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Everything posted by roymbrog

  1. Katrina had nodded and followed Gytha over. Axel apparently was leaving again (so soon?), and while Arietta answered Blake’s question Kat had a suggestion of her own. “….So we’re going to knock them out?” she asked Veronika. “If it comes to that, I did bring Volga. I can carry them away from here if we gotta resort to that.”
  2. I'm caught up in amon chapter now
  3. Katrina’s eyes trailed the gun as it was replaced in its holster. “Heheh, of course it was…” A loaded pistol between her eyes hadn’t been the most comfortable experience. Katrina hefted her axe again and placed it through the large loop on her back. “Yeah, that was fun. We should do it again sometime!” she replied, nearly matching Gytha’s enthusiasm. She perked up her ears when she thought she heard her name mentioned nearby. Glancing behind her at the source, she saw Blake and Zach having joined Veronika and Arietta’s discussion. She watched them for a moment, hand on her chin in thought, before turning back to face Gytha and gesturing towards the group with her head. “I think they’re discussing backup plans. Do you think we should go listen?”
  4. is gar really singing daft punk (I opened chat and omg that charles witt banner on phee's posts)
  5. OoC: If I understood right I have some minor Gytha CCs here. If this isn't what you meant Merc, just let me know xD The rune axe met Gytha’s blade with an audible clink. Though Katrina wouldn’t have hit Gytha herself, in an actual fight she wouldn’t have the luxury of stopping her swing before the collision so following through with the motion seemed fair. She lifted her axe off the sword and pulled it back and to her right, leaning back on her right foot as she prepared for a horizontal swing at an angle more difficult to effectively block. As she stepped forward and started her slow swing, however, Katrina found herself face to barrel with Gytha’s pistol. “Wha-! When did you draw that?!” she exclaimed. The head of her axe slumped towards the ground as her swing was forgotten. She was pleased with the mock-fight’s end, if her smile was anything to go by, but she did glance at the pistol warily. “Wow, you really don’t mess around, huh? ….That thing isn't loaded, is it?”
  6. As Gytha slowly swung her sword, Katrina mirrored her step forward with a step back, raising her axe as if to deflect the blow. Under normal circumstances, if her block had succeeded, it might’ve given her an opportunity to strike back, so with a grunt she swung her axe back and down as if she were doing do. It was a bit harder than expected to keep her swing slow, with gravity fighting her instead of helping as usual, but Gytha had plenty of time to react regardless.
  7. I think I'm gonna draw some RotE peeps this week because I haven't drawn people in a long time and need practice. I might not do full color or whole bodies but I can do sketchies of some PCs if anyone's interested
  8. “Ah… yeah. I was a little late in leaving, but I wasn’t about to leave all you guys on your own,” Katrina replied, her smile shifting a few shades towards bashful. She was right back to her usual enthusiasm, however after Gytha asked what she had planned. “I just wanted to do what you were doing. It looked like a good way to warm up, and I have nothing better to do while waiting… If you wanna continue your exercises, I can perform the appropriate blocks across from you. It’d be like sparring, but we wouldn’t hit each other, and it’d be less exhausting. You up for it?"
  9. After arriving on the scene, Kat stopped next to the wagon to take stock of what was going on. Nearly half the group was gone, and though she knew Raquel and Gar were on a mission she wasn’t sure where the others were. Veronika was speaking to Weyland’s employee with the club, there was a girl she didn’t recognize eating an apple, Synthia looked like she was trying not to collapse the way she was leaning on her staff, and Gytha seemed to be doing warm ups. In general, it appeared people were just waiting. Katrina frowned slightly. She knew her involvement was supposed to be limited, but she had followed them all the way out here hoping to be useful. After a few minutess of doing nothing but watching for trouble, Katrina remembered why she hated waiting. Frankly, it was boring, and that boredom in what was a tense situation was making her restless. Really, the mariner cycling through sword techniques had the right idea. Kat hefted her axe off her back and approached the empty area Gytha was in, intending to practice similar footwork with defensive blocks. “Hey Gytha,” she said as she neared. “Would you like a warm up partner?” Plastering on a cocky grin, she twirled her axe (as much as one could twirl something that size, anyway).
