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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. I can see it now... Ranulf: Please, Ike, Soren, you guys have to come back. It's Ilyana... She's eating everything, and everyone! Soon the entire WORLD will fall to her insatiable hunger! Ike: For the last time, no. Take care of yourselves for once! It's always, 'Save us, Ike,' or 'Stop all the fighting Ike,' or 'Quit stealing all my EXP Ike!' WELL NO MORE! Ranulf: But she ate the merchant caravan! Ike: Meh, I never liked them much anyway. And at least now I don't have to worry about Aimee stalking me anymore. Soren: Seconded. Ranulf: But...she ate Mist! Ike: I hope she ate Boyd as well. He obviously didn't do a good job protecting her. And Mist is annoying anyway, have you HEARD her voice!? Ranulf: SHE ATE 3-13 ARCHER! Ike: =O 3-13 Archer!? Soren! We must return! FOR 3-13 ARCHER!!! *Runs off screaming.* Soren: Ike! Wait! Ugh... This is the worst plot for a Fire Emblem game ever. Ranulf: Tell me about it. Next thing you know, the Black Knight will suddenly return out from nowhere to kill Ike. AGAIN! Black Knight: 'Sup. Ike totally pwned my twin brother, LOL. So I'm like, WTF is with that? So now I haves to burninate him. Cuz Lord Ilyana told me so! Soren: *Slaps forehead.* I'm surrounded by idiots.
  2. I'm partial to pens myself, but welcome to the forums anyway! We can never have enough fans of Ike. :P
  3. Yeah, but the problem is they can continually juggle you, and it's hard to get those 1-2 hits on them at times... Just beat All-Star on Intense, with the impressive score of 503,719! (500,000 of which came from beating it.) I also only had enough coins for one more continue. XD Pokemon Trainer is incredibly cheap... Each Pokemon is supposed to count as 1 stock. >_<
  4. When Yune mentions 'Or the little girl who stays by the queen of Crimea,' she is most likely referring to Amy. However, I believe when Stefan says 'I don't think she's as young as she looks,' he's likely referring to Micaiah, which would make much more sense. (Remember afterwards, Yune tells that 'Micaiah says that's true,' which impies that Micaiah is telling Stefan that she is indeed older than she looks.)
  5. Oh great, now I have to beat it using one continue. JUST TO PROVE A POINT! Team _____ Battles are not fun on Intense... Especially when going against DeDeDe.
  6. If you've never worked with sprites before, you should start out trying recolors. They're rather simple to do, and all you really need is MS Paint.
  7. Ilyana > Nephenee = Mia > Marth. *Counts down time until someone makes a 'Nephenee!' Topic.*
  8. Because a parody of Death Note wouldn't quite deliver the same effect. :P But yeah, despite being based off that anime, it is rather cute. In Smash news, I beat Classic on Intense today. Using 3 continues. Man, I suck. x_x
  9. Not quite sure why, but my friend and I could not stop laughing after we first saw this picture.
  10. Ah yea, The Dark Knight. That's a movie I want to see. I bet you anything some people will question how Heath Ledger can star in this movie. Just saw Epic Movie. Wasn't quite as good as the Scary Movies, but it supplied some good laughs nonetheless. Not quite worth a buy, but if you enjoyed Scary Movie, then by all means rent it.
  11. Smash Bros as an anime! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sSPqaai1XQU Warning: May contain mentally scarring material.
  12. The amount of sexual innuendo in this topic is OVER 9000!!! In related news, what about Tuedays? >_> <_<
  13. Spore Mario Kart Wii Gears of War 2 Golden Sun 3 (If they actually release it... ._.) ANY GOOD RPG FOR THE WII! Hopefully this list will grow soon...
  14. Jim Carrey + Steve Carrell = I also saw a trailer for Speed Racer. When I first heard they were making this movie, my first thoughts were "Bleh." After seeing that however, I may actually go see it. Iron Man FTW Incredible Hulk FTL
  15. You gotta love it when this sort of thing happens. http://youtube.com/watch?v=2Ezpgf0fE8U
  16. Ah, thanks. I'd take Winged Tabuu over Tank Galleom any day. >_>
  17. Saw 'Horton Hears a Who.' Despite the fact that it's a kids movie, it was actually very funny. I recommend it to all ages.
  18. Huh, really? I heard it was a Winged Tabuu Trophy... Is there any trophy like that in the game?
  19. Hah, I wonder if anyone's managed to do it legitimately yet. :P He used an edgehogging technique with Toon Link. The same thing works just as well with Kirby, and probably many others. (That's the method I used.) Heres a vid showing the technique with Kirby:
  20. ARGH! I was just now playing All Star Mode for Link's FS Trophy, and just as the level ends, I perform my pose for the screen capture. (A small habit of mine.) Right at that moment, a CD drops RIGHT IN FRONT OF LINK! All I could do is watch it slip away as Link performed his taunt. So sad. *Sniff.* [/rant] Just wanted to put that out there...lol.
  21. Ah. Hah, I've been playing on Very Hard, and trophy stands are pretty common. Maybe you're just unlucky.
  22. Heh, yeah. I've actually been meaning to test that for a while... Thank for saving me the trouble. :P Were you getting any button lag? I had about a half-second delay, so it wasn't too bad.
  23. Nice Dragoon dodge, that was awesome. XD Self-Destruct Races FTW.
  24. I have 'em all except the Ridley twins. Even if I do manage to hit Meta Ridley with the Trophy Stand, I can't fall fast enough to catch it. Tabuu was pretty intense though, dodging the RRoD is quite fun. Duon was a total moron. On one occasion, he killed himself with his own missiles, and on another, he knocked the Trophy Stand off the stage. How infuriating. By the way, Dragonblader, if you're having trouble finding a stand, play on harder difficulties. The higher the difficulty, the higher chance there is of a Trophy Stand appearing.
  25. Actually I'm about to head out to eat. I'll be back in around an hour though, if you're up for it then.
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