try PhotoBucket. It's what I've always used. Haven't had a problem with it at all. Loving all the tutorials, and I'm looking forward to all the stuff with classes! I didn't know about getting Nuts out of trees with Catch either, heh. Also, Life's post are extremely informative.
  15. [spoiler=Heal Hector, KO Leaf]Marth 50 Ogma 11 Barst 11 Darros 14 Julian 10 Merric 50 Wolf 32 Sedgar 11 Caesar 13 Jeorge 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 11 Sirius 50 Ellerean 50 Cuan 8 Fin 10 Jamka 6 Holyn 10 Levin 13 Celice 10 Skasaher 11 Arthur 23 Shanan 50 Leaf 0 Othin 50 Halvan 49 Asvel 50 Shiva 4 Fred 7 Glade 12 Homeros 23 Galzus 9 Roy 8 Dieck 8 Rutger 43 Klein 10 Karel 50 Hector 28 Raven 50 Pent 24 Harken 10 Geitz 10 Seth 50 Ross 22 Colm 10 Artur 4 Joshua 50 Ephraim 44 Innes 9 Gerik 11 Saleh 8 Cormag 11 Ike 50 Shinon 50 Gatrie 13 Volke 38 Janaff 38 Largo 16 Edward 50 Nolan 50 Black Knight 5 Michalis 50
  16. [spoiler=Heal Jasmine, Hurt Meowth]Brock-48 Lyra-33 May-69 Ethan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-57 Nurse Joy-26 Meowth-4 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-63 Blaine-10 Whitney-34 Morty-30 Chuck-33 Jasmine-81 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-65 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-67 Steven-49 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-65 Roark-30 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-38 Wake-30 Candice-54 Shirona-30 Marley-30
  17. Hell yeah! I'll disappear for a couple of hours at some stage though.
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