  10. So I'm back in the RP on a temp basis. Gonna see if I can keep up for a week or two on Kat before taking over my old characters or deciding I'm not up for it again.
  11. Katrina’s nap before the mission had certainly restored her energy, but she wasn’t quite sure that had been worth the cost of missing Raquel’s departure. She hadn’t woken too soon after they had left and asking around gave her the general direction they had headed, so she hurried to grab Volga and make up for lost time. They caught up when the wagon was a little over halfway to the destination. Kat had Volga land and follow after on foot as not to draw obvious attention from the sky. Once it became clear the rest of the group was stopping, she left her wyvern a fair distance behind as she walked over to the wagon and those gathered around it.
  12. Kat's NPC'd and possibly poofed. Not sure what's gonna happen with her but she's not integral to anything and I can't easily write her out right now so it should be ok to just pretend she doesn't exist for the moment.
  13. I can't feel the entire left side of my face help
  14. It's probably best if I just officially pull myself from the RP at this point. I haven't been consistently active in over a year and though quitting isn't something I want to do I also know I'm not going to be a consistent poster in the future. It's time I stop being selfish about it and just pull out entirely rather than get people's hopes up briefly about interaction. I am going the way of the bal I suppose.
  15. Well, that seemed the end of the meeting for the moment. Valter nodded at Glen, before turning his attention to Weyland again. “Rest assured, I won’t be trying anything unless it has a reasonable chance of success. Thank you for your help,” he said before turning to leave the room. He wasn’t quite sure where Amon was, but he could always ask someone else from the group or one of the maids if they’d seen him. --- Katrina’s eyes went wide as the dagger went golden and flew into Raquel’s hands. “Woah! I wonder what the range limit is on that? Could you pull something from across the room?!” There were so many practical applications to this! A lot of them illegal though, Kat thought and her excitement waned a bit. --- Synthia donned a rather genuine smile and nodded to express that no, she didn’t mind. Giving a wave of farewell to Gytha, she continued down the hall towards the staircase and first floor.
  16. Manse mental map making completely forgotten, Kat was currently interested in how this warping thing worked. She really wanted to see it for herself here. “That sounds good. What would be easiest to warp? We could start with that item. And if we’re not tossing things directly to Raquel, I can stand by to catch them if she misses,” Katrina offered. --- Valter was a bit taken aback by Weyland’s guess. Shadrak wasn’t someone he had in mind at all. “Uh, no, not him. Amon, though…” The man was definitely trustworthy, but the question was could he pull something like that off? It wouldn’t hurt to ask. He wasn’t quite sure why Steinn was unhappy about that, having missed the meeting earlier. Ignoring Glen for the moment he said, “I’m willing to ask him.”
  17. Oh, so that’s what was going on. Since she’d already been spotted (that counted as interrupting, she supposed), Kat fully entered the room and walked over to the other three. That answered Erion’s first question. “Those all sound like they may hurt if she misses… Why not start with something smaller? Like…” she dug around in her pocket for a moment before pulling out a coin. “How about this?” she asked. “Or perhaps it’s too small… hmm. I’ll be honest, I have no clue what’s going on here.”
  18. Deciding that places of interest were probably mostly on the first floor, that is where Kat decided to begin her exploration. After taking note of the turns she’d taken from her room she descended a stairway and began walking down the hall when she began to hear familiar voices from a room coming up ahead. When she reached the doorway she popped her head inside to find what appeared to be some sort of training room. Raquel and two men who were definitely familiar (but she couldn’t remember their names) were inside. Hearing the words ‘stop’, ‘dagger’, and ‘bullet’ in succession piqued her curiosity enough to hang around a minute and see what they were up to. Stopping a bullet with a dagger maybe? She wanted to ask Raquel when they were going to leave, but perhaps she shouldn’t interrupt them just yet.
