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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/cnn-accidentally-airs-30-minutes-of-non-stop-hardcore-porn-a7439371.html just in case im gonna uh smack nsfw possibly on there?
  2. i can't believe cnn aired 30 minutes of nonstop porn on accident in new jersey so nobody cares
  3. i seriously dont know how to handle this man im too sick nobody knows theyre my friend wait holy shit i have friends?
  4. i can't believe in the short time i haven't talked to him my friend became a shitposting master on youtube with videos
  5. i probably will change mine when december hits cause right now the bites the dust arc is coming up in jojo so its too fitting
  6. thats true i'd change my christmas theme but on the other hand yoshikage kira <3 <3
  7. people are already doing christmas themes wtf except jedi's is cool
  8. i hate the fact i ship characters it hurts and nobody cares about my ships cause theyre usually not popular
  9. i guess so rn i just woke up after sending that due to the cocktail of medicine my mom gave me i'm home alone though so i'm a bit... anxious and jumpy nice hazama icon
  10. god im back home i threw up in the car all over the windshield still throwing up, camped out in the bathroom, using 3ds
  11. fuck so i didnt sleep at all last night i'm still sick i gotta go to grandparents like i could stay home but then i'd be home alone for an entire night and idk if i'd be able to handle that
  12. tbh i can't say bloodborne is edgy it's dark but it doesn't feel like it's "trying too hard" then again there's a thin line of darkness with me berserk is okay but akame ga kill is horrible for example
  13. tbh i dont really like tokyo ghoul? first part was okay but it kinda felt like a cash in on the edgy kill a lot animes that got popular at the time kill la kill was fun though and hiroyuki sawano is one of my all time favorite composers
  14. do we really have to fry anything and everything within our line of sight the south says yes i disagree
  15. i felt that way about sword art online best news is i can take my ps4 so i can play bloodborne at my grandparents for thanksgiving
  16. also i gotta go to grandparents tomorrow and half of me is like "i hope i stay sick so i can skip" and the sane half of me is like "okay but being sick sucks"
  17. Me: man dios overrated i dont really get how people like smug anime blonde guys like him - i mean gilgamesh i can get but thats about it Anime: Me: you know what sucks? my life
  18. also its weird to gush to someone about how cute you find something only to realize most people dont think tis cute at all hello bree with good taste
  19. holy shit your icon made me happy to see another anabel fan
  20. i beat ludwig, rumored to be one of the hardest bosses in the dlc, and i cried because i beat him faster then some of my friends who are better at the game then i am
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