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Status Updates posted by Hekkastor

  1. working on chapter seven. More should be up soon.

  2. If you want me to, I can also email you my personal writings that aren't FE related.

  3. I finally had the spare time to post another bit of chapter six. More is coming by the end of the weekend.

  4. I still haven't figured out how to post notices... could you please enlighten me?

    Thank you,


  5. I have seen some of your spriting work, and I'm pretty impressed. You do a really good job. Some of the characters were downright amazing.

  6. happy christma-quanza-nukah!

  7. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  8. Thanks for your comments. what you said is pretty true. I've gone through and tried to make things a bit more realistic.

  9. Dear Shuuda, the stats are included just for fun, with no rhyme, reason nor propose. Personally, I just felt that it would help me better grasp my character's strengths and weaknesses. I understand what you are saying, however, i would much rather prefer if you tell me if there was anything wrong with the story itself rather then the extra fluff. Constructive criticism is definitely appreci...

  10. Thanks for the positive back feed. I'll keep writing as fast as I can.

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