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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Heh, perhaps I should have looked outside before I got all excited about it. All I see is grey. x_x Oh well, guess I'll have to settle for the Burger King's Eclipse.
  2. Sarcasm spawned a serious discussion? Now that is a first... But regardless of the sarcasm, you did have some good points. :P
  3. Speed huh? Wow, almost every Part 1 unit has a speed problem... <_< Thanks for the advice though.
  4. Perhaps... But haven't you ever experienced units "defying the numbers" at one point? I mean, two 19% criticals is a rare and almost unheard of occurance with 2 RN's... There has to be some sort of secret to it, right?
  5. You sir, are a mind reader! That's exactly why I nominated him. XD
  6. It might be speculation, but you have to admit, it does make sense... The Greil Mercs seem to have a much better chance of hitting/dodging than the Dawn Brigade. Just a thought, but perhaps their reasoning was to have a sort of throwback to the first 5 Fire Emblems, where they used a Single RN to decide outcomes. Nephenee though... I'm not sure why they would give her in particular 3 RN's...
  7. Yeah, that term was named after him. I haven't played it, but from what I hear, he starts off really good, but his terrible growths hinder him in the long run... Should be an interesting nomination. :P
  8. Aran really is good, huh? I'll have to make an effort at training him on my next playthrough...
  9. The original Jeigan, from the first Fire Emblem.
  10. Ah cool. Lunar Eclipse's are fun. It's apparently the last full one 'till 2010 though, so I gotta be sure not to miss it. :P
  11. My current list... Radiant Dawn, 2nd Run. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, Pro Run Metroid Prime 3, Hyper Mode Run After that, I MIGHT do a Normal Run of PoR to get Data Transfers for another run of RD. (Never tried Data Transferring before... Anything to enrich the experience.)
  12. Ah, that explains a lot... On my first playthrough, Nephenee would either Critical or Impale at least once in each battle. I knew she was defying the numbers somehow... At the same time, Leonardo managed to critical a Tiger twice in a row with an approximately 19% chance. Of course the 80%+ misses really get on my nerves, especially in life or death situations. The RNG sure has a way of being a gift and a curse, eh? :P
  13. Seconded, that was one of the funnier ones. Fourth Wall breakage ftw. XD
  14. Ah, good point. To be honest, I've never had to use a Thunder Tome on Dragons either, but that was simply because I rushed with all my powerful units and killed him in 3 turns. Any longer, and the dragon reinforcements get up there and make things a living hell.
  15. Aww, does that mean 3-13 Archer is out? I would have seriously voted for him. XD I nominate Roy. Because everyone knows Roy is better than Marth. *Prepares FlameShield.*
  16. Well, some characters *Cough Meg Cough.* need BEXP abuse to be any good at all, but when you overuse BEXP, they can turn out pretty well. Leonardo is turning out pretty well on my runthrough, but of course, Personal Experience Means Nothing and all that. Guess I'll have to see how he stacks up on Endgame... I will admit however, I'm not training him because he's good, I'm training him because I wanted to see for myself how he turns out, as I neglected most of the Dawn Brigade in my first run.
  17. Seriously? Sunshine wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't the best Mario game ever, but I found it to be pretty enjoyable. Turbo Surfing ftw.
  18. Knocked Up was really funny, but Superbad. Meh, WAY too many sex jokes for my liking. In other news, I saw Mr. Woodcock. Very funny, anyone who hasn't watched it yet really should.
  19. Not necessarily. So long as he keeps Lughnasadh, he can double most foes he comes across.
  20. This was about... 2 hours ago? It was right after Makarov posted in the Janaff/Ulki Recruitment topic, IIRC.
  21. New and improved death quote: Augh...curses. That's...the last time I hide behind an Allied Unit...for protection...
  22. Stupid and pointless, but I thought it was pretty funny. :P
  23. Bring Naesala. Nothing beats the awesomeness of the Raven King. On my first playthrough, being frustrated with the spirits in 4-E-4 always using Guard, I had him and Tibarn wipe them all out first. :P Uh... Who else... Uh, try training Oscar and Titania, they're pretty good if you handle them right. Definitely a fast Archsage who can use Arcthunder, if you're not using Ilyana. Soren does pretty well with a forged tome, if you're willing to spend the money on that, and you get lucky with a coin.
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