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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. In this case I'm disregarding art. I remember Miiverse being flooded with people waifuing Camilla. In all honesty I haven't done back sense.
  2. From experience, your feet tends to be less soft and tender and more scarred and hared the more you walk without shoes. Also less? I don't know what you could mean by less tbh. Oh yes. Generics have some great designs.
  3. Does Corrin x Camilla count? Because I remember seeing a lot of guys going straight for Camilla.
  4. Soleil, Nina, Forrest, Velouria, and Selkie as far as kids go. Gen 1, I love Hinoka's design. A lot. Mikoto is insanely beautiful and I love all of her design. I also really like Beruka too...
  5. Agreed here. Anyway I took a break on marrying Charlotte to Xander to see what it'd be like and did Selena x Xander. I think it's now my second favorite pairing for him. It's actually pretty funny. Even though Xander literally drops everything about being a king to go with his wife at the end? Huh... So I guess I can see why people say Charlotte x Xander is overrated. Still adore that pairing though.
  6. Tsubaki x Selena doesn't really do much aside from the fanservice. I guess you could make Caeldori a Swordmaster...? Anyone who needs a physical or mixed mom. Laslow, Silas, Keaton, and either Rev partners are some good ideas.
  7. I don't remember - all I remember is someone stating it has one of the higher strengths in the game. Lodestar is good on characters who have well rounded stats or need the speed badly. Personally I always give it to Laslow on Rev/Conquest and Hisame in Birthright.
  8. Nina's a cool designed chick with cool quotes and a hit or miss personality. I personally voted for "in your dreams!" but I think I like them all.
  9. Does this mean Sakura gets pushed out a window?
  10. As far as the Nobles go it depends on what you want to do. As much as I adore the darker aesthetic of Nohr Noble, the design on a FCorrin looks... not great. Tolerable, but I'm also not big on tomes (Grandmaster is an exception. Adore that class.) Hoshidan Noble has some pretty vulgar strength to it though. One of the highest caps/growths I think?
  11. I voted "Smile! You're dead!" for my daughter right here.
  12. Basically this. As much as I think Shigure, Shiro, Ophelia, and Forrest are cool happenin' dudes, no.
  13. Yeah I just realized that. Oops. Oh well.
  14. Wait isn't this Birthright? I don't think Hana can get Great Knight. Also forgot one. Dread Fighter Oboro.
  15. I'll be sweet. Marry Oboro to Ryoma and use Spearmaster!Shiro.
  16. Least favorite: Fighter, Diviner Favorite: Hero, Bow Knight, Wyvern Rider I think the wyvern rider animation after you win is cute, especially for females. The wyvern did a good job.
  17. I somehow knew Mr Matthew Mercer would be a great singer. I was right both him and Rena are so gooooooood.
  18. Swap these. Mitama is more physical oriented then magical.
  19. Camilla x Takumi makes a good Kiragi. Oboro x Takumi also makes a pretty good Kiragi but doesn't give Takumi any new classes. Hana x Takumi is good and frees Takumi up to A+ Jakob or Leo. Azura x Takumi makes Kiragi very, very fast. Leo does best with a magic mommy - Nyx, Felicia, or Sakura namely. I like Sakura since it also gets him Onmyoji to get Tomefaire. Ryoma himself has a really good kid at base with Shiro. He's flexible with a lotta moms. I like Elise for the support and Dark Flier!Shiro. He also does well with Kagero, Oboro, Camilla (ew hair color tho), and Rinkah. Any physical mom is good for him. (I'd ask Thor about this if you want some hella in depth stuff.) Velouria is lol and strong with physical moms. Azura is a personal favorite but most people go with characters like Effie, Camilla, or Charlotte for that large physical mod, but I think Hana, Selena, and Azura do decent jobs too. I DON'T recommend Selena!Caeldori. As nice as the fanservice is, Selena doesn't really do anything. She's better off with someone like Oboro, a tank mom like Rinkah, or even Nyx in my experience makes a good magic Caeldori. Selena is better used on kids like Velouria, Siegbert, Soleil, or even Hisame.
  20. Shit it's okay Zero!Berserker is like the coolest Berserker. Instead of doing Iri I did my favorite Servant. I need to think of some more things for her. Golden Archer The all powerful King of Heroes who commands an infinite treasury. Collector: Luck x0.50 chance of getting an advanced weapon after battle. Divinity: Reduces crit damage by a margin. (I'd say 10% unless that's too much? Otherwise reduce crit chance.) Kingly Pride: If the user has a level advantage over the enemy, adds +10 to damage given. Enkidu: Upon using this skill, next attack reduces Mov by 1 and a random stat by 2. Lasts for a turn. I tried. It's hard making him not OP skill wise.
  21. Avenger is typically the weakest class... in anything that isn't Fate/Grand Order. There we have beings such as Joan of Arc Alter and the like. I'd suggest a Falcon Knight for Rider, if for a reference to F/SN's rider, or if you have a dlc class, something like Orochi!Caeldori to be F/SN Rider.
  22. Skip Selena x Tsubaki. It's not worth it just for extra dialogue. And Selena x Silas is actually a pretty decent pairing if they wanna do it a lot.
  23. Azama x Effie nets you a really, really good Mitama if you wanted. If not then Azama x Hana is apparently good and gets Azama an alternative physical based class.
  24. mfw senpai notices me Ugh they need to nerf Kirei so bad he one rounded Irisviel it's such bs. Honestly since you did Kirei I'll probably add one later based on Irisviel. To be fair Iskandar brandishing a bigass axe isn't that hard to imagine so its coo.
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