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Everything posted by Fastesthe1

  1. A MAJOR (and last?) update on My Castle because I have beaten Conquest: My Castle Code: 09371-05378-53366-63508 Chosen affinity: Revelation (FINALLY!) Avatar Name: Supreme Heather Castle Name: Castle Hyrule Region: NA Food Resource: Rice and Cabbage Mineral Resource: Lapiz and Topaz Battle Level: Easy seize Additional Notes: Currently a work in progress (mostly because I'm still working though the story), so everything I say here will be future tense. Avatar, Azura, and other royals will have Aptitude. Lucina amiibo will be present (I need to recruit her again). I will try to switch out the units/skills occasionally. Visit me and I will visit back!
  2. Mine's a fun story: I was first introduced to the Fire Emblem series through Super Smash Bros. Looked into the series a bit and learned about its difficulty and permanent death feature, which initially scared me off. Years later, an awesome trailer came out revealing Lucina and Robin as playable characters in Smash 4. I took a strong interest in these characters, particularly Robin who is now one of my mains in Smash. Months later I FINALLY bought a 3DS... along with A Link Between Worlds. I love the game, but I ended up beating it twice in two weeks. "I need another 3DS game," I thought, "how about Awakening?" Did some research about the game mechanics (Casual mode was a much needed relief then), went to GameStop, and bought a gently used copy. Been hooked ever since. Now I'm currently doing the Revelation route in Fates, with Birthright and Conquest beaten. I also downloaded other Fire Emblem games via emulation, but I have yet to really play them.
  3. I can't wait to hear it! I've been listening to that song a lot, it's probably my favorite song of all time now! XD I even have it entirely memorized! :D Have you been playing Fates? How's the game so far? What path did you choose? How does it feel to hear your voice from Azura? I'm really curious!
  4. Amiibo Robin and Lucina have all their lines recycled from Awakening. Admittedly I only own Lucina, but I played with her enough (and watched plenty of videos with Robin) to safely say they didn't record anything new for them in Fates. 7. If you're asking "Can female Corrin marry a first-gen male who can support others and still be able to get all the children?" than yes on all routes. There will be one marriageable female left over; so as long as it's not Azura, you should be able to get them all. 8. It's just those four. 9. I don't think so, but don't hold me to that.
  5. I did not know this! O.O But that would make sense. I'll look into it later with my Conquest file, then. EDIT- Yep, you're right: You can forge Lucina's Estoc and other amiibo weapons. Sorry for the misinformation from earlier.
  6. Hmm, guess it depends on the weapon than. It says "cannot forge" and I have at least two of Lucina's Estoc.
  7. Galeforce will only activate once per turn: meaning if a unit has already use Galeforce that turn, having Azura sing to them will not renew it. However it is possible to activate it after Azura sings to them if they haven't activate Galeforce beforehand. Amiibo weapons cannot be forged. I checked just now with Lucina's Estoc.
  8. You could try entering the DLC shop. I know whenever I did that after a new map has been released, the game would go "hey, there's been an update!" You could also try turning off and on notifications on the menu. Either one might fix it.
  9. They do: I've done Ghostly Gold a few times and came back to find a new/upgradable statue.
  10. The Friendship Seal only shares the friend's base class set UNLESS they both have the same one. Since Leo and Odin both share the Dark Mage as their base class, Leo was able to access Odin's secondary the Samurai. However, since Niles is an Outlaw, he instead only gets access to Odin's main class the Dark Mage, which unfortunately overlaps with Niles's secondary.
  11. Awesome! I hope you enjoy the game! I suspect all of us here can tell you how great it is. I'm certainly enjoying it! :D That's not my experience. Azura is actually one of the stronger units my game, with a very good dodging ability. Admittedly I always bring her (and Avatar) along when I grind up other units in skirmishes, so that's probably how she got to be so powerful. Although in the late game levels (I'm currently playing Birthright), Azura has become a one-hit kill for enemies, so I usually keep her out of enemy fire and have her sing for others, but she can kill quite easily if needed. I also find her to be a great dual support unit, and I've taken advantage of her personal skill that heals others slightly at the start of each turn. So I'd say that while Azura might not be the best offensive-wise (being a glass canon and all), she is FANTASTIC support-wise and, in my opinion, a worthwhile unit (especially for story reasons). I'm definitely going to do some Chapter 5 grinding with her before attempting Conquest, however.
  12. Selkie and Velouria could also have both their base transformation class as well as Nohr Princess if their mother is Corrin.
  13. Castle Address: 09371-05378-53366-63508 Affinity: Hoshido (currently) Avatar Name: [supreme] Heather Castle Name: Castle Hyrule Region: NA Food: Rice Mineral: Pearl Battle: Easy (units on hold) Notes: It will be Hoshido while I am making my way through Birthright. It might update to Nohr while I'm playing Conquest, but my plan is to make My Castle a Revelation one in the end. I'll update you when I update My Castle affinity.
  14. Ok, this may sound like a dumb question, but what do you guys mean by 20/20, 20/10, 10/0, 15/0, etc? I get that they're related to levels, but I don't understand it.
  15. I'm still waiting for my game in the mail. XD I should have it by the end of the week, and I am absolutely certain that I will enjoy it. :)
  16. Hey! I just want to thank you for voicing Azura! You work, especially with the songs, are really amazing!

  17. Hope I'm not to late to add my piece. I'll admit, I was at first worried about how the English version of the song would turn out. Not that it would be any fault of yours, Ms. Strober, but I was worried about how well a song that was written and sung in Japanese would translate into English. When I first heard your voice in the E3 trailer, I was stunned. It was even more beautiful then I ever could ever hope for! Since then, I was eager to hear the full English version of the song. When the final Smash Bros, DLC was announced, I was just as excited to hear the song as I was to playing as Corrin and Bayonetta. And I'll be honest: The first time I heard the song in Smash, I cried. It was just so beautiful, and it easily became one of my all-time favorite songs. Still in the process of learning the lyrics, I got most of it memorized now. :) But anyway, as someone who has heard and loved the Japanese version, I'd say that your cover of Lost In Thoughts All Alone is easily on par with Renka's original. Thank you so much, Ms. Strober, for lending your voice to Azura and I do hope to hear you again in future projects!
  18. Birthright: Ryoma Conquest: Xander Revelation: Silas Azura on all routes if playing as a male. Why can't I marry her as a female?
  19. Does the C-Stick on the New Nintendo 3DS do anything in Fates? Like move the camera? Just curious because I yet to own a 3DS game that uses it.
  20. I believe I read somewhere that you get it after Chapter 6 on all routes.
  21. So you can lose Avatar in Casual without getting a game over... little sad about that. But anyway, thank you all for your answers and willingness to check my questions ingame! :3
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