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Posts posted by RedMage

  1. While yes that is a good suggestion.It also involves invading Hoshido and you know the deaths of two of your Hoshidan siblings.

    Yeah, this. Why couldn't they try to tell the Nohr siblings first? It's not like they don't know that Garon is doing a lot of crazy stuff, like ordering mass murders.

  2. Well, this is surprising. Joker's the least favorite male shared character. With all the popularity he's gotten, I wasn't expecting him to be so disliked too.

    I don't hate any of the characters, just 'meh' about some of them. The only characters I come closest to hating is Macbeth and Gantz, but they are such generic villains that I could care less.

    I put Kamui as my least favorite shared character, mostly because they lack common sense (then again lots of characters in the game lacks this) and they are the main character, so you have to see them in EVERY chapter of the game. Azura's close though. I don't dislike them, just in disbelief about how much common sense they lack sometimes. ( and who the heck decided that putting Kamui, who's one of the most naive protagonists of all time, as commander of the main army in the war was a good idea?)

    I don't care much for Camilla. The doting on Kamui is cute and all, but she takes an unhealthy obsession about it and many of her supports involves it. I like her design (except for the battle panties) and class though. Axes and magic with undead wyverns makes a great class.

    Not surprised Pieri doesn't seem liked much, but I thought her backstory was interesting, and her character wasn't as bad as I initially thought after reading her supports.

    And Crimson is getting quite a bit of dislike too. I find her to be pretty 'meh' but she's interesting for being like the only playable Nohrian rebel but that's about it. I don't find her support with Kamui that appealing. The fact that she can only support Kamui doesn't do her any favors.

  3. Just read Marx's and woah, didn't know he couldn't swim. That's interesting. A sharp contrast to Ryoma's, who was swimming like a pro like the lobster lord he is. Read Camilla's too and Severa/Luna seems to have inherited Cordelia's jealousy of large busts.

  4. This was a wonderful support! I think it developed so evenly from C-S and kept on topic all throughout. (And, it was actually a good topic, too. Unlike, Ryoma/Camilla who just keep bringing the conversation back to "Kamui this" and "Kamui that.") We need more supports like this!

    Ryoma and Camilla's support was reallllyyy disappointing. Since they were both royals, I was expecting was a good support at least, but all they basically talked about was Kamui and the S support was rushed.

    Though a lot of supports had rushed S supports.

  5. Pretty much agreeing with all supports here. I dislike that characters like Crimson are Kamuisexuals even though it would make more sense for them to support certain other characters. It doesn't make sense that Crimson only supports Kamui, but not Ryoma.

    I agree with having less supports. Some of the supports are honestly bad to me, like the writers gave up and made something out of nothing.

  6. I just rewatched the chapter she joins. You can control her before even talking with her and Corrin's first words towards her is "why are you in Nohr and why are you targeting Hoshidan soldiers." While she does claim that she was captured by Hoshidan troops, she also says that Ryoma and the others tried to protect her. That kind of stunt could have gotten the Hoshidan troops executed for betrayal and not following orders, She could have returned to Hoshido, waited for things to cool down and prove her loyalty instead of siding with Nohr and proving that Takumi was right in distrusting her. In his supports with Hinoka, Saizou of all people is thought to be a traitor, but the issue was easily solved. The same could be done with Azura.

    Main reason why I don't like Azura in the Nohr route. First thing she does is backstab Hoshido when she herself said that they were very kind to her even though she was from Nohr (before Kamui sides with Nohr). For someone who seems to be so rational, she wasn't very rational in the Nohr route.

    I'm really sorry about this. I didn't expect anyone to actually look at the spoiler tag of someone who is an important part of the plot for both sides without knowing the plot. I think I've fixed it, but I might have missed something.

