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Posts posted by Tamarsamar

  1. Going to assume this question is meant in a classic sense (or at least a very generous "cut-off" point of 2001), as the distinction seems to blur more and more as the years go by.

    It's commonly said that Western RPGs were developed with emphasis on gameplay, while Eastern RPGs on story, but if you were to ask me, those elements are actually each of those respective genres weaknesses. While there are some JRPGs with a good story, they tend to be the very deserving well-recognized names in a sea of wanna-be Dragon Quest titles. Dragon Quest especially is pretty notorious for being a paragon of everything that people who hate JRPGs hate about JRPGs combined--the random encounters, the grinding, what have you. These sins, however, are infinitely more bearable (but no less annoying) in my book than the gameplay of Western RPGs--or at the very least, the ones based off of Dungeons and Dragons (a system not designed to be played as a game, which shows if you try to do so). While as a kid I was awed by the display of a game like Baldur's Gate, trying to play it myself many many years later, well . . . I've beaten several games with random encounter and grinding elements, but I can never actually get myself around to enough motivation to actually finish a game based on D&D. The real-time rolls/constant need for mashing the spacebar really drag out the non-random combat without doing it any particular favors, which is really a crime and shame, and it's shocking that the micomanaging of each party member doesn't bore everybody to tears.

    The truth of the matter is, in general, Western RPGs permit a far greater depth of interaction with the game world(/lore/story), while Eastern RPGs are far more streamlined and basically built to be gamed, being just plain more fun to play as a result. There are both bad and golden apples (i.e. exceptions) on either side in these departments, but when I'm in the mood for just jumping straight into an RPG, you will almost never see me choose one of the Western variety.

  2. Today I'm gonna do a double recommendation.

    First off I'm gonna recommend a Pure Rooibos Red Tea by Twinings. It's a nice calming tea that's great for just about any moment. I think the best part about the tea for me is the taste. I would say it reminds me of a green tea but less leafy, if that makes since.

    The next recommendation is an old favorite of mine Milky Tea. Just boil some milk for this once and add in your favorite tea for some excellent flavor. It's one of my favorites so if you haven't already give it a try.

    I hope you enjoy these dual recommendations.

    That reminds me that I need to try Milky Red Tea some time.

  3. Politics is the matter concerning how people are managed. Your gender politics are no less political just because it's the status quo or that you think they aren't (and it's quite frankly insulting that you hold a storytelling device-based metric to be simultaneously more important and presently unsatisfactory). You are not innocent in this matter--merely ignorant. This, of course, is not to imply that you are unable to learn, but unwilling; I would be glad to be proven wrong here.


    (Less) Real talk: If Isaac did make the cut, I will be needing to learn yet another main character . . .

  4. This actually clears EVERYTHING I had a problem with up, thank you.

    So, are we supposed to be the demonic child, or not necessarily so?

    Oh Heavens, no!

    You the player are a distinct entity, but are most closely tied to Frisk.

    From what I've read, the fallen child screws you both over at the end of a genocide route. This bars you from getting the true pacifist ending.

  5. Out of interest what happens if you

    [spoiler=thing at the beginning]let "flowey" hit you with those sparkle things?

    You get knocked to 1 HP and Flowey calls you an idiot and introduces you to his "kill or be killed" spiel. Then he initiates the inescapable ring attack, before being interrupted by Toriel--who also heals you back to full.

  6. @Deviddo:

    It takes some digging around in some unsavory paths to understand, but the first human (who true name is apparently supposedly Chara) is trying to control Frisk in a sort of pseudo-possession sense, and use Frisk to commit some . . . unsavory deeds. This is why you see "Chara" instead of Frisk in all the menus--though, if you paid attention to the dialogue, you'll notice that Asriel is the only person to actually call Frisk Chara, which (like the rest of the Undertale plot) is a direct result of his own rather unfortunate separation anxiety.

    Everybody else in the underground refers to you as "child" or "human" or "Yo!" or something like that--this being because Frisk never tells them their name until achieving the true ending, which has a prerequisite of shunning all of Chara's omnicidal influences completely.

    Apparently, Chara (as an influence on Frisk) is supposed to be a sort of demonic representation of every RPG insert-name-here protagonist, each of whose games usually having an objective (or at least a favorable result) involving the slaughter of endlessly respawning monsters--this being the most obvious connection they have with you, the likely player of these sorts of games. It didn't help, of course, that Chara (the fallen child) was already made to hate humanity long before even meeting Asriel. All this leads to the potential for a perfect storm where nothing survives in a world like Undertale, which flips the mechanics of these games of their head and follows them to their logical conclusion.

  7. Please, I do not need you speaking for me. Would it not be a touch hypocritical to accuse others of bullying, but then proceed to call them all manner of rude names, particularly behind their backs in private message (where you inexplicably advertised S&P2)? All I am saying is, you are not particularly helping the case for either of us. I never wanted to make it about Melee, anyway. I personally prefer to leave that game in the past where it belongs.


    Back to the thread topic, I would be interested in some Charizard discussion some time. I'm not sure I like many of the other nomination options, but I'll withhold a tiebreaker anyway if it ends up being important.

  8. The Sheik player would have to be better than me outright at Smash Bros. (admittedly not saying all that much) to beat my Charizard, I'd reckon.

    She's not this god that anybody can pull out after enough practice and simply beat everybody with, like everybody thinks she is. She has fewer kill moves than Pikachu!

    Fact of the matter is, a lot of really really good players (zero, ahem) fancied Sheik and her reputation has been riding that momentum ever since.

    And for whatever it's worth, the power differential in Smash 4's roster is relatively miniscule in the first place.

  9. Flare blade in general is much more reliable to hit than all the other B special moves from the FE characters

    Except Thunder. :p

    Also Dashing Assault, if you count customs.

    Interesting note about Flare Blade is that it easily supplants Warlock Punch as the best attack for Home-Run Contest, but what you might not know is that it does more knockback when released just before fully charged than it does when you let yourself take recoil damage. Food for thought.

  10. It is humanly impossible to input commands at the speeds required to play an optimal Melee Fox. Please understand if I find that to be fundamentally problematic (and quite frankly the antithesis of fun).

    Oh, and thanks for reminding me, but I also neglected to mention earlier that no character should have jab infinites, or any variety of infinite for that matter, and I sorely hope that Dedede and Luma have theirs removed in the upcoming patch.

  11. Tamar, please lets not get on the anti-Melee train, thats a deep road and I'd rather not get on it and have to explain why Fox isn't unstoppable etc, (Brawl Metaknight is much more broken than Melee Fox will ever be just saying).

    It was never my intent to turn this into an anti-Melee discussion, though you are right in saying that if I did, I could go on forever with regards to why Pichu's condescending defense was a terrible idea. I mentioned Melee Fox all of once (as a point of comparison, to note that Smash 4 Fox is, of course, not that bad). Brawl Meta Knight being worse is moot, as my point still stands that no character should have the ridiculous properties of Melee Fox anyway.

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