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Everything posted by onionkiri

  1. Hey guys, Virion!Severa x Stahl!Yarne -- Sniper x Sniper or Sniper x Berserker? Sniper x Sniper gets 100% DS (exactly! if I did the math right), Sniper x Berserker gets 75 speed for Severa. Also thanks for the answer earlier Radiant head, I went with Henry!Nah and Gaius!Kjelle :-)
  2. Hey guys! Been lurking since my last post a few months back. :-) Just wanted to get some opinions on pairings for NHB and no DLC (using the same team for both). I like playing Apo with different sets so I’ve tried to pair kids who can go both magical and physical. Here’s what I’m thinking (none of the child pairings are set in stone except Avatar x Lucina though): Probably: +Mag/-Def Avatar x Sumia!Lucina Virion!Severa x Libra!Inigo Chrom!Cynthia x Gregor!Laurent Can't decide: Morgan x Lon’qu!Brady or Ricken!Owain Henry!Nah x Ricken!Owain or Lon’qu!Brady Stahl!Yarne x Gaius!Kjelle or Gaius!Noire The kids in bold don't have dads yet and can still be changed around. One of Nah/Noire/Kjelle is getting benched (and definitely Gerome, sorry Gerome!). So two of Nah/Noire/Kjelle still need dads and husbands. (Does that make sense?) Any thoughts?
  3. Owain x Morgan is my favorite pretty much because of the "Spill your breast unto me!" exchange. Although Kjelle x Morgan is a pretty close second ("it's not as beefy as I thought, but it's still a very nice cow! The best cow! Gah, you're right, I am terrible at this!"). Most of male Morgan's S supports are pretty great actually :-) Brady x Lucina and Inigo x Kjelle are great too, but more for all the supports as a whole than the S in particular. Miriel x Lon'qu is hilarious. I love most of her and Laurent's S-supports (I guess I just enjoy awkward humor...)
  4. Thanks Czar! That all makes sense. I think I'll run it as a regular proc in that case and be opportunistic -- I'd definitely like to avoid VV or a lengthy setup if I can help it. It's really only because I have a Libra!Inigo... I think everyone else who needs a proc has Luna. Do skillsets tend to change a lot between LB and no-LB runs? I.e. run the same skillset you normally would but replace LB, or do a bit more juggling? Also, I'm still debating child pairings... what do you think of these? (+Spd/-Def avatar) Stahl!Owain x Cordelia!Morgan Sumia!Lucina x Virion!Yarne Gaius!Kjelle x Ricken/Henry!Gerome Avatar!Severa x Libra!Inigo Chrom!Cynthia x Gregor!Laurent Vaike/Henry!Nah x Lon'qu!Brady Still debating who Henry goes to -- I guess Kjelle won't ever be magical, so Henry!Gerome might make more sense than Ricken!Gerome, but Henry!Nah just sounds more fun. :-) Sorry for all the questions!
  5. Oh. I was under the impression that you could run Vengeance as part of a regular Apo skillset, so if you don't kill the mob by the time it gets a chance to counterattack, it attacks, drops your HP, and then you have Vengeance damage on your next attack (within the same round). But I could be getting that completely mixed up. Guess I'll wait for Czar to comment. (Hi Czar! :-) ) I'll definitely hit you up if I decide to do no braves -- will see how hard I get stomped by no LB first. Thanks for the advice :-)
  6. Ah, I should have mentioned that I'm about 3/4 through the main game and those pairings I mentioned are already set. This is actually my third playthrough so I've done Apo a few times, but it was with LB/braves/rallies, so lots of room for error. It was getting a bit old though, so figured I would stop being wussy and try no Limit Breaker or no braves or something. (After asking for advice, of course. :-) ) I've gone through a lot of this thread so I'm somewhat familiar with game mechanics by now, just... kind of derpy at actually playing the game compared to most people here, I guess. :-) Lunatic owns me pretty hard. (Hell, Hard owns me pretty hard.) And I could be wrong but I don't think Wyvern Lord Severa would hit 75 speed, no? She has 45 base so she would with LB, but not without... I do kind of regret the Libra!Inigo -- I wanted to run him and Owain mixed and didn't want to reuse a previous dad (Fred and Chrom). But he's almost a clone of Gregor!Laurent, class-wise, so it's a bit of a waste. Pretty sure I don't want to set up Vengeance and/or Vantage/Vengeance -- should I run Astra on him instead, or use Vengeance anyway (without the setup)?
  7. Hi guys! First time posting, although I’ve read a bunch of this thread :-) I have most of my parent pairings but would love some remaining pairing/class suggestions — this is for a no LB Apo run but I’ll probably try different restrictions later, so versatility > strictly optimizing for no LB for the rest of the pairings. Right now I’ve got: +Spd/-Def Avatar x Cordelia Chrom x Sumia Maribelle x Lon'qu Gaius x Sully Gregor x Miriel Lissa x Stahl Olivia x Libra I really like Galeforce, so I’m probably going to do Donnel!Noire — even if she gets benched for Apo, I’ll use her everywhere else (she or Nah will have to be forever alone anyway). None of the kids are paired up yet, but I kind of love Owain and Morgan’s S support so will probably do that. So that leaves Nah, Gerome, Yarne; possible dads Henry, Ricken, Vaike, Fred, Virion. And all the kids except for Owain and Morgan. Thoughts? (Edit: ...forgot Kellam. That was not on purpose, I swear.)
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