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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. tbh i need to finish bloodborne but constantly losing to orphan of kos made me really depressed so i havent touched it in a long time
  2. one reborn: intimidating af appearance, cutscene, and theme not the hardest boss in the game i still died to it ;w;
  3. the only thing that can rival how adorable gaping dragon is would probably be the one reborn
  4. like i'm not even big on dark souls but you know what fates doesnt have
  5. the kpop thread is almost at 200 pages are you kidding me
  6. if it's to a wide audience/equal on the sexes i don't really mind
  7. a hunter must hunt, even if it's a god the boss music is amazing i have a soft spot for gascoigne's theme but i also really like gascoigne in general
  8. laurence's is really good too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k3XXGmu-dw
  9. i mean just in general but i especially like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiboHWwr12M
  10. listening to a lot of soundtracks i think bloodborne has the best boss themes in a video game period tbh
  11. i also watched maximillian play a bit oh max you nickleback lookin wuss
  12. i watched liam play it it was interesting i'll say that
  13. IM SORRY FOR THE REPEAT POST internet fucked up some reason and posted it 3 times
  14. luke skywalker is the best didney princess
  15. i am usually for memes but this is too far shark tale is like looking thruogh the nightmare goggles they talk about, but the nightmare goggles turn everyone into the wet dream of silent hill, nemo, and jack black
  16. i havent seen people arguing about anything related to the costumes besides 1) people complaining tracer gets another skin when shes the face of the game so lmao 2) people complaining about mei's waistline (apparently it was a glitch anyway lmao)
  17. takahata was watching bee movie last night i sent him a message to not watch shark tale, i hope he listens
  18. evo rep here we'll sacrifice both smashes for melty and skullgirls in my dreams
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