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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. I'm voting Mist (FE9) because I haven't played the GBA games and PoR is the only game she's been useful for me. (During the fight with the BK)
  2. I think Rainbow Road was created when Mario ate one too many mushrooms... Still, Rainbow Road ftw.
  3. Perhaps the Tornado would appear on the side of the screen. Then you could move it up and down, and press the attack button to fire homing missiles. Or Tails could just call down his mech to unleash mass havoc.
  4. It would have been much more hilarious and unexpected had Jon Heder done the voice for Dedede. Dedede: Kirby, you're such an idiot, gosh!
  5. You still got the whole 'killing Vincent' thing. Nothing gets the plot moving like someone going psychotic.
  6. Lulz. Didn't see it at first, but that is funny.
  7. You have no time to ponder such questions, as Link just grabbed a Smash Ball!
  8. The key to properly preparing chicken, is to tenderize it by hitting it repeatedly with a blunt object.
  9. Strange coincidence, or clever wordplay? The world may never know. "Lets get together again in another 10 years or so." Andonuts is such a terrible father. I also found it funny how the cop tells you to come down to the police station, then leaves. Onett must be on the honor system.
  10. I remember when I tried air dodging Tabuu's Red Ring of Death... It didn't work out so well. Does that make Crazy Hand Meta Ridley? 0_o
  11. Good point. Also, the dialouge in this game is genius. "Why is the road to Twoson closed? An emergency, of course. At times like this, kids like you should be playing Nintendo games." Just made it to Threed, and by now I can imagine that the Fourth Wall has been shattered into little tiny bits.
  12. I'm sure all of Tails's attacks would involve summoning Sonic to do all the work for him.
  13. Awesome episode MR. Very much worth it. Here's one of mine... I sort of just made up the plot as I went along, so it's not really that great. Announcer: This game's winner is... Ike! Zephrion: Yes, I win again! In your FACE! Coolguyvaters: Oh, you cheated and we all know it. Dragonblader: You have to be kidding... You know only losers spam Quick Draw. Fourth Fox: Like you're one to talk. You ran to the edge of the stage and spammed Aura Sphere the entire time. Zephrion: Owned. Dragonblader: Shut up Zephrion. Metal Rabbit walks in. Metal Rabbit: Hey guys, what are you doing? Coolguyvaters: Playing Super Smash Bros Brawl. Metal Rabbit: Never heard of it. Fourth Fox: We just picked up today, along with a Wii. Zephrion: It's awesome. Probably the best game ever. Metal Rabbit: Better than Phoenix Wright? Dragonblader: MUCH better than Phoenix Wright. Metal Rabbit: ._. Fourth Fox: What did you have to go and do that for!? Dragonblader: I thought it would be funny. And it is! Look, he's having a nervous breakdown! I gotta go get my camera! *Runs off.* Fourth Fox: Hmm... Coolguyvaters: What's wrong? Fourth Fox: Doesn't the fact the we live in the middle of a forest, and still have all this technology disturb you two at all? Zephrion: Not really. Fourth Fox: What about the fact that we have no generator of any sort, and here we are, having an action-packed no holds barred showdown? Coolguyvaters: Why would we need a generator? That tree seems to be working just fine. Just then, the game and TV shut off. Coolguyvaters: What the... Damnit Ilyana, did we tell you to stop!? Ilyana: You will all burn for this someday... *Casts Elthunder on the Tree.* Meanwhile... Dragonblader: Hey! Have you seen my camera? Metal Rabbit is having a nervous breakdown! Kiryn: Ooooh, really? I think Fireman had it last. Maybe he knows where it is. Dragonblader: Augh, Fireman!? We'll never find hi-- Fireman: Right here. Dragonblader: What...How did you...Where did you... Fireman: Yes, yes. I know I'm ninja. So you called? Kiryn: Have you seen Dragonblader's camera. Metal Rabbit is having a nervous breakdown and we have to take record of it! Fireman: 10,000. Dragonblader: But we don't have that kind of money with us! Fireman: I guess you'll have to find it yourselves then. Kiryn: Wait! How about if we give you the pictures. Then you can use them to blackmail Metal Rabbit. Fireman: Hmm... Good point. Alright, deal. Your camera is in your pocket, Dragonblader. Dragonblader: ..................... Kiryn: Hurry up! I don't want to miss this! Back at the game... Announcer: This game's winner is... Ike! Coolguyvaters: You gotta be f---ing kidding me. Zephrion: Oh yeah! Can't touch this skill! Fourth Fox: If you call spamming a skill. Zephrion: It's a legitimate strategy! Kiryn: Hey! Where's Metal Rabbit? We need to take embarrasing photos of him before it's too late! Coolguyvaters: He's behind that tree over there, rocking back and forth and muttering something about objections. Kiryn: Great! Did you bring the camera Dragonblader? Dragonblader: I don't see why I couldn't have, seeing as it was in my pocket the entire freakin' time. Kiryn: Great! Oh Metal Rabbit... How 'bout a picture? Metal Rabbit: Objection... Overruled... Defense... Prosecuter... Phoenix... Wright... Chewbacca... Chewbacca... CHEWBACCA! Zephrion: Huh. Well, who's up for a rematch! Fourth Fox: ... Coolguyvaters: ... Zephrion: Fine! I'll just play by myself then! A short time later... Coolguyvaters: You know, it's funny. Fourth Fox: What? Coolguyvaters: The episode is almost over, and yet I haven't been horribly maimed or killed. Fourth Fox: Miracles do happen. Zephrion: AUGH! Damn you Duon! Zephrion fires a Tornado at the television, which bounces off and heads straight in CGV's direction. Coolguyvaters: WOAH! *Dodge.* ...I...I dodged it. YES! IN YOUR FACE! You thought you had me didn't you? Well not this time bitch! Ahahahaahaha!!! *Turns around to face the carnage that the Tornado had created upon missing CGV.* ...Oh. Zephrion: -Adept- Coolguyvaters: Well damn. This is gonna take a while to fix. *Turns back around to see a Tornado right in front of him.* Oh... You gotta be shi-- *Tornado Pwnage.* Someone help! The Kool-Aid is back!
  14. Ah, good. That saves me a bit of trouble. This game requires a good deal of level grinding, doesn't it?
  15. Butter Building - Smash Remix (Kirby) Probably one of the best remixes in the game.
  16. Yeah, that was right. But I could've swore he says 'Here.' Huh. Yells can be very ambigious. ... *Triforce Slash pwnage.*
  17. I would say "Lulz," but I remembered this topic is in the forest now, so instead I'll say that your episode was indeed pretty funny Haar Dragonblader.
  19. Started playing EarthBound the other day... It is a lot of fun. Would you say it's neccessary to play Mother 1 first though?
  20. We're gonna have fun with this thing! *Epic Landmaster Duel.*
  21. :o Nice episode as always. This sitcom is starting to make me actually appreciate filler.
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