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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. so far i don't have a lot of thoughts because i'm kinda braindead but i actually for one enjoy the more personal views on the characters and what they're all going through
  2. they're incredibly painful cramps to like i usually get
  3. Body: man i can see you're still sick, you want something to get your mind off of that Me: please no Body: too bad starts period
  4. Qrow: -appears- Me: yeah YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH Y-
  5. I don't have much to add that others haven't already said, but I guess if I can throw something in: I find myself more readily wanting to replay Awakening then Fates. If I had to hazard a guess, a thing that helps it is that Awakening has a feeling of... heart? I mean, yeah it has its anime tropes and waifus, but it was also the last game in the series. So as much as it has its dumb points, the game as a whole feels like a celebration of the series (which I guess it is.) I guess that's what keeps me coming back. Fates, meanwhile feels... calculated? Or "artificial" I guess. (Hoping this makes at least some slight sense.)
  6. right now steak and shrimp sounds really good
  7. just curious, but if you're doing a non galeforce noire, what parents work best for her and what's her main role to fill without gf?
  8. actually sunflowyr is probably my favorite, if i could i'd write stuff about it but nobody would read it because it isnt bumblebee or renora
  9. this is the only kpop i can listen to
  10. i really like sunflowyr its one of those few pairings in rwby i really like, along with: monochrome (weiss x blake) freezerburn (yang x weiss) ladybug (blake x ruby) arkos (yeah) and i'm starting to grow an appreciation for the weird pairing that is pyrrha and ruby just because they're two of my favorite characters... together
  11. Someone: what's the most random pairing you still ship Me:
  12. honestly i haven't watched volume 4 yet because i'm too scared to
  13. idk man people wanna be hatin on rwby i guess lmao its fine people i know don't even remember half of the cast and just vote based on design
  14. i like to do this every once in a while to see if my tastes have changed previous one:
  15. people saying rwby steals assets slightly better but i'm still sick
  16. sometimes i'm happy i go on tumblr when i find really good art only to scroll down and be like "why do i still go on here"
  17. I don't really care for the mainline Dark Souls series. However I do adore Bloodborne. it's fine man, i wasn't big on ffviii either
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