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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. It's been cloudy and sunny lately, to my relief. We got 22 inches of snow at the end of April... That's just crazy, even for where I live.
  2. Zephrion


    A friend of mine walks up to me every day and demands of me to tell him the date the CC is released, so I don't forget. It's rather funny actually... And I'll try and update my first post every time new information surfaces. Sort of. You start out as an ameoba, "eating" other small organisms to grow. Eventually, you grow legs and explore the land, form tribes and enhance your civilization. All of this leads to your creature eventually going into space and exploring other planets for similar life.
  3. There was also this one week where no matter how hard I tried, every day I would slip and fall on the ice at least once. The worst of it was that there were small rocks scattered across the ice, so when I fell, I managed to cut my hand up every time, which stung for awhile after. Most of the wounds healed, but I still see the ghost of a small gash below my palm.
  4. Perhaps you should make your name Archysis. It sounds much cooler. =D

  5. I was walking down the stairs at my school... When I reached the bottom, a misplaced step resulted in my foot hitting the bottom of the handrail, causing me to losing my balance, which then let to me hitting the floor, and bodysliding a few feet. Though I'm sure a bunch of people saw it, no one laughed or commented on it. I was really glad for that. >_> There's also been numerous other incidents where I crash into someone in the halls and drop everything I'm holding.
  6. Spear Pillar, even though it's not on there and Dialga and Palkia are the fail. Halberd. It has badass music. Norfair, ONLY because it's the only stage Golden Sun - Battle Medley plays on. That song is like crack for my ears. Green Hill Zone. Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic BOOM! And Pirate Ship, because it's made of awesome and win. Because of that, it gets my vote. I like Temple and Corneria, but I'll have to go with Corneria.
  7. Welcome to the forest. You can call me Zephrion, Zephiron, or Zephirion. I'll probably end up constantly switching between those three. It's a long story, and since Fireman loves long stories and going in depth on the smallest of things, I'm sure he'll explain it to you. Or he won't, simply because I said he will. Logic is fun, no?
  8. Don't forget mass suicides and intense games of Chess! You have to wonder though... You'd think America would put up more of a fight upon being absorbed into the empire.
  9. Zephrion

    Death Note

    Lol, pun. And Death Note is indeed...different. It lacks the comedy seen in a lot of anime nowadays, but makes up for it with some solid action and suspense. At the end of the Yotsuba arc, I complained that Death Note was slowly becoming less interesting, and then the next episode (the timeskip) it picked up again. Found that rather amusing...
  10. It would have been nice to get Ike's class changes as alternate costumes. Sakurai really could have done a lot more with those.
  11. I really should write another episode...sometime... It'll probably end up being filler, since I'm no good with coherent plotlines. (As evidenced by my last attempt. *cough cough*)
  12. It's a shame he can't change it again for another 12 days or so. That's gotta be the ultimate punishment. :P But it was funny while it lasted.
  13. I started watching this a couple weeks ago when [AS] began airing it. Looks good so far, and it's got quite a few notable VAs such as John Bosch, Crispin Freeman, and Yuri Lowenthal, to name a few. It also seems a bit like Death Note, and I hear I'm not the first to make that comparison... So, let the discussions begin!
  14. Purple Polka Dots, obviously.
  15. I purchased a Bianchi yesterday and I need a hand with some ID confirmation. I belive it is a "Specialissima". I believe this because that is what it says on the non-dive side chainstay. The serial # on the seat lug is 108 and on the other side it is stamped 3.83, is this a build date? It has chromed fork crown, fork tips (campagnolo), chainstay, seatstay caps, and rear dropouts (campagnolo). One set of water bosses, two slot cutouts on BB shell, engraved "B" on fork crown, lower headlug and seatcap has it in a circle. Allen nut brake mounting. It has a mix of parts but I will skip those for now as it is easy to throw one off and the "specialissima" was available as a frame and fork anyways. Now here is the monkey wrench!!! It has a Columbus "Tre Tubi" tubing decal on the seat tube. hmmm??? WTH? A monday build? A rogue decal in the mix? Not a "specialissima"? What say ye? I lol'd so hard.
  16. Zephrion


    The Creature Creator release date is June 17th. The actual game's release date is September 7th. I'm wondering if there will be some sort of discount for those who bought the CC beforehand... So long as he just makes the same exact game, but with Wii controls, it shouldn't be too bad... As boring as that sounds.
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