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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. So thanks to you I got Saizou x Orochi Subaki x Oboro/Hinoka Asama x Setsuna Nishiki x Hana Kaze x Rinkah Ryoma x Kagerou Takumi x Avatar Just in case I don't pair Hinoka up with Subaki, any other people she's good at being a parent to?
  2. Wow, you're helping me so much already. ; - ; Won't lie, for Kamui I was thinking Mercenary (because it + hero are my favorite classes) or Fighter. And Hoshido. Setsuna Mitama sounds promising. I kind of wanted to pair Oboro x Subaki just because of shipping reasons, though Hinoka was in second place to pair with Subaki.
  3. Alright then, so far let's see we have... I'm still saving Hinoka for someone. Saizou x Sakura/Orochi Subaki x Oboro Asama x Orochi/Sakura Nishiki x Rinkah? Ugh, so undecided. Oh! And of course Kamui x Takumi. <3
  4. Anyone suggested then? I think I saw a mention about Rinkah?
  5. Also a fair point, but honestly I was planning on Sakura as her mother. I haven't fully chosen yet, and I won't be getting the third version for a while. I don't have any parents on the Hoshido side I'm hellbent on pairing up yet anyway. Hinoka I'm just wondering who I should use for... I won't lie, I was tempted to pair her with Nishiki.
  6. Awesome awesome. From both you and Astro. I was thinking of saving Hinoka anyway and I wanted to pair Oboro up with someone.
  7. I do have a question. Moms for Matoi... I'm thinking of going Oboro-chan. Good idea or not?
  8. Wowowow, I actually REALLY like this idea. I think I may try it, actually!
  9. I'm thinking for Azura, in Hoshido at least, pairing her with possibly Ryoma. Any other suggestions?
  10. So far let's see... Sakura x Subaki Breaking Sky Vantage Renewal/Strength Seal? Magic Counter? Sun God Lazward x Camilla (with A+ from Elise) Soleil -Deadly Breath -Luna -Aegis -Battle Command -Pavise I'm keeping this for ref, sorry for constantly posting this!!
  11. Well it's just a habit I have of trying to keep units in a final promotion of their basic class. Even if I switch classes around a lot. I was thinking a Falcon warrior anyway.
  12. Most likely she'll still be a pegasus warrior. Or some promoted form of it.
  13. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55440 Here. Just a warning, they'll all be of varying length, typically very short. Anyway, go nuts, I guess.
  14. This is my main writing topic or so I plan it to be. This'll include very short drabbles and oneshots about the characters, mostly using my Kamui (http://i.imgur.com/AIfL0Bw.png) who'll be named Charlotte. Yes, that's my real name, but I'm not very creative. It'll contain several pairings. They may be related to one another, may contain links to songs, or be unrelated. Enjoy. (I'll try and stick away from spoilers, but if I run into spoilers, I"ll of course put it in a spoiler tab.) Nicknames... and why Takumi hates them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9hucC98P1I Takumi was never one for nicknames. He didn't really feel like anyone needed them. Well, besides "brother, big sister, and little sister," but those were fairly obvious and he didn't count them. He never worried about them anyway, giving them to people ore receiving them. It was something he never put much thought into. At least until she showed up. From the Nohr kingdom she appeared almost out of nowhere. When Ryouma introduced her to everyone as his younger sister, Takumi wanted to throw up. He didn't believe it, he didn't trust her. What if she was a spy? Everyone accepted her and believed her so easily, not batting an eyelash at any of this. Not only that but she came with some other people too, servants, a cavalier... It was almost sick, how easy they put their trust into her. He wasn't so naive though. He kept his distance. But she didn't keep her's. "Hey, Takumi. Takumi. Takumi." She chanted, following him. He sighed then, turning around. "Yes, Charlotte?" Her eyes lit up almost instantly. "Can we train again? Please? You're my favorite to fight against. And I won't even use the Dragonstone this time." She winked at him, but he shook his head in response. "Aww, alright. I guess I'll ask Lobster to fight." Takumi would have let that slip except he thought for a second. Lobster? Apparently she could tell about the confusion on his face. "Ryouma. He's a big lobster in that armor. I call him Lobster. Maybe if I can't beat him, I'll fight Red, His Majesty, or Cherry." Takumi's jaw dropped in silent reply as she walked away. He was even more confused now. Okay, he knew Ryouma was Lobster. But... how disrespectful. Who taught her that? He guessed Orochi, and so approached her. "Alright, I know you enjoy amusing yourself, but really? Lobster? That's what you reduce him to? I'll have you-you're not listening are you?" Orochi simply smiled after putting the last clip into her hair. "Takumi, so fast to blame me. But no, as funny as it is, I did not give her the idea. She simply does it. My names would be funnier. Like-" He tuned her out after she started talking. He was deep in thought though, at least until she said something that got his mind back out of the gutter. "-I mean, they're never mean spirited. They're always to people that you like. So if you get a nickname, that means she likes you." He looked up at her and nodded. "Ah, alright... thank you, Orochi..." The boy rubbed the back of his head and walked away. So maybe he was blowing this out of proportion. Maybe it wasn't as bad as he was