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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. If you want me to be honest, no, which is why I came here to this thread for maybe some tips on it.
  2. Alright then... Soleil - Sol Snake Venom Deadly Breath No clue what else...
  3. Alright I'm thinking of Soleil. What would she get if it's Lazward x Camilla? Mercenary and Wyvern Rider, right?
  4. Wow, why are you guys so good at this? I might as well just have you guys do the pairings for me lmao.
  5. Ah Hell, I just realized it's gonna be relatively difficult to pair Odin up with someone stat wise, isn't it?
  6. Camilla sounds like a great option honestly. Really pretty too... I like this.
  7. Go ahead and say the Hoshido characters, I'll eventually get it. Camilla sounds interesting though, I won't lie.
  8. I have no clue who I'm gonna marry him to. I'm tempted to say Luna if only because the hair color and I won't be having the third path for a while so...
  9. This is a problem for me because I'm very, very weak for certain types. As for as it goes for Nohr I have: Lazward, Leo, Jacob, Zero, Flannel For Hoshido I have: Subaki, Nishiki, Takumi, Kaze The only girls I want for my male Kamui run are Belka and Hana so I'm set.
  10. Oh yeah, anyone got any good ideas on who to pair Lazward with?
  11. ... Both. Can I say both? Because both.
  12. Well I might as well say my part. For Hoshido I planned on marrying either Takumi, Subaki, or Nishiki. For Hoshido, I planned on Leo, Flannel, or Zero. I'll of course marry all of them in different files, but then I'll have to choose basically on a go to husband for each game, eheheh... I have no idea what it'll do to the kids though.
  13. Honestly it doesn't matter. I'd like to see PvP though, just out of curiosity.
  14. Wow, everyone already planning everything out... I'm still not sure who I'm even going to marry, ahaha... I wouldn't mind some help on that though. Anybody know a good person to pair with Leo in Nohr? Just in case I don't choose to marry him in that. Maybe Zero too?
  15. This sounds fun. Alright, here I go~ Kamui - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SOm82nXdr0 Hinoka - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iInOetWAg5s Oboro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awvqIi427_A Xander - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h71Qh2pDORU Takumi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O01fRxPDLU Azura - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o01IIevhAm4 Flannel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU00FYxWUN4 (the joke is they are both werewolves) Zero - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOB_ceY_BHg
  16. Gosh, I hope not. I really really want a female Dread Knight. They were one of my favorite classes and I couldn't even get them in FEA!
  17. What do you mean you're not funny? That's hilarious! D: (and very well drawn)
  18. Wow, that's really good news for me. Not too big on heavy tsunderes (minus three or so exceptions) but he sounds, imo, like a good character. Thank you!
  19. i do wanna ask about Takumi because I've seen mixed reactions with him. What do you guys think about his personality? :u
  20. I go by both eugenics (I'm sorry I love to metagame) and by pairing preference, so it usually ends up like: FeMU x Inigo Chrom x Olivia Kellam x Miriel Henry x Maribelle Vaike x Sully Lon'qu x Cordelia Those are the only ones I constantly stick to. Sometimes I'll pair Gaius up with Sumia simply because I think they're adorable together. If I'm playing as a male Avatar, I usually romance Cherche. <3
  21. I did Gaius/Noire and Donnel/Maribelle... and Vaike/Sully. I can't say much for the Donnel situation, but I really like Gaius!Noire, from a story standpoint and statwise tbh. As an Assassin (I don't have dlc so no limit breaker for me) she hit the caps of 50/50 for Speed and Skill.
  22. Hottest? Probably... Nailah, though I have to admit she's more beautiful then hot. Cutest? Micaiah or Nephenee. And prettiest... Titania and Lucia are tied for me. All three: Jill. I love Jill.
  23. Lyn > everyone because she ohkos But in all seriousness, I'd assume Roy > Ike > Marth > Lucina > Robin. At least from what I've played and seen.
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