  19. I'm home. Also I can maybe get all my posts in today which would be good... but feels kinda like cheating I guess. Also, airborne assholes aligned against avian arcanists armed amidst armies attacking Aria alliteration biches
  20. Weyland would get Joanna out if he failed, and that was good enough for Valter at the moment. Unfortunately Glen hit upon the reasons not to trust Weyland and Steinn, and the horseman grimaced. He agreed with Glen in a sense, but this wasn’t the time for that sort of outburst he felt. And then Steinn was actively trying to make things worse, which convinced Valter to ignore his comments from here out. Both men wanted a plan that could get Joanna out now, and though Valter understood that Weyland couldn’t help on that front, he also knew that this didn’t end with Weyland. To Arietta he said, “Some fights aren’t winnable, yes, but that doesn’t always mean you have to back down. Sometimes it just requires coming at things from a different angle. Why do you think I’m asking others for ideas?” Speaking of ideas, Glen hit one Valter had considered earlier, though had no clue who could help at the time. Actually, even if they couldn’t convince someone to save Joanna for her sake… “If we’re looking to convince someone else to rescue her, perhaps pitching it as retrieval of an emblem piece and its wielder would be more persuasive?” he said, looking to Weyland for comment. “I have no interest in involving Raquel, but one of her connections might be willing to consider it.” --- Frowning slightly, Synthia scribbled more down and held her tome out again. “I hope so. I can still make noises. My throat feels swollen.” She thought for a moment, before writing some more. “I was going to go read. I’ll let you go change before you make a bigger puddle.” --- Axe all nice and sharp, Kat flipped it and gave an experimental swing. Perfect. She went and propped it against the bed, before sitting down to contemplate what else to do. Familiarize herself with the manor perhaps? She had a habit of getting lost, and in an emergency that would be pretty awful. Yes, that was something to do. If she couldn’t find her way to her room afterwards, well she could always ask a maid she supposed. And so Katrina left her room, and started off down the hall with the express purpose of making a mental map of the manse.
  21. I somehow missed Tia post and went back and read it and Snowy you realize plot armor is limited right I'm so sorry Nyx
  22. Not being able to proofread on phone is annoying :E
  23. It was taking a bit longer to write this out than Synthia expected, and she could tell Gytha was a bit confused. Hopefully things would make sense once she read the explanation and saw the bruising round her throat. When finished writing, the mage turned her tome around and held it out for her friend to read. "Hello, Gytha. I hurt my neck and can't talk but it should only be temporary. The trip to the archives was bust." ---- So there was no diplomatic way to get Joanna out today, and the Wrathites were likely to torture her. Valter bristled at that information, and Weyland's 'consolation' that it wouldn't be permanent. That didn't give much comfort, and in fact just made things worse. She was also an avian, so anything short of death would fall under 'not permanent'. Valter was attemping not to say anything while anything he could think to say was entirely unhelpful in the worst way, but Glen wasn't showing the same restraint. He couldn't blame the man, all things considered. Arietta tried to shut him up, but it probably hurt more than helped. Apparently the 'genius plan' Weyland came up with was to wait things out and negotiate Joanna away from the Wrathites after the damage had already been done. It made sense from a rational perspective, but wasn't something Valter could agree with. The whole reason he was here was to prevent Joanna from being harmed, after all. "While I don't want Joanna held indefinitely, I also can't sit around idly as they torture her," was his response to Weyland. "But if it does come to that, can I trust you to have her freed?" The horseman was not expecting Steinn to speak up at this point, and especially was not expecting him to reveal his identity to Glen. "...And what was the purpose of that?" He asked the fallen
  24. Im unable to get online on my laptop, but I may be able to write something from my phone
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