making it out to be. Or maybe he's completely right. He'll have to study her and take note of every name she gives, to who. What if she was sending out some secret message? Giving Nohr spies in the shadows signals? He wanted to trust her more then that, he really did, but he couldn't take that chance. ~ Cherry - Sakura Lobster - Ryoma His Majesty - Subaki Red - Hinoka Ponyboy - Silas Bubbles - Azura Chuckles - Kaze Those are the names he's heard so far. Though he's noticed that everyone it seems has a nickname... everyone except him. Did she just really hate him? Run out of ideas? He had to confront her about this and fast, before anything could happen. He'll just have to lead her to where they're alone. Most likely using force. ~ "... Why did you shoot arrows at me?" Was her first question directed to him. Her eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms. "Are you really trying to kill me?" "Yes... no... no!" "Listen, Takumi..." Charlotte put her hand on his face, gently rubbing his cheek. "If you need to talk, we can just talk you know. What's the matter?" He went silent before pulling away from her. "Stop trying to bewitch me with your... touch-sorcery! What are you trying to signal by calling everyone... fake names... and then not calling me one? What say you?" He demanded, pushing her against the wall, gripping her shoulders. She went silent before she started shaking. "... What?" And then she started laughing. "S... stop laughing at me! This is serious!" His face turned almost 100 different shades of scarlet. "You're jealous I don't give you a nickname? Really? That's... adorable." His eyes focus on her's as she sighs. "Listen, I didn't give you a name because... well, I already like your name. A lot. I can't think of a way to make it better. It's already perfect." Then she ducks away from him, waving. "Maybe now you'll cool your head? Anyway, see you at training." Takumi stands there in embarrassment, shame... relief, and joy. "Already perfect." Nicknames... why Takumi is glad he doesn't have one.
  15. Alright for Matoi then, let's see... Sakura x Subaki Breaking Sky Vantage Renewal Magic Counter? Soar/Sun God ???
  16. Subaki's sounds interesting. PLUS Matoi would look lovely with her hair imo. Let's see what they'd get then... Priestess, Pegasus Warrior, and then Samurai?
  17. I'm wondering who to pair Sakura with. Tsukuyomi?
  18. After battle, +4 to speed... of enemies? uhh, that seems rather detrimental...
  19. Support of the year. Zero the best character confirmed. And also that this is amazing.
  20. So far I only have one real planned pairing. That is, Camilla x Lazward. I'm thinking maybe Xander x Charlotte or Xander x Effie.
  21. I'll remove Snake Venom and replace it with Luna then. I think Deadly Breath seems like it'd be useful, so I'm keeping it.
  22. Unit Name: Charlotte Recruited: Paralogue 5.5 - Paragon Starting Class: Mercenary Reclass Options: Pegasus Knight, Cleric Starting Level: 15 Starting Skills: Armsthrift, Odd Rhythm, Patience Starting Inventory: Steel Sword, Killing Edge, Elixir Critical Quotes: "A bed of thorns shall be your tomb!" "No more!" "What a bother!" "To Hell with you!" Support Options: S-rank: M!Avatar, Lon'qu, Libra, Stahl, Gaius, Henry, Fredrick, Donnel, Inigo A-rank: F!Avatar, Cherche, Chrom, Nowi Confession Quotes: "So many centuries, I've been waiting for someone like you... the next chapter of my story will begin soon, featuring just you and me." Charlotte is a manakete that forgoes the ability to turn into a dragon for learning skills herself in hopes to improve. She's used her long life to write stories based on her own experiences or those she knows. Will have a son named Joseph. Modifiers: +3 STR / -1 MAG / +1 SKL / +3 SPD / -1 LCK / 0 DEF / 0 RES Paralogue Backstory: Chrom and co come upon a lone girl fighting to protect a church. Being who they are, they decide to lend a hand to help the single Charlotte fend off as many as she can. Chrom or Libra can recruit her. Recruit Quotes: Chrom - Chrom: Hey, you there. Are you fighting alone? Charlotte: No, I'm not fighting alone. Don't you see the army I'm standing among? Chrom: ... Right, dumb question. Do you need our help? Charlotte: That would be wonderful. I may be strong, but I don't think I can handle it entirely by my lonesome. I appreciate it. Libra - Charlotte: Sir, please stand back and get back inside the building. Libra: You fight alone to protect this place? Charlotte: Unfortunately, yes. Even if it kills me... I guess I've lived long enough. I'm going to Hell anyway, I might as well try and do some good before it ends. Libra: Then I shall fight with you. Charlotte: Eh? Libra: Someone as kind as you deserves all the help you can get. Please, stand behind me. Charlotte: . . . Chrom: Wait, before you leave, I have a question. Charlotte: Yes? Chrom: Your ears... are you- Charlotte: A manakete? Unfortunately, yes. Can I transform? I'd rather not. Chrom: Oh? Charlotte: It's a long story. But you... that symbol... King Chrom, right? It's an honor. Thank you for helping me back there... for helping the people. Chrom: It's what we do. Say, do you... Charlotte: Want to join? Ehehe, I knew what you were gonna say. But if that's alright with you, I wouldn't mind coming along. As long as you don't mind me prodding for some story material.
  23. Elise seems good!!! -Deadly Breath -Snake Venom -Aegis -Battle Command (?) -Pavise/Luna
  24. Not OP enough. Needs higher critical hit rate.
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