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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Personally I would've liked Kieran as an AT. His attack could be to run around babbling nonsense and axing everyone.
  2. In lieu of the Gheb fad, this topic needs more Ilyana and 3-13 Archer.
  3. Saw Southland Tales. It was...interesting. The plot was a bit hard to understand though. Lots of things going on at once.
  4. Sakurai is a bitch for not giving us continues on Boss Battles... I can't even beat it on Hard... ._. *Prepares to do it the cheap way.*
  5. I picked this up today and I'm loving it so far... (Even though I'm only about, 3 hours in.) The action battle system really keeps things interesting, though the Luck-Based Level Ups and Limit Breaks are a tad annoying. At least it gives me a reason to actually use my PSP <_<
  6. Even though he's like the best Saint evar. >_> Kieran is always a good source of hilarity... "Sure, no problem! Hmmm... I guess I'll just... sit down here and... knit... something... Ooo, look! A bear!" "Ho, I'm fine! Don't worry about old Kieran! I just need to pull this axe out of my head here... Whooo, that's sharp!" "Deceitful lying squinty COWARD!"
  7. I felt an earthquake the other day... It was small, but I felt it. The weird thing is that it happened the day after Fourth Fox got one
  8. FE-ification! I actually thought that was a typo the first time I saw it. >_>
  9. Zephrion


    Excessive remakes are never good... I do hope the older games make appearences on the VC though.
  10. MAIN: Ike Sub 1: Link Sub 2: Lucario Sub 3: Sonic
  11. Send your Mii's into battle! :P That was actually just a little joke. Gamespot's review criticized (of all things) Radiant Dawn's lack of Mii Support. ZOMG, EVERYBODY PANIC. Seriously, what would you do with Mii's in a FE game. >_>
  12. Ilyana as the antagonist. What? Actually, I would like Wifi myself, but Nintendo doesen't seem to like supplying Online to titles unless they're worth it. Then again, by the time FE 12 is released, they could change their minds... I sure hope the next game has Mii Support, so Gamespot doesen't have any reason to write an idiotic review.
  13. Alright, I'm gonna try my hand at making one of these. Consider it filler, if you will. [back at Serenes Base...] Coolguyvaters: Fireman! Fireman: *suddenly appears behind coolguyvaters* Right here. Coolguyvaters: Ah! Where the hell do you come from!? Fireman: I'm the Fireman. I go where I am needed. Coolguyvaters: Well... I'm sure there's a kitten stuck in a tree that needs you right about now. Fireman: ...10,000 Gold and I forget you said that. Coolguyvaters: You're joking. Fireman: *brandishes Peshkatz* I'll leave that up to you to figure out. Coolguyvaters: Come on... You know our financial situation is terrib-- Fireman: 5...4...3...2... Coolguyvaters: Alright! I'll pay up! *pays Fireman 10,000 G* Fireman: Good. Now turn around for a second... Coolguyvaters: Uh...sure, whatever you say. *turns around* *stabbity stabbity* Fireman: Nice doing business with you. *disappears* Coolguyvaters: MEDIC! Zephrion: I'm here! What seems to be the problem? Coolguyvaters: Well doctor, various stab wounds across my body are causing me a great deal of pain. Zephrion: Mmm... Sounds serious. Let me grab a Heal staff. Coolguyvaters: Don't you think this warrants a Mend staff? Zephrion: Nah, you'll be fine. It's but a flesh wound. Be right back! *rushes off* -Meanwhile- Metal Rabbit: So... I don't remember seeing you anywhere around the base...what's your name again? Kiryn: I don't know. Metal Rabbit: Riiiiight... Well... I'm Metal Rabbit. Kiryn: Oh... Nice to meet you Metal Rabbit. Metal Rabbit: Thanks... So, you don't remember your name? Kiryn: Nope. Metal Rabbit: Hmm... Perhaps I should give you one then... ... ... I know! How about... Iron Rabbit! Pretty good, eh? Kiryn: ...Not real-- Metal Rabbit: Great! I'll see you around Iron Rabbit! *leaves* Kiryn: ...I wonder who that was. -Back at the crime scene- Zephrion: I'm back! Coolguyvaters: About time... I'm starting to see red liquid all over the floor and I'm pretty sure it isn't cherry Kool-Aid. Zephrion: That just means you're body is repairing itself. Now hold still... *holds Heal staff into the air, releasing the a bright light. A few moments later, the light disappates, leaving coolguyvaters completely healed... except for the fact that his arms are where his legs should be and his face is upside-down.* Zephrion: WOAH! Coolguyvaters: What!? What's wrong!? Zephrion: Err... I'm just...surprised that...the healing went so well! Hang on, let me get Fourth Fox so she can see what a great job I did! FOURTH FOX!! *at that moment, Dragonblader1 walks past* Dragonblader1: Hey guys, how's it-- WOAH! What the hell happened to CGV!? Coolguyvaters: What!? What's wrong!? You said the healing went well! Zephrion: It did! He's just...surprised that I was able to do it, right Dragonblader? Dragonblader1: Oh, it's hideous! You look like you should belong in a freak show! I can't stand to look at it any longer! Coolguyvaters: AUGH!! What did you do to me!? Zephion: Nothing! On purpose... Fourth Fox where are you!? Dragonblader1: My eyes!!! Fourth Fox: I'm here-- WOAH! What the hell happen-- Zephion: Yeah, yeah, long story. Can you fix him? Fourth Fox: Of course! *brandishes a Mend staff, and quickly returns coolguyvaters to normal.* Zephrion... This is your fault, isn't it!? Zephrion: Err... Bye! *runs away* Fourth Fox: This isn't over! Coolguyvaters: So...what happened? Fourth Fox: You don't want to know. Lets just say Zephrion isn't going to be touching a staff for a while... Dragonblader1: The horrors...the horrors... *twitch* Coolguyvaters: Uh... Is he gonna be alright? Fourth Fox: Sure. After a couple months of therapy, he'll be good as new. Just, uh... Stay away from him a while, will you? Coolguyvaters: You don't have to tell me twice... Phew... That was a lot longer than I thought it would be... What do you guys think? (My apologies to MR and Kiryn for the rather small parts they recieved. If I make another, I'll be sure to give you guys a larger role in the main plot.)
  14. Otherwise known as 'The Age Before The Age Where Ilyana Devours All Human Life.' Seriously though, you have a knack for this stuff Fireman. Keep it up.
  15. Ilyana: That was a great battle. Eat up everyone, you need the strength! Soldier Bob: Wow, feasts every night? Thanks Ilyana! You know...if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were fattening us all up and were planning to cook and eat us later! Ilyana: ...Oh, what a silly thing to say! After that night, Soldier Bob was never seen or heard from again.
  16. Not really. I just like the fact that the admins seem really laid-back. Though kissing up to them isn't a bad idea...
  17. Lolz. The second one's a bit funnier IMO.
  18. But Temple was awesome... It was second only to Corneria. Those were the best stages in the game IMO.
  19. Lolz. This was getting a bit off the point. :P I can't even remember what the point was...
  20. I'm guessing you weren't much of a Temple fan back in Melee, huh?
  21. Nope. Cuz NTG, Makarov, and Jyosua (who has been gone for a while...) are cool too. Gotta love a site that has great admins. :P
  22. I wish the Ultimate Chimera was a Stage Builder object. Ultimate Chimera + Stage with High Walls = Hilarity.
  23. Yeah. I could see this getting moved to FftF if it get's too off-topic, but definitely not locked. Vincent's just nice like that. :P
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