    (Plot spoilers)

    This is taken from this translation by fletch: http://pastebin.com/pEkLt5ad

    Kamui: So then why? Why did you fight me...
    Kamui: Why didn't you listen to Elise's wishes…
    Kamui: If you'd listened to Elise's argument then, and stopped fighting…
    Kamui: Neither you nor Elise would have had to die!!
    Marx: Kamui… In this world, if there was no argument…
    Marx: I wouldn't...be able to change the path I chose…
    Marx: The paths…we chose ourselves…we have no choice but to follow, believing they're true and just…
    (Some talk later)
    Marx: To choose to compromise with your path couldn't be forgiven…
    Marx: I couldn't choose to revolt against this country…against our father…
    Marx: So I honestly, truly…intended to kill you…
    Marx: To kill you all, and to lead Nohr to victory…
    In other words, he literally fought you for no reason other than "because Garon said so", despite the fact that it was obvious the atrocities that Garon comitted and the fact that Elise and Corrin begged him to stop fighting and Elise died for it. Since he didn't stop fighting, Elise's sacrifice was meaningless, as the fighting would've continued regardless of whether she died or not.

    Yeah, I didn't like Marx because he keeps saying he wants to do what's best for Nohr, that's why he's following Garon's orders, but Nohr is CLEARLY suffering under Garon's rule and he doesn't do anything about it. I get the loyalty to his father thing, but the last time he saw his father's kindness was probably before Kamui was kidnapped, which was a long time ago. That means he would have had a lot of time/years to adapt to the fact that his father's not exactly a good king anymore. I have more respect for Leon because even if Leon had experienced his father's kindness before, he at least questions Garon when it's super obvious he should while Marx keeps being in denial about it.

  7. A few people went over this in the character hate thread, but the B support has some bad implications in terms of child abuse


    Yeah, read that. Horrible support. I liked Jakob better than Felicia, but after reading this, Felicia is way better now. A shame, really. I really like Jakob's character, but how he treats Deere is terrible.

    I really don't like the debuffs after using weapons, but I guess it's a trade for infinite uses I suppose.

    I wonder if they're going to have kids for same-sex pairings in the next game. It's still new concept in the series, and it had some pretty positive reception, so I imagine they'll have more of it in the next game.

    And I don't like how S supports always mean marriage. Many supports seem rushed because the S support seems to introduce marriage out of nowhere.

    And not much of a spoiler but just in case...

    The story has lots of missing info. IS focuses on Kamui mostly and barely develops other characters in the main story.

  8. How dare you guys not love the best husbando.

    Nah, but I can see why several of you guys don't really care for Silas. Even though I like him, even I think the reason he joins in the Hoshido route is just full of lolwut and he really does fit that childhood friend cliche to a T, but hey different people like different things.

    The funny thing is, there really is no character I actually hate so far, there's only characters I'm meh or iffy about, such as Azura (I forget she exists half the time actually), Camilla, and Hinoka (Please someone tell me the older sisters are interesting in the plot. I don't want both of them to be the only sibings I don't love). And as for the characters I thought I would hate (Charlotte, Oboro, Matoi, etc.) I actually like a lot. The only character that I'm actually close to hating is Jakob purely due to his support with Deere. Even then, Jakob is weird and tends to jump around like crazy in my "like", "meh", and "WTF is wrong with you" categories depending on what supports I've recently read with him... They're either amazing or just make you raise an eyebrow at him and question his mental state.

    If Silas had a backstory besides his loyalty to Kamui, I would have found him more interesting.

    I've read over negative responses to Jakob's support with Deere, so I went and read the support, and wow, I can't be the only one who thinks he was a being a rather abusive jerk in the B support.

    Edit: I feel like IS forgot about Hinoka... At least Camilla had more spotlight. Hinoka just fades like nothing happened.

  9. I think Aqua's hair color looks best on Shigure and probably Eponine. Though I think Aqua's hair color looks the worst on Matoi. That shade of blue clashes with the red armor too much.

    Soleil seems to look good with any hair color. I think Velour and female Kanna too. The only thing that changes with Velour's hair is a part of her bangs.

  10. Supports also changed my opinion on a character. I had a bit of a bias against Oboro due to how she was marketed-- her crush was unnecessarily mentioned in the profile, and her personal skill was Nohr hater. I was afraid she's be this cynical girl who would constantly sulk over her crush and needlessly lash out at Nohrians.

