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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Well, considering how bad the AI is... *Cough.* Though I wonder what possessed them to set the same trap twice? They could have at least set the pitfalls so they fall straight through the bridge. Now THAT'S a trap.
  2. Darn, the perfect humiliation plan, ruined. And yes, I know about the flier trick, I just find it annoying that enemy units will never fall into them.
  3. They avoid them completely? I've never noticed that before... I just assumed they were passing through them. But that gives me an idea... Does Shove work on enemy units? If so, it might be possible to just push them into an inactive pitfall and see what happens.
  4. I poured a bunch of BEXP into Leo to get him from Lvl 13 Sniper to Lvl 1 Marksman last night... I sort of did it as a joke, expecting him to get screwed, but I actually managed to abuse his Speed stat (Among a couple other stats), making it so he can actually double things. *Gasp.* Since then he's pretty much been destroying everything in sight. Can I take back my vote for Shinon?
  5. ...that enemy units can pass freely through unactivated pitfalls in 3-11? Seriously, what's up with that?
  6. Yeah, this sometimes happens even with brand new disks. Unclean disks might contribute to the problem, but it definitely isn't the main reason.
  7. I am amazed at how quickly you people resort to cannibalism... You should be ashamed!
  8. Wow, you've been here for half an hour and you've already managed to burn down the entire forest. Bravo! *Claps.*
  9. MR posted 41 on the first page. Guess I'm the only one who checked, lol. Though he really should have put it in his post...
  10. Must...resist...urge...to...light candle. Welcome to the forest, Blaze. Try not to burn anything down. ^^;
  11. How could one look it up if it's not in the dictionary? :P
  12. ...What? Well, I do like Chicken a bit more than Pork... Why do you ask?
  13. Good point. *Revives.* Hmm... Does it smell like something is burning to you?
  14. But... You just said... What do you... *Falls over from Logic Deprivation.*
  15. I'm pretty sure the "Stone Age" wouldn't have Ballista, and Magical Tomes, and weapons made from Silver...
  16. I was really bored earlier, so I decided to cook up a couple Soren sprites, considering the internet seems to be devoid of them. They're basically Lucius recolors, so they're really not all that great, but tell me what you think anyway, if you will. Modeled after Soren's Archsage outfit, btw.
  17. Darn, thought I had you with that one. Oh well, Tibarn it is.
  18. Eh, Tibarn, Bolting, Naesala. What's the difference, they all come from the sky.
  19. Aha, good point. Looks like Tibarn will forever remain Bolting in some small way.
  20. It could have to do with the Wii being overheated or something. Is it in a place you could consider well ventilated?
  21. Not if Vincent decides to interfere. That would be...bad.
  22. Zephrion

    New guy

    :o Coolguyvaters is RFoF!? Plot twist! Welcome to the forums, 21. The answer is Bayleef, btw. :P
  23. Hey, if no one made assumptions, where would we be? Besides, it's fun. :P I wonder if Volke was seperated from all the other kids growing up.
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