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Everything posted by Jackolantern282

  1. To be honest this whole dilemma is not a big deal. And here I am: I've put too much stock into trying to explain all this. I'm going to do some other things with my time...
  2. What I'm seeing here in general, is... A lack of comprehension of the actual conversation Complaints about the stupidity of Soleil's character and/or conversation(s) LGBT being offended I won't blame any camp here. I can understand assuming things before reading into them. I can understand disliking a characters' writing, or thinking something is poorly written. With those being offended, it's just probably a sign of them being hurt, but using their energy to complain instead of helping themselves. By golly, if you're hurting because of who you are, get help. And I can certainly understand being offended or hurt. I haven't been hurt much. Most of my hurt has been my problem, and others haven't been so lucky. I've been hurt before. For years I put a ton of stock into my intelligence. I was a perfectionist. When someone criticized me, or if I got something wrong, I would flip my sh**.and cry. If someone laughed at me, I'd take it super personally. If someone corrected me, even if they weren't mean about it, I'd get hurt. It'd be worse when it was unwarranted. When people were mean, not just critical. My problem? Putting too much stock into what others thought of me. Was intelligence bad? No. But, I shouldn't have been so invested in it emotionally. Think of the last time you got offended regarding something you put so much into. I can understand this, and I bet you all can too. The thing is, is that leaving something out doesn't immediately mean dismissal of it not existing. I agree with you on the sexualization. But...just because a game doesn't have female characters doesn't mean it's automatically sexist against women. And same goes for men as well. Take things by a case-by-case basis. Here, in Fire Emblem, this sexuality argument doesn't hold a lot of stock. There aren't a ton of LGBT characters here to begin with in this established fantasy world, and Fates is no different. Now let's say you made a movie about MLK with no African Americans. That would deserve criticism. THAT is exclusion. That is racist. How about a movie realistically based in China, but with all causcasians? Racist. How about a movie based on a true story in Los Angeles, with all men. That's sexist. How about a game where every woman has big jiggly boobs (Senran Kagura). Unrealistic, sexist, objectifying. So anyways...while people aren't exactly right in their criticisms of all this Fates situation, I certainly understand them.
  3. That's not the point here. Perhaps I shouldn't have said that, as I don't really know (it depends on the time period of me being gay; i'd likely be least accepted in elementary/middle school and more in HS, if perhaps you're wondering). I mean, no s*** it's easy for me to not put stock in my identity because I'm straight. I am not by any means oblivious to that. I'm saying that there are some LGBT people who put too much stock in their sexual identity, hence their behavior here. There are some LGBT people who don't put a lot of stock in their sexual identity. I'm not judging anyone here. I'm saying, if someone has been/is being bullied/harassed/shunned due to their sexuality, or dealing with depression/suicidal thoughts, I think that a step they don't need to take is rail against things such as this. Rather, they need help doing whatever they need to do to overcome whatever they need to. It's a matter of priority, and finding and addressing the real problems.
  4. Maybe the problem is that people put too much of their stock in their sexual identity? If I were gay, I wouldn't flaunt my orientation as my identity. I wouldn't be super into the communal aspect. Sure, it'd be a hotly controversial part of me, and a part of me that will affect things I do, but it wouldn't be something I really put investment into. It'd just be part of who I am and that's it. See if I were to put a lot of stock in that, I believe I'd be pretty offended at anything resembling opposition to that. I'd probably be pretty militant against stuff like this. I would be really into everything related to this part of me and dedicate my time, resources, and energy to it all. Like, I know me. When I'm really into something, I'm REALLY into something. This doesn't apply to everyone but you get my point? So maybe, just maybe, people should not put so much stock in their sexual identity?
  5. It's a problem of taking something personally, that should not be taken personally. And even if it is taken personally, people shouldn't take offense by it in the first place. But they are offended anyway. That said, regardless of all this, I was unaware of Andrea-Ritsu situation. Harassment and threats are definitely not okay...
  6. Haha, don't worry about it. It's natural to assume before coming to knowledge of something for yourself. I think that maybe we're all guilty of it at some point and to some degree, including myself. You had the courtesy to not flip your s*** like so many others here lol. Also a good point! This predicament will dissolve pretty quickly once people remedy their lack of knowledge. I was not aware of the issue with her and her father Lazward's conversation. I think dragonlordsd has a good point in that she could be lying as well. And that's probably the only real potential issue at hand. Character inconsistency if she's not exaggerating/fibbing.