    But after looking at her supports, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this was not the case; she's a caring yet sassy girl. Some of her supports (e.g. Jakob/Oboro) even show her disdain for field cleaners or Nohrians, but handle it very well. In fact, while Oboro's design still doesn't appeal to me, her personality is one of my favorites in the game. Of course, I suppose this is a bit different from the scenario the OP was describing, as she's not necessarily saying she suddenly loves Pieri. But nevertheless, the right supports really can be the saving grace of a character.

    (Vice versa, the wrong supports can completely ruin a character. I think everyone on this thread knows who I'm referring to, lmao.)

    I also disliked Oboro at first because of the way she was marketed. I thought she was going to be another Cordelia, but meaner and with an extreme bias against Nohrians. But I found her to be pretty nice in her supports, and her crush on Takumi isn't mentioned as much as Cordelia's crush was. Bumped her up to be among my favorite female characters.

    This happened with Charlotte too. Her supports make her seems way better to me than how she was marketed. She's now one of my favs too.

    ...Though I still dislike Charlotte's outfit.

  11. I'm not really a fan of Azura's role in the story, but I like her design, class, and supports. Still picked Mozume though.

    I like Kaze, Joker/Jakob, Gunter, and Silas, but Kaze wins overall because he's a ninja, though just barely. I like all the royal siblings, but for supports, Leon and Takumi's are the best.

    As for exclusive minor characters, I like Belka and Oboro. They seem to have the most interesting character development and backstories. I like the Awakening characters in the game, except for Matoi... Lazward, Odin, and Severa are technically Awakening characters, so the similar characters make sense. The children don't have that excuse though. I felt that Gurei and Syalla at least had their own character and personalities somewhat, but Matoi is like a carbon copy of Cordelia, even though she isn't Cordelia. Even if I don't like Gray in Awakening, Gurei isn't really that similar to him except for looks. Plus, he's a ninja. I love Syalla's supports. I don't like Matoi's supports and I didn't like Cordelia's either. Pattern here, maybe?

    I'm also surprised at how popular Flora is.

    I'm peeved that she can't support Jakob.

    In the Hoshido route, her boss conversation with him implied that she liked him. Not to mention they are both Kamui's personal servants.

  12. I was expecting great a storyline but it was kinda... eh. Hoshido's was typical, and Nohr's was... Not as bad as some people make it out to be IMO, but still not good. Many things were left unexplained or just handwaved away and left me wanting to smack my face onto my table. Like the supposedly related but suddenly unrelated to everyone thing.

    Although plotwise I do think that unavoidable deaths was a nice touch.

    One of the most disappointing parts was that though this game was marketed based on "choice", there's only 1 main choice. A pretty big choice, but just one. There was another choice you could make in Nohr but it was minor. Where's all the choices at!? Why aren't there alternate paths within each game!? Alternate endings!?

    Most importantly, WHY WASN'T THERE A CHOICE TO SHANK GANZ BACK IN THE EARLY CHAPTERS? Things would've gone so differently...

    ...Well, at least it wasn't the poop choice from Awakening where it doesn't even matter what you choose...

    This. If there were more choices in game and multiple endings each route, would have been nice.

    Gotta stop you there. How is it far worse? No path is technically 'incorrect'. You side with who you wanna side with or you ignore both sides and do your own thing because you like both families equally. Every path leads to many changes, gameplay wise and story wise. Which is more than Awakening did since it was always just one straight path with no changes at all.

    Considering that one side loses in Nohr or Hoshido paths, but both sides win and with the "best for everyone" ending in the third path, I'm pretty sure the third route was intended to be the best path.

  13. Personality-wise, I love both.

    Elise's outfit is more creative than Sakura's, but Sakura's hair is better than Elise's... Both are good magic units with great promoted classes. So, design-wise, both is tied.

    Yeah, I can't really choose. Elise is definitely my favorite of the Nohr siblings, and I think Sakura is better than Hinoka.

