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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. You never know, hey? ;) Oh, did you move out of the ACT? :o Holy shit. I'M NOT DOING IT NEXT YEAR EITHER. I had my last exam for Maths on Monday.
  2. Holy shit, that's incredible! Ratchet and Clank 1, $5 at EB Games. They DO have the occasional gem.
  3. It was actually my first thought when I read it. <_< That and Dragon Quest.
  4. Does this mean we'll get more Tales over here? I hope so!
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't SF have links to ALL FE music?
  6. But she's clearly a she! Okay, I'm gonna sleep, I've got an exam to fail sit tomorrow. Night guys~
  7. Yeah, I didn't realise how big the image was until I posted it... Oh well. Her name is Mitsy. :3
  8. I actually just searched Ewan, and I didn't see a claim by anyone...
  9. Hey, when you get the chance, check out my first post on the first page of the PM and let me know what you think.

  10. My jaw actually dropped when I saw this.
  11. I don't think Anarchism could work. It relies far too much on people's honesty. While some will do the right thing by others, most would give in to temptation and just do whatever the hell they want. Then people who have been wronged will take their revenge, then the original person will get back at them... It goes on. I'm a fan of Liberalism; people are free to do what they can to reach their full potential, and the Government/authority is to step in whenever someone is stopping themselves or others from doing so. That being said, Anarchism could work on a very small scale, in a town where everybody knows each other and wouldn't want to hurt each other anyway. That sounds good to me. Then if/when it fails, they lose it, point proven. But then, since all these people desire anarchy, they wouldn't be a true reflection of the whole population. They could just be on their best behaviour in the hopes of ditching the government for good. The only way that could work is if it was a random group of people, not just those who want anarchy, and see how it goes.
  12. I main Ike and I've been told that I play him well. He went up 5 spots in the latest tier list. I'm also learning Pit, and of course MK. I try to go to tournies, I've only been to one so far, because they've all been right before assessment tasks or whatever at school, we have a birthday to go to, etc. Like, there's one this Saturday but exams start for me on Friday, so... I'll be going to the ones over the holidays though.
  13. Is it bad that this video reminds me of my Dad?
  14. I don't think it'll die. Besides, your posts are REALLY long. And while I'm here, I'll claim the Wind Waker, Medli, Makar and the King of Red Lions. Still waiting for that bastard friend to give me my game back
  15. Derp. I should be studying. Exams start Friday.
  16. Maybe you guys should make a thread. Or a PM.
  17. I am so putting this on my profile page. Exams end November 18. I should be on more then. On a more random note, I just realised that I joined the Forest a mere two days after Fur.
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