  7. Yeah. I mean magic's been around since the beginning of the series. You've gotta expect some shenanigans with that. Harry Potter is filled to the brim with that stuff. In this situation, it's just a bit silly, if disrespectful or naive on Kamui's part. I'm kinda surprised at some of the things said in this game. Like, it seems Soleil's pretty willing to give herself away. Like I wouldn't be comfortable touching a woman's chest before marrying her. That's just weird haha.
  8. Kinda sad some people need an article to clear it up instead of the text files themselves. Doesn't completely match what I was going for. The Polyjuice Potion there was used to knock them out for the purpose of investigation, not to directly benefit the recipient. Nothing bad happened to Crabbe and Goyle there if I recall correctly. Well, they got knocked out. And fell. I mean, it has something to do with it in regards to using magic without people knowing. I'll give what you gave that.
  9. Or maybe she's kinda okay with it, and perhaps that is a character flaw on Soleil's part... What a muddy sitch, don't really know what to think. EDIT: Just to clarify to everyone: the real point of contention is Kamui (with well intentions) dropping the potion in her drink without her knowing. It has nothing to do with homophobia, "curing" her of her sexuality, nefarious motives, etc.
  10. Elaborate, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here.
  11. Can't get over this track (Map B1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK8Jh1XxRcY I loved it ever since I heard it in the Japenese...Direct? Hiroki Morishita, you da real MVP. You came outta nowhere. But you da man.
  12. Nothing wrong with both. I'm a both guy in many personal tastes myself.
  13. This also makes sense. He's sheltered, he definitely lacks knowledge and awareness in certain areas, and perhaps this is a good reflection of that. In this light, it's more about that, moreso than a character flaw. I mean, it's likely both to a certain degree. But this sheds a new light on this conversation! Personally don't mind if this changes or not during localization. Yeah, I think you make a good point. It's certainly not surprising. It's just stupid, that's all.
  14. This game looks soooo exciting. Only thing, is that I kinda wish Katsura Hashino (of Persona fame) was somehow involved in this. But, peeps from the Devil Survivor and Radiant Historia crew sounds pretty awesome in and of itself.
  15. For me it's about love, or whoever I see fit, unless I'm playing on higher difficulties. It was fun trying to get Chrom to marry Olivia in Awakening. I'm not sure how I feel about them being a couple but it WAS fun. And funny.
  16. What I'm really doing is comparing one related thing to the topic in this thread. Not derailing. Hm. I'm a little disappointed. Eh, whatever. I made my points. See it as you wish to see it, I don't really care...
  17. Are they though? So you're just going to avoid discussion? I mean there are similarities and differences between the two but why say it's outside the scope when it is within the scope and you can intelligently converse about it? People are flipping out about this, when there have been many similar situations in other games, movies, etc. Some not arousing such discord as this. I think it merits better discussion than dropping it like it's hot like that... It's absolutely ludicrous how up in arms people are over this.
  18. Yes, and while Kamui was smart about it, of course it's disrespect on his part. And that's really only the bad part of the conversation. Now, what do you think of Harry, with his placebo? Do you think that was disrespect? I'm not quite sure. But it surely was consensual as Ron saw the potion and downed his drink anyways. I mean, I'd call that mutual consent without mutual understanding, with a good outcome in regards to the eventual Quidditch match.
  19. Another point that I failed to mention is that they were putting magic in there to aid them. Not food that could potentially poison them. Neither the potion nor the Felix Felicitis (or the lack thereof) inherently harmed the recipient. On the other hand, some food can, like you said. And drugs. But see there's the difference there.
  20. Lol at the ignorance and people being offended. There's literally no date rape or ulterior motives on Kamui's part. He's trying to help her talk to women with the potion. Sure, he did it without her knowing. But it looks like Soleil appreciated his help. Think Felix Felicis in Harry Potter. Harry made it seem as though he put it in Ron's drink even though he didn't, and he drank it anyways. To give him a placebo effect to aid him in his Quidditch match. What Ron didn't know was that Harry didn't actually put any of the "Liquid Luck" into his drink. Granted, this was kind of consensual, but my point is that both Kamui and Harry did similar things, with both having good intent in helping their friend. Kamui slipped something in Soleil's drink to help her talk to girls. Harry acted as though he did to help Ron with Quidditch. Same motive: Wanting to help their friend. The only bad part is that Kamui did it without her knowing. But it's not like it hurt her or anything. So, he should have let her know prior to giving it to her, and that's on him. But, at least he WAS trying to help, and nothing bad happened to Soleil. He just fell in love with her at the end, and so did she. Well, maybe she was more infatuated. And bisexual. But that's not the point. This really is not, and should not, be a problem.
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