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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. http://www.wikihow.com/Get-over-Eavesdropped-Phone-Sex-That-You-Had-Without-Knowing-It-Was-Eavesdropped
  2. i ever tell you guys how fun trish is because trish is fun thats about what i imagined too
  3. Can I just say I 100% am in love with Anabel's new appearance and that she's probably now my favorite female character if only by design? Because it's true.
  4. Historically little power, yes, but honestly I'd still be cautious with Pence as VP. Then again, I've been cautious and hopeful this entire election, but that's only gotten me to crack open some booze last night. I don't know, I guess I'm just still in a state of shock/disappointment now. I'm just worried.
  5. I do want to say, even if Trump is, his running mate isn't. http://www.politifact.com/california/statements/2016/jul/28/gavin-newsom/true-mike-pence-advocated-conversion-therapy/
  6. can i just shoot everyone who voted for harambe
  7. if it makes you feel any better i kind of dislike america too
  8. if i move to europe can i drink more
  9. Ah, yeah. In that case Kana's typically not a good kid. You can do way better - Velouria for example.
  10. Honestly? I can't say it's the best case, but I'm going to say it's a "likely case" scenario: we get a repeat of Reagan or Bush. And all that entails.
  11. i can t believe that scene is gona come back
  12. okay not wasted but like probably still more alchohol then i should have drank fro that age namely none
  13. raw ngl not too mcuh though i wont revert back to when id fucking just steal booze like no tomorow from my parents and get wasted behind their backs i was stupid
  14. what the fuck all my parents had was crown royal and it tastes like shit oh well
  15. right now though there's booze in the fridge and its tempting
  16. my dad doesn't keep them loaded and he keeps the bullets in a separate, locked location with a combination i dont know
  17. on the other hand i wont leave my bf alone, suicide or anything rash is off the table
  18. the worst part of this is there are guns in a few rooms behind me
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