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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Zelda looks like she's about to snap Ike's neck. o_o; She needs to stop hanging out with Snake.
  2. Yeah, but Ilyana will demand way too much food. By the end of her term, we'll have all died of starvation. ...I'd vote for her anyway.
  3. Hah, Meteor was just the first thing that popped into my head, but you're right, Cymbeline would fit Sanaki better. :P Poor Largo though... I wonder how they explained that to Amy? Sanaki is so hot, not even Volke could cool her off!
  4. Oops, sorry. Guess I got carried away. :P Puns are still fun though. Sanaki is so hot, she turned Pluto into Meteor!
  5. Zephrion


    Well, you could post any findings here and get them verified or something... Just a thought. Of course, if you found something that's always been there, I'm sure you would know...right? Congrats on Nestling, btw.
  6. I'd watch it. >_> <_< *Runs away.*
  7. Micaiah isn't hot. She is blindingly unattractive. Puns are fun...
  8. Voted Soren. (Obviously) I just can't help but like his personality and attitude.
  9. Mia: No foot for you! *Laughter* Ah... Good times, gooood times...
  10. They're so hot, they turned Rexcaliber into Rexpuddle!
  11. Not when the dark powers of Necromancy are available, I suppose. Err... Not that I have such powers... Anyway, my vote here is the same as it was in the non-zombie topic. Caineghis ftw.
  12. I downloaded Gunstar Heroes and SIn and Punishment today... Gunstar Heroes is pretty fun. It's basically a side scrolling shooter, so if you're into that, by all means check it out. Sin and Punishment is another great game. I have to thank Hanz for recommending it. :P There's a 'Popular Titles' tab in the shop channel, if that's any indication. Otherwise, you can go to Nintendo.com to check out a gameplay video of the title you're looking for, though they're only like, 30 seconds long. If that fails, you can always go check out reviews for the game.
  13. To be fair, that topic's almost a month old, and probably qualifies for "dead." I choose Caineghis, mainly because of his battle music.
  14. You scored as a Dark You're pretty reserved, but you've got a reason. Not exactly mainstream. Dark 69% Heaven 69% Water 66% Wind 66% Thunder 59% Light 59% Fire 47% Anima 41% Fits me pretty well... Better than the last one, and a lot more detailed on the questions. I give it a 4/5.
  15. Of course, anyone who doesen't READ a contract before signing it is a total idiot anyway... Ike: Pelleas! Every plan you've pitched to us so far has failed! We've lost half our men, including Oscar and Rolf! Look what you've done to Boyd! Boyd: Oscar...Rolf... I'm gonna burn 'em all! I'm gonna burn those Begnion bastards! Burn 'em all! Ike: o_o; Anyway, why I called you here... You're being demoted to Healer, since you got Rhys killed with your 'Use all the staff wielders as barricades' plan. Pelleas: I'm...sorry? Ike: Sorry ain't good enough. Get outta my tent ya purple-haired hippie. Pelleas: Aww... *Leaves.* Ike: I knew I should have hired that emo looking kid... Now I need a new staff officer! Boyd! You're our new tactitian! Got any ideas? Boyd: Burn...*Twitch* 'em...all... Ike: Perfect! They'll never see it coming! Mist! Get me a torch! We're going to roast some senators! Ilyana: Mmm... Roasted Senators...
  16. Level 15 Student here. Though nowadays I have much better things to do than spend every waking hour advancing my character.
  17. But Valtome is awesome... Uwee hee hee!! In other news, I wonder if Archsage Ilyana is 3x as cannibalisitic as Thunder Mage Ilyana...
  18. Ouch, now that is painful. Must have gone through a couple Elixers there, huh?
  19. Why the lack of details, I wondered. But my dreams were too strong... Also, I hate you. ^_^
  20. Yeah, plus the +5 stat bonuses you get at 4-E-3. I'm nearing the end of my Normal Run and I gotta say, it really sucks that Ike can't double the final boss. :(
  21. I think the best bet is to just give it to someone else, though it's probably too late for that judging by where you're at in the game. Strange... I never had Ike attack Micaiah, and yet I got the music by the end of the game. It was on my second playthrough I discovered the same music plays when Ike attacks an Ally Unit... Seems like your game doesen't want you unlocking anything. ;)
  22. The RN system, most likely. It seems to determine everything else number related, so it's safe to assume it calculates this as well.
  23. Ah, that makes a bit more sense. You wouldn't happen to have Calill's Meteor hanging around? That's your best bet for getting him to attack Pelleas, instead of busting straight through the lines and increasing your kill count. By the way, The Goddess's Rebuke, (Which I assume is the music you're talking about.) can also be gotten by Ike attacking any random Yellow Unit on 3-13. I'm not sure about Blue Units though, as I've never been crazy enough to let them near him. ^^;
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