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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. also noctis is oddly adorable when he's cold and trying to keep warm
  2. nothing just the worst dungeon ever i cry
  3. like i'm genuinely angry i just got a game over there and dropped about 50k+ in exp
  4. i wont lie i voted nino in that thing
  5. jesus christ thats actually i hate using this word, but thats actually genuinely kinda cringy hey now after what he went through he deserves love holy shit
  6. waifus suck the only good one is prompto
  7. tbh i aint gonna lie while serenes was down i was thinking "man i hope the kpop thread people aren't dying" he is perfect the way he is imo
  8. my dad is obsessed with cold steel weapons
  9. prompto deserved better fuck imperials
  10. oh yeah i finished ffxv i feel empty
  11. no its the ugliest now its so bmabrer
  12. i can also oh my god the forums are so ugly now
  13. the scratches arent too bad also fuck i'm so sad now i have no idea but my mom might take internet time away due to low grades last semester in college
  14. i was either scratching at my arm in my sleep or one of my cats got angry at me while i was sleeping
  15. ffxv would be a 10/10 game if it let me drown noctis the canals for marrying someone i don't like
  16. sometimes i mute ffxv to play my own music right now i've been playing this
  17. i feel like i play noctis with no sense of fear or survival
  18. mpi and mika kobayashi have such good voices
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