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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. Honestly the swimsuits weren't even that great looking. I like the outfit changes they did.
  2. No. I have no ability to change my voice accent wise or accent. I'm monotone and bland forever.
  3. I suggest Nohr Noble for Corrin since it allows Yato access and use. Plus it looks cool on MCorrin.
  4. Batman v Superman is worse because at least A) The gameplay is fun B) The thing that comes out after it doesn't look like Hot Topic threw up on the DC comic section
  5. Hmm... any emotion that'd strip me of low self esteem or anxiety I'd gladly toss out the window.
  6. If we're counting middle names I'm also my own son/daughter. (Morgan)
  7. Rhatjat has natural skill issues. I see no problems with these pairings though. Sakura!Forrest is probably the best Forrest there is.
  8. Leave a loaded gun in a house with a depressed kid who has intrusive thoughts. (: In less depressing and actual correct answer my dad sometimes beats on my head like a drum to annoy me.
  9. Ebony


    Kinda - it's in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I don't remember the entirety of the dream, but I do remember once I dreamed I met Matthew Mercer in person and spent that time crying and holding him. Hm..
  10. They all look fine. The only problem I had is that Felicia!Rhajat had some hard time hitting stuff, but that can be solved by partnering up with Ophelia and getting Heartseeker or a similar skill.
  11. I still think Tapu Koko is a cuter name then Togedemaru. Drampa is oddly derpy-adorable to me. I like it.
  12. No. I mean big as in I'm fairly, ahh, weighty would be a good term I guess. Not insanely overweight but not entirely skinny either. Think Filia from Skullgirls but not as fanservice loaded.
  13. Birthday - Keaton is closest. October 31st. Name - Looks - Nobody, I'm too big. lmao Personality - Hmm... I'm leaning on nobody right now. Nephenee and I both have an accent. Selena/Severa and Nephenee both have my low self esteem.
  14. To answer the poll, I'm personally going to get a Litten. However I have to admit all three starters are adorable. Popplio is precious, Rowlet is precious, Litten is precious. I want them all. If I got a Rowlet I'd name it Ford or Sixer though. No idea what I'm going to name Litten. And idk which edition I'm getting. I need to learn more on specific Pokemon in each edition. Whichever has Tyranitar I'm getting.
  15. I hope this isn't necroposting I always imagined they had Pokemon for people with various disabilities. Like how people train dogs for the blind and such, only with Pokemon. Rayquaza, despite its threatening looks, has no want or reason to go after humans. It would tolerate a human petting it, for instance. I kind of hold the same for Giratina, except it'd be better to keep your distance. In Pokemon Black and White, the MC had Reshiram and N had Zekrom.
  16. I imagine Eliwood with a pet Eevee in all honesty. Hector with a Garchomp.
  17. To be a cutie? No clue. But I thought she looked rather pleasing for being such a short used character. Am I a bad person for saying I would have loved that?
  18. Ebony


    Usually my dreams involve me ending up pregnant, being ignored by everyone I love, or anything else depressing. (: I do remember one of the most eerie ones I've had though. I have a friend in Brazil and he was in it. For some reason I was back at elementary school on the swings. The planets were closer then usual and kind of smooshed together in the sky. Like, they were even closer then the moon over the horizon and all in a neat line. I knew that wasn't supposed to happen. I remember the sounds too. That is, nothing. No birds, insects, nothing. I remember looking at him and suddenly crying and going "is this the end, Lu?" And I remember him kinda squeezing my arm to try and comfort me. Honestly I have to say it's probably the scariest dream I've had and it doesn't involve anything overly gory or scary. I woke up teary eyed.
  19. MMMMMM ohhh my Evangelion is there again! Good, very good. Wonder if they're gonna give Lelouch another shot...
  20. Admit my severe sexual and romantic frustrations in front of a group of friends on a Skype chat. Mmm, that was a good one. I guess also getting into a lengthy discussion with a random Reddit guy who sent me a death threat? Surreal and awkward at the least.
  21. Everyone does Laslow/Peri and personally I'm kinda sick of it so I recommend Laslow x Azura. Arthur has a good support with Azura too. I really like Selena with Xander.
  22. Depends on the paralogue imo. I end up doing Shiro's lateish on Revelation due to Ryoma's join time and grinding support for him and his wife of choice (Elise.) I don't really recommend doing it late but I never had a personal problem with his paralogue. Ignatius's is pretty bad though. Overall I didn't really have trouble with most of them. The 'hardest' ones were probably Siegbert's, Shiro's, Ignatius's, and Selkie's. Overall I tend to get the Offspring Seal out of personal choice. I do it with Elise!Shiro to get him to Basara, then I usually seal him over to Dark Flier.
  23. Probably just a reused concept because it looks eerie/cool/bosslike.
  24. I dunno if it's following but I keep rewatching Fate/Zero for a story. I need to get characterizations down pat. Kirei why must you be so delightfully complicated?
  25. Then yeah, Conquest is awesome gameplay wise, I definitely agree.
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