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Everything posted by Fastesthe1

  1. Wait, so it's not like Awakening where losing Chrom or the Avatar is a game over even on Casual? Is the Fates Avatar even required on all the maps?
  2. Thank you so much! I've been trying to find gameplay footage of Phoenix mode, but nobody has posted a video of "this is how it works" and it's really hard to watch actual gameplay without receiving too many spoilers. Thanks again :)
  3. I assume that just like in previous Fire Emblem games, if you lose your Avatar/Lord character on the battlefield it's an automatic game over. Does this extend to other characters as well (namely Azura)? And about Phoenix Mode (just out of curiosity's sake), how exactly does it work? I know that when a character gets defeated they return with full(?) health the next turn, but what exactly happens? Do they gray out or disappear off the battlefield? And when they revive, is it at the spot they were defeated or do they respawn elsewhere? And relating with the above question, I heard rumors that you don't get typical game overs in Phoenix Mode; is this true?
  4. Two more questions: 1. Is there a Support Log in the game where you can read previously read support conversations like in Awakening? 2. What happens on a character's birthday? And is it at all different for the Avatar?
  5. Darn it! Guess we're going to have to see what they do in the localized version, huh?
  6. Hi! I have a few questions: So the first one is story related: And second, is there an option to disable striping in the game? I rather not have Sophie run around destroying enemy armor if it can be helped. XD
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