    I think they're better than their older sisters because they actually seem to have bigger role in the story than them. The older sisters seem to take a back-seat and treated like minor characters.

  14. I like the skinship feature, even if it's out of place in a FE game, Fates doesn't feel like a FE game in general. I thought Awakening did a good job of keeping the fan service to a minimum yet still keep it a FE-like game, but Fates feels more like a self-insert/fanservice video game, so I can't take Fates as a serious game and so the skipship doesn't really out of place imo.

    But, geez, I wish kids can't be S-ranked with full-grown adults... Tsukuyomi, Elise, Sakura, and Midoriko's amie lines, anyone? And marrying kids and having kids with them is... ugh, just no.

  15. - The child mechanic

    - Nohr's story

    - Kamui in general

    - Hoshido bias in the plot

    - The weird female cavalier line and dark knight armor. I will never understand why the panty windows are needed.

    - No children through gay marriage

    Everything else is fine. I like the game so far.

    Well, if you count Kamui's S same-sex ending with Zero or Shara in the third route, they adopt a child. Why the heck this only happens in the third route instead of Nohr or Hoshido is beyond me.

  16. I can't contribute much to the story itself, since well, I have yet to experience. While it's premature for me to condemn it, other people's comments made it quite clear that Fates is less of a war that was first thought (and maybe intended). But I can give some layout of the setting, which I had in my head since the day the interview with the developers. I am a fan of history, so I like drawing parallels with historical events and atmosphere (which I personally believe any good writer should do, but that's my opinion).

    NOTE: All the tags underneath has NO spoilers, I just tag it to save post space.

    Nohr is a barren country, with rampant order and chaos and the central government lacking power to assert their authority, perhaps due to Garon's neglect, perhaps due to the sheer difficulty of maintaining control in such a huge area, perhaps due to the weather condition making transport and communication troublesome. Likely, it's a combination of all and more.

    Hoshido is a bountiful country, with good harvest every year and mild weather conditions. Culture and arts flourishes, as the food surplus leads to pursuit in these areas. The Hoshidan royal family's honorable conduct and diplomacy makes people revere the royaly (well, that and that they are well-fed) and Hoshido is in ordered thanks to well-placed alliances and treatises with surrounding duchies and tribes.

    With these two vastly different countries right NEXT to each other, war is inevitable to happen. Nohr invades Hoshido repeatedly over the centuries/decades, and are better at war than the Hoshidans (not hard to picture why), but cannot consolidate their holdings due to cultural difference and the Hoshidan people's loyalty to the Hoshidan royal family. So instead, the Nohrians raid and plunder, pillage and burn, rape and loot. Maybe someone high up in the ranks of Nohr thinks its a bad idea, yeah, but know one thing: Forbid your troops from taking their rewards and they will likely commit mutiny. Moreover, Nohr has few supplies and surplus to go with, and the loot actually makes life in Nohr better (think about Ancient Rome's military policy, they didn't become one of the greatest empires in the world by building roads and aqueducts). Ofc, all this, no matter how pragmatic and logical the actions was, makes the Hoshidans HATE the Nohrians. The Hoshidan royal family, so immersed in having the people's love and loyalty, condemns Nohr and does not open any diplomatic channels at all (like for trade and such). The Nohrians are evil and the Hoshidans are good and no questions are asked (in hindsight, this should also make it hard for Hoshido to negotiate with rebellious Nohrian duchies). Put in some counter-invasions and raids by Hoshido into Nohrian lands and now you have an ongoing cycle of revenge.

    I have much more I can explore, but I will leave it as it is and see if people think I am just too dark and realistic.

    This is dark, but it sounds more interesting than what Fates had, definitely.

    Honestly, if Fates had more attention to detail instead of skimming over everything and focus on Kamui so much and skipping to the next thing in the plot, it would have been a much, much better story. It's amazing how like 90 percent of the focus is on Kamui, but Kamui still lacks character development. Just, wow.

