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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. I like indices and multiplying numbers in my head. I don't mind differentiation, but I hate doing it backwards damn Integration I'm glad I'm not doing it in my final year.
  2. You know, I didn't get that until yesterday when I re-read it. EXAMS ARE OVER
  3. Shannan - 7 Mareeta - 125 Eirika - 37 Joshua - 92
  4. FE12!Beck - 35 Midir - 61 Lester - 32 Selphina - 75 Neimi - 25 Gerik - 53 Astrid - 96
  5. Sorry, I didn't realise. I went back and edited the post, if the means anything.

  6. Lena 24 Linde 13 Malliesia 22 Katarina 25 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 13 Tiltyu 71 Sety 20 Yuria 18 Tinny 132 Linda 16 Safy 20 Olwen 20 Salem 20 Tina 10 Eyrios 20 Linoan 20 Sara 20 Cyas 23 Lugh 11 Sophia 74 Serra 25 Lucius 133 Canas 21 Pent 86 Natasha 118 L'Arachel 36 Knoll 46 Ilyana 57
  7. Lena 24 Maria 0 *sends to Ein Lanford* Linde 13 Malliesia 19 Katarina 25 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 13 Tiltyu 71 Sety 20 Yuria 23 Tinny 132 Linda 16 Safy 20 Olwen 20 Salem 20 Tina 20 Eyrios 20 Linoan 20 Sara 20 Cyas 23 Lugh 16 Sophia 71 Serra 25 Lucius 135 Canas 21 Pent 83 Natasha 115 L'Arachel 36 Knoll 46 Ilyana 57
  8. Mercurius - 15 Gradivus - 66 Hauteclere - 15 Falchion - 18 Starlight - 15 Aum - 20 Mistoltin - 31 Tyrfing - 31 Balmung - 108 Ichival - 18 Thorhammer - 0 Blaggi Sword - 20 Loputo Sword - 20 Kia - 20 Durandal - 20 SoS - 20 Eckesachs - 20 Maltet - 20 Armads - 20 Murgleis - 10 Forblaze - 59 Aureola - 25 Regal Blade - 20 Rex Hasta - 16 Basilikos - 34 Reinfleche - 20 Excalibur - 20 Seiglinde - 20 Siegmund - 20 Audhulma - 41 Vidofnir - 15 Garm - 26 Ivaldi - 20 Vague Katti - 25 Ragnell - 38 Alondite - 20 Amiti - 20 Urvan - 20 Double Bow - 22 Wishblade - 23 Rexflame - 51 Rexcalibur - 20
  9. FE12!Beck - 40 Midir - 61 Lester - 32 Selphina - 69 Neimi - 25 Gerik - 60 Astrid - 98
  10. Ninja'd Shannan - 22 Mareeta - 129 Eirika - 37 Joshua - 85
  11. Mercurius - 15 Gradivus - 63 Hauteclere - 20 Falchion - 18 Starlight - 15 Aum - 20 Mistoltin - 26 Tyrfing - 29 Balmung - 100 Gungnir - 15 Swanchika - 20 Ichival - 23 Thorhammer - 23 Blaggi Sword - 20 Loputo Sword - 20 Kia - 21 Durandal - 20 SoS - 20 Eckesachs - 20 Maltet - 20 Armads - 20 Murgleis - 10 Forblaze - 50 Aureola - 21 Regal Blade - 20 Rex Hasta - 15 Basilikos - 34 Reinfleche - 20 Excalibur - 20 Luce - 15 Seiglinde - 20 Siegmund - 20 Audhulma - 36 Vidofnir - 20 Garm - 26 Ivaldi - 20 Vague Katti - 23 Ragnell - 32 Alondite - 20 Amiti - 20 Urvan - 20 Double Bow - 22 Wishblade - 20 Rexflame - 48 Rexcalibur - 20 Ashera Staff- 10
  12. Silk 20 Lena 24 Maria 25 Linde 18 Ellis 18 Malliesia 13 Yumina 12 Ellerean 10 Nyna 18 Katarina 25 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 13 Tiltyu 62 Lana 15 Sety 20 Yuria 20 Tinny 114 Linda 20 Safy 20 Olwen 20 Salem 20 Tina 20 Eyrios 20 Linoan 20 Sara 20 Miranda 20 Cyas 23 Ellen 12 Lugh 21 Sophia 62 Serra 23 Lucius 105 Canas 21 Pent 68 Natasha 102 L'Arachel 36 Knoll 53 Ilyana 83 Tormod 3
  13. Skasaher - 4 Shannan - 50 Mareeta - 129 Karla - 50 Eirika - 49 Joshua - 88
  14. Agreed. How the hell did she make it so high? Wolf - 28 FE12!Beck - 45 Midir - 48 Lachesis - 11 Lester - 32 Selphina - 75 FE5!Robert - 20 Neimi - 33 Gerik - 58 Astrid - 87
  15. The version I have is ALL English, but for some reason this one is partly in another language...
  16. I don't think they need to change. But if you want to change them so that each button has their own art based on the game, I wouldn't complain. Might make them look out of place though.
  17. Rhythm


    One of my friends got me Twilight for my birthday a couple of years ago, so I read it to be polite. ... Didn't like it. Bella's whiny and pessimistic attitude frustrated me. And, this may seem random, but I hated that it was set in a place where the weather is always miserable. It bored the shit out of me. The same friend got me the next one (was it New Moon?) for my birthday the next year, but I still haven't picked it up yet. :/ I don't want to subject myself to more of Bella's complaining. I saw the first movie when it first came out, and I liked that. Better than the book. I haven't seen the other movies yet though. I want one.
  18. The power of the Herons is also weakened in times of chaos. Maybe the Crimean war was sufficient to weaken his power? Or he could never have full recovered from the destruction of Serenes until after he and Leanne restored it, which could also have had an impact on his powers.
  19. Tee hee, thanks Proto~. I don't mind though.

  20. Haha, thanks Fayt. xD I don't mind though.

  21. Yeah, good luck with that. Can you even pull that off? Psh, nothing wrong with tradesfolk. Ditto. But I'm still glad it's over. The workload was insane. I'm gonna go sleep, night Fur.
  22. I believe you said that a few months ago too. o.O Can I have some of your Iced Coffee? :3 Okay, it makes sense now. 8D Ahh, polynomials aren't that bad. You'll do fine.
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