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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. You are a true hero, MR.
  2. Anything capable of casting fiery death upon mine enemies? Is Act IV where we kill Caeser?
  3. Yeah, Skies was a great game. They really should have done a sequel or prequel...
  4. I'd love to donate as well, but I sold my life for a Wii.
  5. Trauma Center. Can I has half cookie nao?
  6. I completely agree. The card-based battle system put me off at first, but after buying the game, it really grew on me. A couple other personal favorites are... Skies of Arcadia - The depth of this game is amazing, one of the best RPG's I've ever played. It never really got boring at any point, and with a large amount of sidequests, it kept me playing for quite some time. Golden Sun - Yet another game with great depth and memorable characters. The puzzle solving was very fun, though it got a bit tedious after a while... Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - Although short in length compared to other RPG's, the storyline kept me hooked. The Action Combat system was enjoyable, and the main character is very likeable. Probably the best part, however, was that even though everyone knows what happens at the end, the presentation was amazing and highly emotional.
  7. Of all the times to not have access to my Wii...
  8. Is he still here? I need to buy some extra spells...
  9. I never thought having Nihil would actually help get a person killed.
  10. Well, you gotta give her credit for that at least... These topics should be in Creative! They're very Creative...
  11. This Bianchi person doesn't seem like a very nice Goddess... o_o;
  12. Yeah. My first playthrough was on Easy. I like playing on the lowest difficulties first, because it gives a game a bit more replay value than if you start out on the hardest difficulty. The lack of the +5 to all stats is what really killed me though. :/
  13. Well, you have to admit this is a "Creative" topic.
  14. That's what all the Sith Goddess's say. >_< Oh well, at least we still have Joltaar's Protection.
  15. Oh. Well, in that case, I RESENT THIS! Aha! But you forget that I am a Mage, and am resistant to fire! [insert manical laughter here]
  16. :o I would resent that if I had forgot that Fireman killed me.
  17. Went and saw Brazil last night. It's a really old movie (From around 1985) and very strange. It's sort of like a really funny version of 1984. They both have the same premise...
  18. Before I forget, Hello Kiryn's New Avatar. And hello again future possible Queen of the Forest.
  19. I wouldn't give up on Sega just yet... Personally, I've liked all their Sonic games to some extent. (Even Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes.) On a Brawl note, I'm still looking for my Black Knight trophy. :(
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