    One thing I think the story should have focused on was Nohr's weather problem and lack of crop yields. It was briefly mentioned and gets little spotlight. What? I think widespread starvation in a nation should be a much bigger deal, and could be a good reason why the people of Nohr seem to be generally less honorable than Hoshido's because they need to worry about food and survival in everyday life, not just war, but I guess IS prefers to focus on a dragon causing the war instead of starvation and a tyrant being the culprit.

    *Popping knuckles*

    I only have time to write about the characters at the moment, but I'll definitely come back to this thread later and discuss the different paths.

    Azura needs almost a complete revamp. She's mysterious for the sake of being mysterious, and is there to drop exposition and tell Kamui what to do. The game seems to even forget that she has a backstory, because it's brought up very rarely, and when it is, it's usually very brief and done poorly. A complete conversation with her and Leo in Birthright is essentially:

    "Are you my sister, then?"


    "I thought so"

    And I'm not exaggerating much at all.

    Also, and I've been very vocal about this, the excuse that she "can't tell" anyone about everything she knows about the Invisible Kingdom is the most insultingly bad piece of writing I've experienced in quite a while. Especially since she never actually actively tries to tell Kamui or anyone else what's really going on, so not only is it horribly written, but the curse is supposedly also the only reason why Birthright and Conquest exist at all, which is utter garbage. If Azura hadn't known everything, and instead learned things alongside the player, it would have been much easier to sympathize with her, and she'd have room to grow as a character, as opposed to being a walking plot device.

    All the villains need a reason to even be in the game. Hell, I like Validar and Walhart more than the sorry excuses for villains we got in this game. They've got zero personality and backstory, and Garon, who's one of the most important characters in the entire game, is so poorly developed, explained and just not prominent enough to make the player feel anything towards him. Which is a shame, because the first scenes with him are pretty powerful - of course, he quickly becomes a joke afterwards, and his third route involvement - as someone has already pointed out I believe - sums up how the developers handled him perfectly.

    Kamui needs a personality. I know a lot of people like self-inserts, but they just gave Kamui a bunch of shonen traits and a bunch of totally radical attack animations and powers and then they called it a day, and that's just not good writing. He's supposed to be the driving force of a character-driven game; he can't be void of personality.

    The royal family members should be fewer, and that would've made so many things so much better. It would've been easier for them to interact with each other, and it would be easier to write a tad more complex characters if they didn't have to spread out a bunch of tropes too thin. Takumi and Leo are great though, so there's always that.

    Hehey, as a bonus, I found this, and believe it or not, I didn't make it:


    This is hilarious. My thoughts on the third route, exactly. Why the heck would the siblings join Kamui (who's already seen as a traitor by both btw) when Kamui won't tell them anything? Wish Azura didn't know anything about the Invisible kingdom either. It just seems to make the other two routes even more pointless since Azura joins in both. Like Kamui is someone who believe unbelievable stuff pretty easily, if Azura made a little more effort to tell Kamui in Birthright or Conquest, maybe the plot would have gotten more interesting.

  17. Male Kanna > Male Morgan, though just barely.

    I'm kinda neutral on Female Morgan and Female Kanna.

    But in terms of outfits, the Morgans win by a landslide. Though I do like the scarfs the Kannas wear.

  18. Literally my first thoughts on the Ballistician class:


    That's what it looked like to me too. I was expecting a huge bow or something, not a badass tank. Not complaining of course.

    I really like the witch design. A S rank in tomes? Heck yes. The lamp on the belt looks great. Don't really like how huge the hat seems in the second witch picture though.

  19. I imagine a few scenarios are shared; the writer probably included several plot points that were to appear in all three routes, or at least two of them, but from different perspectives.

    What bothers me is that a lot of the complaints about Awakening - complaints the developers supposedly actively tried to avoid doing again - are present in Fates as well. For one, the world building simply isn't there; you go to various smaller countries/duchies and after a chapter or two they're barely mentioned again. As someone aptly put it before, this game sort of feels like a slideshow. Hell, I believe we even get more information about Valm than we do about the various duchies.

    Agreed. What I really liked about FE games prior to Awakening was that they did a pretty good job at world-building. That's barely seen in Fates.

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