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Posts posted by Kakeyo

  1. So I have a quick question:

    Is it known yet whether or not you beat the third map without having Ganz die? (or map number two - whichever one has the rock bridges and Ganz as an ally). Is it possible or does he suicide no matter what? And is there a difference in whether or not he lives?

  2. Welcome to SF, I had a crush on Saizou ever since he was revealed in a trailer. :P:


    I TRIED! But I was told that banning all the Nohr fans was mod abuse. :P:

    There's people like me who will gladly dive head-first into Hoshido, difficulty be damned. However, Nohr's got the more, uh, extreme characters (compare the positive/negative traits of the Nohr cast vs. the Hoshido one), and their designs are a lot closer to traditional FE designs. So I can see why people would be super-hyped for Nohr.

    And as for looks, I will have issues deciding on a husband in Hoshido, as OMG THE MEN LOOK AMAZING. I won't have the same problem in Nohr.

    When I play Hoshido I know I will be marrying Saizou immediately. >.> We'll be inseparable.

    Ryouma is next on the list of "cool Hoshio men", followed closely by Nishiki.

    And Nohr just feels like the more interesting place and story. You're not really related, but they cared and loved you regardless. Your "homeland" (the place you grew up) is a collective douche to everyone else, but you want to reform it so that it's a place you can be proud of. Your father is obviously evil, so how are you going to fix it? Picking to go to Hoshido feels like the "easy" route in more ways than one - like dropping all those pesky responsiblities and problems for a much easier life in a land of festivals and marriment.

    In real life I would loathe to leave my family for a group of people claiming to be blood related to me. It feels like a weird betrayal. o.o

    But maybe I'm just weird. Xander is also pretty amazing. >.>

  3. So, to anyone that watched Hamayama's playthrough of the Nohr side... He romanced Zero as a male character, right? Was he able to recruit the children of Zero and Kamui? I've never gotten a straight answer from anyone on Twitch. >.>

  4. I finally made an account to post here. >.>

    Anyway, my favorite character, just from appearance and design and what little I know of the personality, is Saizou.

    (Also, why is it that no one seems to care about that guy? He looks like a badass - and his Japanese voice actor is spot-on - and his crit animation is amazing! I could go on and on... but I digress)

    I actually really like a lot of the Hoshido characters, but I must admit, the design of 2/4 of the royal family were "meh" for me, whereas Nohr had 4/4. I don't really care, since I'll be playing both sides, but since the royal families are slapped all over everything for this game, if you don't like their design it can get rather annoying.

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