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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. There be plenty o' other jokes that be older. I could ref'rence 3-13 Archer now if I pleased.
  2. So is Darth Vader. Look at that face, it's hideous! My eyes, they buuuuurn.
  3. You could have always gone with CoolGuyPalpatine. >_> <_<
  4. The Meaning of Truth - Hiro X Yeah, the Falcon Densetsu song.
  5. To each his own, I suppose. Now I'd like to pose a question. If you could only see one of these movies, which would you see? Iron Man Speed Racer Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Personally, I would go with Iron Man, simply because it looks so badass. But don't let my opinion sway yours. :P
  6. Well, it's definitely not on hold at the moment because the writer heavily procrastinates. >_> <_< Is it just me, or does Metal Rabiit seem a bit more... off the wall than usual?
  7. Us pirates never lie, lass. Pirates be sworn to always tell ta truth, ever since ta great Cap'n Washington fought in the Not-So-Revolutionary War. Ah, those be the good times...
  8. Arr, I, Cap'n Zephirion be welcomin' yeh to the forest! We be supportin' pirate grammar here. So boast yeh best pirate impression, else yeh be forced ta walk the plank.
  9. High: Ike Low: Everyone Else. Tiers = Bleh. I can't blame Sakurai for wanting to get rid of them.
  10. If there isn't already a book about that, you should seriously write it.
  11. Forgive me, for I had no other choice. These kinds of topics just leave themselves so open...
  12. Saw Be Kind Rewind. This proves my theory that any movie starring Jack Black is utterly hilarious.
  13. Finally, someone who understands that I understand them. I concur. While you're poasting, I'll get roasting. This party needs some good food. I dare you to close this topic! As much as I'd love to date you, I can't close this topic, or the world shall fall to darkness. But if Vincent decides to close this topic you can date him if you like.
  14. Go ahead and post in this topic, because I won't be closing it anytime soon.
  15. Name: Ethan Code: 5370-0132-3122 I'll be the guy who sucks with anyone other than Ike. And I apologize for not being on often... I've sort of stopped everything to play through Okami ^^; I'll try to be online more often in the future.
  16. Because he Knifes anyone who asks him to explain it?
  17. Perhaps it was just psycho day in general.
  18. At least they weren't as god-awful as the last ones. >_> <_< We should compile all these stories into a book or something, and sell it for $20. We'll all be rich! [Generic Evil Laughter]
  19. I have the strangest feeling that dark days are ahead... Anyway, welcome to the forest, blah blah blah, generic welcome, blah blah blah.
  20. Well... You still have Toon Link. :D Perhaps this will give you reason to become even better with Jigglypuff.
  21. Lolz, that was all kinds of epic. Plus it had a solid plot as well. Great job, totally worth it. ...I wish I could say more about it than a string of generic comments. >_>
  22. Don't you just love self-destructing like that? When a friend of mine and me battled, he used Critical Hit in midair and launched straight off the stage. That moment made my day right there.
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