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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. it was decent the best part of it is if you used gae bolg vs fragarach
  2. similar to this watching stuff that you can find on say liveleak gets to me faster then a movie like hostel
  3. They've been in a "golden age" for a while. The only movie I've seen of recent that I didn't like was Frozen. Zootopia and Big Hero 6 are probably some of the best movies I've seen come out of Disney.
  4. this is my favorite lesbian pairing
  5. hell yeah i do tbh i ship basically anything that isn't adam x blake, ruby x yang, ruby x weiss, or blake x yang
  6. forgot to answer its an entire album where vas sing punk rock songs like this
  7. its the only way to stop the singing
  8. Falcon Knight!Laslow (S-Rank Azura) Alternatively if you don't like that Laslow, Hero!Azura (S-Rank Laslow)
  9. nah qrow i like its just hard to describe him because he's like this drunken smug guy who i love so much and then theres mercury who is horrible
  10. god i can't even talk to him without devolving into gibberish and then ending with "fuck him"
  11. Normal: Silvally Fire: Sakazzke Water: Feraligatr Grass: Sceptile Electric: Raichu Ice: Kyurem-B Psychic: Reuniclus Dragon: Haxorus Dark: Hyreigon Fairy: Mimikkyu Fighting: Keldeo (runner up is Mega Lopunny) Ground: Flygon Rock: Tyranitar Bug: Scolipede Ghost: Lunala/Aegislash Poison: Nihilego Flying: Noivern Steel: Celesteela
  12. before i pass out another thing about rwby involving qrow
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